Sec. 17b-492d. Council to advise on implementation of Medicare Part D program. Duties. Membership. Annual report.
Sec. 17b-492d. Council to advise on implementation of Medicare Part D program. Duties. Membership. Annual report. (a) There is established a council which
shall advise the Commissioner of Social Services on matters relating to the administration and implementation of the Medicare Part D program, established pursuant to Public
Law 108-173, the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
of 2003. The council shall advise on matters that include, but are not limited to, (1) the
effect of the implementation of the Medicare Part D program on: (A) The administration
and operation of the ConnPACE and Medicaid programs, (B) persons in the state who
are full benefit dually eligible Medicare Part D beneficiaries, as defined in subsection
(a) of section 17b-265d, (C) state pharmacies and pharmacists, (D) physicians and other
persons who are authorized to prescribe drugs within the state, and (E) prescription drug
coverage, benefits and costs for program beneficiaries, and (2) the administration of the
Medicare Part D Supplemental Needs Fund, established pursuant to section 17b-265e. In
addition, the council shall provide legislative recommendations to the General Assembly
concerning the administration and implementation of the Medicare Part D program by
the Department of Social Services, and may provide federal legislative recommendations concerning the Medicare Part D program to members of the state's congressional
(b) The council shall consist of the following members:
(1) Two appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall be
pharmacists, licensed pursuant to chapter 400j, employed at pharmacies located in urban
(2) Two appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, who shall be pharmacists, licensed pursuant to chapter 400j, employed at pharmacies located in rural areas;
(3) One appointed by the majority leader of the House of Representatives, who shall
be a physician licensed pursuant to chapter 370;
(4) One appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, who shall be a psychiatrist
licensed pursuant to chapter 370;
(5) One appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, who
shall be a consumer representative;
(6) One appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, who shall be an attorney
with expertise in Medicare advocacy;
(7) The Commissioners of Social Services and Public Health, or their designees; and
(8) The chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committees of the
General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and public
health and the chairpersons and ranking members of the select committee of the General
Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to aging.
(c) All appointments to the council shall be made not later than thirty days after
June 6, 2006. Any vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority.
(d) The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of
the Senate shall select the chairpersons of the council, from among the members of the
council. The chairpersons shall schedule the first meeting of the council, which shall
be held not later than sixty days after June 6, 2006. Thereafter, the council shall meet
quarterly and more often upon the call of the chairpersons or a majority of its members.
(e) The Joint Committee on Legislative Management shall provide administrative
support to the council.
(f) On or before January 15, 2007, and annually thereafter, the council shall report,
in accordance with section 11-4a, on its activities to the joint standing committees of
the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to human services and
public health and to the select committee of the General Assembly having cognizance
of matters relating to aging.
(P.A. 06-170, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 06-170 effective June 6, 2006.