Sec. 2-46a. Investigations and inquiries pursuant to Article Ninth of the Constitution commenced after January 1, 2004. Disclosure of information obtained during investigation or inquiry.
Sec. 2-46a. Investigations and inquiries pursuant to Article Ninth of the Constitution commenced after January 1, 2004. Disclosure of information obtained
during investigation or inquiry. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of the general
statutes, during any inquiry, investigation, impeachment or other proceeding conducted
pursuant to Article Ninth of the Connecticut Constitution that is commenced on or after
January 1, 2004, by the House of Representatives, all information, records of interviews,
reports, statements, depositions, notes, memoranda or other data in the custody of or
obtained or prepared by the House of Representatives, any committee established by
the House of Representatives in furtherance of the purposes of said Article Ninth, the
staff of the House of Representatives or the staff of any such committee shall not be
subject to the provisions of section 1-210 until such committee transmits its final report
to the House of Representatives, provided the committee shall have discretion to disclose
any such information prior to the transmittal of the final report. Information provided
to the committee by a public agency that is otherwise disclosable by the public agency
pursuant to the provisions of section 1-210 shall at all times be disclosable by the originating public agency. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that any individual waives any privilege provided by law when providing a document or any other
information to any such committee.
(b) Not later than ninety days after the conclusion of the last occurring inquiry,
investigation, impeachment, trial or other proceeding conducted pursuant to Article
Ninth of the Connecticut Constitution that is commenced on or after January 1, 2004,
by the House of Representatives or the Senate, any document, recorded data, information
or other tangible materials of any kind prepared, received, owned, used or retained in
the course of said inquiry, investigation, impeachment, trial or other proceeding, except
those items that have been exempted from disclosure pursuant to state or federal law,
shall be delivered to the State Library for preservation and archiving, provided an electronic version of such materials shall be provided to the clerks of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
(P.A. 04-37, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 04-37 effective April 20, 2004.