Sec. 16a-20. Enforcement, civil action privileged, damages, reciprocity.
Sec. 16a-20. Enforcement, civil action privileged, damages, reciprocity. (a)
The Office of Policy and Management may institute a civil action in the Superior Court,
or in the United States District Court, where applicable, against any person, firm, corporation, business or combination thereof it believes, or has reason to believe, has violated
sections 16a-17 to 16a-20, inclusive, to enjoin said parties from continuing such conduct
within this state and to seek repayment of damages on behalf of those individuals, businesses and industries harmed by said activities. In such actions it shall be represented
by the Attorney General.
(b) Upon the institution of such civil action, the Attorney General shall have the
right to take the deposition of any witness the Attorney General believes, or has reason
to believe, has information relative to the prosecution of such action, upon application
made to the Superior Court, notwithstanding the provisions of other statutes limiting
depositions. The Attorney General shall also have the right to take such depositions in
other states and to utilize the laws of such other states relative to the taking of depositions
where allowed by the laws of such states. The state of Connecticut shall allow similar
depositions to be taken within this state on behalf of any governmental agency of another
state or any territory or possession of the United States seeking to pursue litigation
similar to that permitted under sections 16a-17 to 16a-20, inclusive, as long as such
other state allows the Attorney General to take depositions within its jurisdiction. In so
doing, the Superior Court shall enforce the orders of the courts of such other state relative
to the deposition requested and issue subpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum, as necessary,
as well as enforcing such subpoenas through citations of contempt or other available
(c) In any case where damages referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall be
proven by a fair preponderance of the evidence, the court shall order repayment by any
or all defendants of said damages to the applicable parties or businesses through the
Office of Policy and Management.
(d) The court shall also have the right, in its discretion, to assess treble damages
against said defendants.
(e) Any such civil action shall be privileged in assignment for trial.
(P.A. 74-208, S. 4, 5; P.A. 75-537, S. 13, 55; P.A. 77-614, S. 19, 610; P.A. 06-196, S. 203.)
History: P.A. 75-537 replaced Connecticut energy agency with department of planning and energy policy; P.A. 77-614 replaced department with office of policy and management; P.A. 06-196 made technical changes in Subsec. (b),
effective June 7, 2006.