Sec. 22-186. Statements pertaining to receipt and disposition of milk and cream. Information to producers. Termination of Federal Milk Order. Assessment on producers.
Sec. 22-186. Statements pertaining to receipt and disposition of milk and
cream. Information to producers. Termination of Federal Milk Order. Assessment
on producers. (a) Upon the request of the commissioner and within ten days after
the close of each month's business, each person, firm or corporation which bottles,
manufactures, processes, sells or distributes milk or cream within the state shall make
and forward to the commissioner a sworn statement, on forms prescribed by the commissioner, in regard to the quantity of milk or cream received, sold, distributed or manufactured by such person, stating where such milk or cream was produced and specifying
the number of quarts of milk sold or disposed of in fluid form, the quantity of milk
which has been used to produce cream sold in fluid form and the quantity of milk which
has been used to produce manufactured products. Each such statement shall provide
such other information pertaining to the receipts, sale, use or disposition of milk, cream
and milk products as the commissioner requires. The commissioner shall, upon request
of the producer or producers directly affected thereby, transmit information pertaining
to the receipts of milk from various sources by a particular dealer and the uses made of
it by such dealer.
(b) If the Federal Milk Order applicable to Connecticut is terminated, the commissioner or his designated agent shall have power to examine, copy and audit, from time
to time, as he deems necessary and proper, the books, papers, records and accounts of
all dealers with plants approved for the sale of milk in Connecticut and others for the
purpose of effectuating the policy and provisions of this chapter or any order, ruling,
regulation or direction promulgated hereunder. The commissioner or his designated
agent shall have access to and may enter and inspect at all reasonable hours all places,
equipment and vehicles where milk and milk products are being received, purchased,
stored, bottled, manufactured, sold or handled and where books, papers, records or accounts relating thereto are kept.
(c) The commissioner may levy an assessment on all milk producers, at a rate to
be determined by the commissioner, after public hearing, which shall not exceed one
cent for each hundredweight of milk produced. Assessment funds received from milk
producers shall be paid by the commissioner to the State Treasurer to the account of the
General Fund, and all moneys so paid are appropriated to the commissioner for the
administration of this section.
(1949 Rev., S. 3228; 1951, 1955, S. 1761d; 1961, P.A. 200; 1967, P.A. 573, S. 1.)
History: 1961 act deleted provision requiring monthly reports to milk administrator and made commissioner rather
than milk administrator responsible for transmitting information upon producers' requests; 1967 act added Subsecs. (b)
and (c) re commissioner's access to records, etc. and his power to levy assessments to cover administration costs.