Sec. 20-188. Examination; qualifications.
Sec. 20-188. Examination; qualifications. Before granting a license to a psychologist, the department shall, except as provided in section 20-190, require any applicant
therefor to pass an examination in psychology prescribed by the department with the
advice and consent of the board. Each applicant shall pay a fee of four hundred fifty
dollars, and shall satisfy the department that such applicant (1) has received the doctoral
degree based on a program of studies whose content was primarily psychological from
an educational institution approved in accordance with section 20-189; and (2) has had
at least one year's experience that meets the requirements established in regulations
adopted by the department, in consultation with the board, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54. The department shall establish a passing score with the consent of
the board. Any certificate granted by the board of examiners prior to June 24, 1969,
shall be deemed a valid license permitting continuance of profession subject to the
provisions of this chapter.
(1949 Rev., S. 4635; 1957, P.A. 269, S. 4; 1959, P.A. 616, S. 57; 1969, P.A. 597, S. 4; June, 1971, P.A. 8, S. 64; 1972,
P.A. 127, S. 42; P.A. 77-614, S. 428, 610; P.A. 80-484, S. 70, 174, 176; P.A. 81-471, S. 40, 71; P.A. 89-251, S. 101, 203;
P.A. 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-125, S. 1, 6; 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58; P.A. 08-184, S. 41.)
History: 1959 act increased application fee from $15 to $50, deleting stipulation that fee be nonreturnable and eliminated
$10 examination fee; 1969 act substituted "license" for "certificate", deleted reference to repealed Sec. 20-191, required
in Subdiv. (c) that doctoral degree be in area of psychology in which applicant intends to practice and in Subdiv. (d) that
experience be postdoctoral and in the area in which applicant intends to practice, rephrased provision re verification of
residency, added requirement for verification of area of psychology and revised validation of previously issued licenses,
changing date from May 15, 1957, to June 24, 1969, and adding "permitting continuance of profession subject to the
provisions of this chapter"; 1971 act raised application fee from $50 to $150; 1972 act required applicant to be at least 18
rather than 21, reflecting changed age of majority; P.A. 77-614 required consent of health services commissioner for
examinations and specified that actual administering and grading of examinations be by health services department rather
than by board, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 80-484 essentially transferred remaining duties of board to health services
department, retaining board in an advisory capacity, added provision for establishment of passing scores and revised
applicant's qualifications provisions to delete minimum age and residency requirement and requirements that applicant
be of good moral character and not have failed examination within previous six months; P.A. 81-471 reduced fee for
applicants for licensure without examination to $100 from former level of $150 and eliminated requirement that doctoral
degree and/or postdoctoral experience be in the area of psychology which applicant intends to practice; P.A. 89-251
increased the application fee from $150 to $450, except applicants' fee for licensure under Sec. 20-190 increased from
$100 to $120; P.A. 93-381 replaced department of health services with department of public health and addiction services,
effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-125 deleted reference to the fee for a license under Sec. 20-190, effective June 7, 1995;
P.A. 95-257 replaced Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and
Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 08-184 deleted requirement that examination be given at time
and place prescribed by department, deleted provision re examination being administered to applicants by department
under supervision of board and provision requiring "postdoctoral" experience, replaced provision re good faith intent to
practice psychology with provision re experience meeting requirements established by department in consultation with
board, deleted provisions that required department to grade examinations and provide graded papers to unsuccessful
candidates and made technical changes.