Sec. 16-262d. Termination of residential utility service on account of nonpayment. Notice. Nontermination in event of illness during pendency of customer complaint or investigation. Amortization agree
Sec. 16-262d. Termination of residential utility service on account of nonpayment. Notice. Nontermination in event of illness during pendency of customer complaint or investigation. Amortization agreement. Appeal. Notice re credit rating
information. (a) No electric, electric distribution, gas, telephone or water company, no
electric supplier and no municipal utility furnishing electric, gas or water service may
terminate such service to a residential dwelling on account of nonpayment of a delinquent account unless such company, electric supplier or municipal utility first gives
notice of such delinquency and impending termination by first class mail addressed to
the customer to which such service is billed, at least thirteen calendar days prior to the
proposed termination, except that if an electric, electric distribution or gas company,
electric supplier or municipal utility furnishing electric or gas service has issued a notice
under this subsection but has not terminated service prior to issuing a new bill to the
customer, such company, electric supplier or municipal utility may terminate such service only after mailing the customer an additional notice of the impending termination,
addressed to the customer to which such service is billed either (1) by first class mail
at least thirteen calendar days prior to the proposed termination or (2) by certified mail,
at least seven calendar days prior to the proposed termination. In the event that multiple
dates of proposed termination are provided to a customer, no such company, electric
supplier or municipal utility shall terminate service prior to the latest of such dates.
For purposes of this subsection, the thirteen-day periods and seven-day period shall
commence on the date such notice is mailed. If such company, electric supplier or municipal utility does not terminate service within one hundred twenty days after mailing the
initial notice of termination, such company, electric supplier or municipal utility shall
give the customer a new notice at least thirteen days prior to termination. Every termination notice issued by a public service company, electric supplier or municipal utility
shall contain or be accompanied by an explanation of the rights of the customer provided
in subsection (c) of this section.
(b) No such company, electric supplier or municipal utility shall effect termination
of service for nonpayment during such time as any resident of a dwelling to which such
service is furnished is seriously ill, if the fact of such serious illness is certified to such
company, electric supplier or municipal utility by a registered physician within such
period of time after the mailing of a termination notice pursuant to subsection (a) of this
section as the Department of Public Utility Control may by regulation establish, provided
the customer agrees to amortize the unpaid balance of his account over a reasonable
period of time and keeps current his account for utility service as charges accrue in each
subsequent billing period.
(c) No such company, electric supplier or municipal utility shall effect termination
of service to a residential dwelling for nonpayment during the pendency of any complaint, investigation, hearing or appeal, initiated by a customer within such period of
time after the mailing of a termination notice pursuant to subsection (a) of this section
as said Department of Public Utility Control may by regulation establish; provided, any
telephone company during the pendency of any complaint, investigation, hearing or
appeal may terminate telephone service if the amount of charges accruing and outstanding subsequent to the initiation of any complaint, investigation, hearing or appeal exceeds on a monthly basis the average monthly bill for the previous three months or if
the customer fails to keep current his telephone account for all undisputed charges or
fails to comply with any amortization agreement as hereafter provided.
(d) Any customer who has initiated a complaint or investigation under subsection
(c) of this section shall be given an opportunity for review of such complaint or investigation by a review officer of the company, electric supplier or municipal utility other than
a member of such company's, electric supplier's or municipal utility's credit department,
provided the Department of Public Utility Control may waive this requirement for any
company, electric supplier or municipal utility employing fewer than twenty-five full-time employees, which review shall include consideration of whether the customer
should be permitted to amortize the unpaid balance of his account over a reasonable
period of time. No termination shall be effected for any customer complying with any
such amortization agreement, provided such customer also keeps current his account
for utility service as charges accrue in each subsequent billing period.
(e) Any customer whose complaint or request for an investigation has resulted in
a determination by a company, electric supplier or municipal utility which is adverse
to him may appeal such determination to the Department of Public Utility Control or a
hearing officer appointed by the department.
(f) If, following the receipt of a termination notice or the entering into of an amortization agreement, the customer makes a payment or payments amounting to twenty per
cent of the balance due, the public service company or electric supplier shall not terminate service without giving notice to the customer, in accordance with the provisions
of this section, of the conditions the customer must meet to avoid termination, but such
subsequent notice shall not entitle such customer to further investigation, review or
appeal by the company, electric supplier, municipal utility or department.
(g) No electric distribution, gas, telephone or water company, certified telecommunications provider, gas registrant or municipal utility furnishing electric, gas or water
service shall submit to a credit rating agency, as defined in section 36a-695, any information about a residential customer's nonpayment for electric, gas, telephone, telecommunications or water service unless the customer is more than sixty days delinquent in
paying for such service. In no event shall such a company, certified telecommunications
provider, gas registrant or municipal utility submit to a credit rating agency any information about a residential customer's nonpayment for such service if the customer has
initiated a complaint, investigation hearing or appeal with regard to such service under
subsection (c) of this section that is pending before the department. If such a company,
certified telecommunications provider, gas registrant or municipal utility intends to
submit to a credit rating agency information about a customer's nonpayment for service,
it shall, at least thirty days before submitting such information, send the customer by
first class mail notification that includes the statement, "AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW,
(P.A. 75-486, S. 1, 69; 75-625, S. 1, 8; P.A. 77-20; 77-614, S. 162, 610; P.A. 80-482, S. 116, 348; P.A. 96-141; P.A.
97-11; P.A. 98-28, S. 39, 117; 98-254; P.A. 00-41.)
History: P.A. 75-486 allowed replacement of public utilities commission with public utilities control authority where
appearing in P.A. 75-625; P.A. 77-20 required 13 days' notice of termination rather than 7 days' notice and made period
begin on date notice mailed; P.A. 77-614 replaced authority with division of public utility control within the department
of business regulation, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 80-482 made division of public utility control an independent
department and deleted reference to abolished department of business regulation; P.A. 96-141 amended Subsec. (a) to add
provision re 7 days' notice and to require utilities to include an explanation of customers' rights with notice of termination;
P.A. 97-11 amended Subsec. (a) to add Subdiv. designators, adding Subdiv. (1) re 13-day notice by first class mail, and
designating as Subdiv. (2) existing language re 7-day notice by certified mail and restated provision re termination when
multiple notices of proposed termination are provided to customer; P.A. 98-28 added electric suppliers and electric distribution companies and made technical changes, effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 98-254 added new Subsec. (g) re provision of
information concerning residential customers to credit rating agencies; P.A. 00-41 amended Subsec. (g) by making provisions apply to electric distribution companies, certified telecommunications providers and gas registrants and by adding
provisions re credit rating notification to customers.
Cited. 183 C. 85.
Cited. 12 CA 499. Cited. 25 CA 226.