Sec. 22-153. Misbranded or adulterated milk, milk product or cheese. Acceptance of milk, milk product or cheese from dealer with suspended or revoked permit. Civil penalty.
Sec. 22-153. Misbranded or adulterated milk, milk product or cheese. Acceptance of milk, milk product or cheese from dealer with suspended or revoked permit.
Civil penalty. (a) No person shall, by himself, his employee or agent, sell or exchange,
or offer for sale or exchange, or have in his possession with intent to sell or exchange
any milk which is misbranded or any milk, milk product or cheese diluted with water
or adulterated by any foreign substance, or shall knowingly sell, distribute, exchange
or offer for sale any milk, milk product or cheese not produced in compliance with the
provisions of this chapter or chapter 431.
(b) No municipality or subdivision thereof shall require a dealer to place on any
bottle, container or label any words, designs or illustrations which are not approved,
required or permitted by the Milk Regulation Board.
(c) Milk, milk products or cheese shall be deemed to be misbranded when they are
not labeled with the name and address of the dealer, the common name of the product
and any other labeling prescribed by the general statutes or the regulations of the Milk
Regulation Board. The display or appearance of words, designs or illustrations on the
label which are not so approved or prescribed shall also constitute misbranding.
(d) No milk dealer licensed pursuant to section 22-229 shall accept milk, milk products or cheese from any person, firm or corporation whose license or permit to produce,
distribute or process milk, milk products or cheese is suspended or has been revoked.
(e) Any person who violates any provision of this section may be assessed a civil
penalty in accordance with the provisions of section 22-7.
(1949 Rev., S. 3194; 1949, S. 1739d; 1963, P.A. 134; 1971, P.A. 3, S. 2; P.A. 91-312, S. 17; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A.
94-1, S. 75, 130; P.A. 06-41, S. 3.)
History: 1963 act deleted prohibition against sale or intent to sell milk "which has been wholly or in part skimmed";
1971 act provided that common name of standard quality milk shall be "milk" rather than "grade B" or "approved" milk;
P.A. 91-312 divided section into Subsecs., replaced prohibition on the sale, "as of standard quality", milk which is "not
of standard quality, as defined by sections 22-127 and 22-152" with prohibition on the sale of milk which is "misbranded",
deleted provisions specifying the common names for standard quality milk, grade A milk and certified milk, provided that
the addition of approved vitamin A units does not constitute adulteration, and replaced the criminal penalty of a fine of
not less than $7 nor more than $200 for a first offense and such fine or imprisonment for not less than 10 days nor more
than 6 months or both for a subsequent offense with provision for the assessment of a civil penalty; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A.
94-1 made a technical change for accuracy, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 06-41 added "milk product or cheese" and made
technical changes in Subsecs. (a) and (c), replaced former Subsec. (d) re adulteration exceptions with new provisions re
acceptance of milk, milk products or cheese from milk dealer with suspended or revoked license, and amended Subsec.
(e) to make civil penalty discretionary.