Sec. 22-111aa. Definitions.
Sec. 22-111aa. Definitions. As used in sections 22-111aa to 22-111ll, inclusive:
(1) "Soil amendment" means any substance intended to improve the physical or
chemical characteristics of the soil, but does not mean commercial fertilizers, agricultural liming materials, unmanipulated animal manures, unmanipulated vegetable manures, compost, pesticides or other material exempted by regulations adopted by the
commissioner under section 22a-111ll;
(2) "Soil ingredient form" means the chemical compound of an ingredient such as
a salt, chelate, oxide, acid or similar descriptor or the physical form of an ingredient;
(3) "Brand" means the trademark, product name or other specific designation under
which individual soil amendments are offered for sale;
(4) "Bulk" means without packaging;
(5) "Distribute" means import, consign, produce, compound, mix or blend soil
amendments for use in this state, or to offer for sale, sell, barter or otherwise supply soil
amendments in this state;
(6) "Distributor" means any person who imports, consigns, produces, compounds,
mixes or blends soil amendments for use in this state, or who offers for sale, sells, barters
or otherwise supplies soil amendments in this state;
(7) "Investigational allowance" means an accounting for variations inherent in the
taking, preparation and analysis of an official sample of a soil amendment;
(8) "Label" means the display of all handwritten, printed or graphic matter upon a
container or statement accompanying a soil amendment;
(9) "Labeling" means all handwritten, printed or graphic matter upon or accompanying any soil amendment, or advertisements, brochures, posters or television or radio
announcements used in promoting the sale of such amendment;
(10) "Minimum percentage" means that per cent of soil amending ingredient required to be present in a product before the product will be accepted for registration
when the ingredient is mentioned in any form or manner;
(11) "Official sample" means any sample of soil amendment taken by the commissioner or an agent of the commissioner and that the commissioner designates as official;
(12) "Per cent or percentage" means a portion of a soil amendment by weight;
(13) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or association;
(14) "Registrant" means the person who registers soil amendments under the provisions of section 22-111bb;
(15) "Soil amending ingredient" means a substance that will improve the physical
or chemical characteristics of soil so that it will be more productive;
(16) "Weight" means the weight of material as offered for sale;
(17) "Director" means the director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; and
(18) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Agriculture.
(P.A. 00-96, S. 1, 25; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146(e); P.A. 04-189, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 00-96 effective July 1, 2000; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 replaced Commissioner of Agriculture with
Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of June 30
Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing the merger of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective
June 1, 2004.