Sec. 22a-134a. Transfer of hazardous waste establishments: Forms, verification, schedules, audits, approval, notification requirements, orders, exceptions.
Sec. 22a-134a. Transfer of hazardous waste establishments: Forms, verification, schedules, audits, approval, notification requirements, orders, exceptions. (a)
No person shall transfer an establishment except in accordance with the provisions of
sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive. Notwithstanding any provision of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, a person appointed by the Superior Court or any other court
to sell, convey or partition real property or a person appointed as a trustee in bankruptcy
shall not be deemed a party associated with the transfer of an establishment and shall
not be required to comply with the provisions of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive.
(b) The commissioner may adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of
chapter 54, to implement the provisions of this section.
(c) Prior to transferring an establishment, the transferor shall submit to the transferee
a complete Form I or a Form II and, no later than ten days after the transfer, shall submit
a copy of such Form I or Form II to the commissioner. The commissioner shall notify
the transferor no later than ninety days after the submission of such Form I or Form II
if the commissioner deems the Form I or Form II incomplete. If the transferor is unable
to submit a Form I or a Form II to the transferee, the transferor shall, prior to the transfer,
submit a complete Form III or Form IV prepared and signed by a party associated with
the transfer to the transferee and, no later than ten days after the transfer, shall submit
a copy of such Form III or Form IV to the commissioner. If no other party associated
with the transfer of an establishment prepares and signs the proper form as a certifying
party, the transferor shall have the obligation for such preparation and signing.
(d) The certifying party to a Form I, Form II, Form III or Form IV shall (1) upon
receipt of a written request from the commissioner, provide to the commissioner copies
of all technical plans, reports and other supporting documentation relating to the investigation of the parcel or remediation of the establishment as specified in the commissioner's written request, and (2) simultaneously submit with the submission of a Form I,
Form III or Form IV to the commissioner a complete environmental condition assessment form and shall certify to the commissioner, in writing, that the information contained in such form is correct and accurate to the best of the certifying party's knowledge
and belief.
(e) Not later than thirty days after receipt of a Form III or Form IV, the commissioner
shall notify the certifying party whether the form is complete or incomplete. The certifying party shall use a licensed environmental professional to verify the investigation
and remediation, unless not later than seventy-five days after receipt of a complete Form
III or IV the commissioner notifies the certifying party, in writing, that review and
approval of the remediation by the commissioner shall be required. Any person who
submitted a Form III to the commissioner prior to October 1, 1995, may submit an
environmental condition assessment form to the commissioner. The commissioner shall,
not later than forty-five days after receipt of such form, notify the certifying party
whether approval of the remediation by the commissioner will be required or whether
a licensed environmental professional may verify that the investigation was performed
in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and the remediation has been
performed in accordance with the remediation standards.
(f) In determining whether review and approval of the remediation by the commissioner will be required, or whether a licensed environmental professional may verify
that the remediation has been performed in accordance with the remediation standards,
the commissioner shall consider: (1) The potential risk to human health and the environment posed by any discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or a hazardous substance at the establishment; (2) the degree of environmental
investigation at the parcel; (3) the proximity of the establishment to significant natural
resources; (4) the character of the land uses surrounding the establishment; (5) the complexity of the environmental condition of the establishment; and (6) any other factor
the commissioner deems relevant.
(g) (1) Except as provided in subsection (h) of this section, the certifying party to
a Form III or Form IV shall, not later than seventy-five days after the receipt of the
notice that such form is complete or such later date as may be approved in writing by
the commissioner, submit a schedule for the investigation of the parcel and remediation
of the establishment. Such schedule shall, unless a later date is specified in writing by
the commissioner, provide that the investigation shall be completed within two years
of the date of receipt of such notice and that remediation shall be initiated not later than
three years after the date of receipt of such notice. The schedule shall also include a
schedule for providing public notice of the remediation prior to the initiation of such
remediation in accordance with subsection (i) of this section. Not later than two years
after the date of the receipt of the notice that the Form III or Form IV is complete, unless
the commissioner has specified a later day, in writing, the certifying party shall submit
to the commissioner documentation, approved in writing by a licensed environmental
professional and in a form prescribed by the commissioner, that the investigation has
been completed in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines. Not later than
three years after the date of the receipt of the notice that the Form III or Form IV is
complete, unless the commissioner has specified a later day in writing, the certifying
party shall notify the commissioner in a form prescribed by the commissioner that the
remediation has been initiated, and shall submit to the commissioner a remedial action
plan approved in writing by a licensed environmental professional in a form prescribed
by the commissioner. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the commissioner may determine at any time that the commissioner's review and written approval
is necessary and in such case shall notify the certifying party that the commissioner's
review and written approval is necessary. Such certifying party shall investigate the
parcel and remediate the establishment in accordance with the proposed schedule or the
schedule specified by the commissioner. When remediation of the entire establishment
is complete, the certifying party shall submit to the commissioner a final verification
by a licensed environmental professional. Any such final verification may include and
rely upon a verification for a portion of the establishment submitted pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection. Verifications shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the
(2) If a certifying party completes the remediation for a portion of an establishment,
such party may submit a verification by a licensed environmental professional for any
such portion of an establishment. The certifying party shall be deemed to have satisfied
the requirements of this subsection for that portion of the establishment covered by any
such verification. If any portion of an establishment for which a verification is submitted
pursuant to this subdivision is transferred or conveyed or undergoes a change in ownership before remediation of the entire establishment is complete that would not otherwise
be subject to the provisions of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, the certifying
party shall provide notice to the commissioner of such transfer, conveyance or change
in ownership not later than thirty days after any such transfer, conveyance or change in
(3) (A) The commissioner may conduct an audit of any verification submitted pursuant to this section, but shall not conduct an audit of a final verification of an entire
establishment submitted pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection after three years
have passed since the date of the commissioner's receipt of such final verification unless
an exception listed in subparagraph (C) of this subdivision applies. Upon completion
of an audit, the commissioner shall send written audit findings to the certifying party
and the licensed environmental professional who verified. The three-year time frame
for an audit of a final verification of an entire establishment shall apply to such final
verifications received by the commissioner after October 1, 2007.
(B) The commissioner may request additional information during an audit. If such
information has not been provided to the commissioner within ninety days of the commissioner's request for such information or any longer time as the commissioner may
determine in writing, the commissioner may either (i) suspend the audit, which for a
final verification shall suspend the running of the three-year audit time frame until such
time as the commissioner receives all the information requested, or (ii) complete the
audit based upon the information provided in the verification before the request for
additional information.
(C) The commissioner shall not conduct an audit of a final verification of an entire
establishment after three years from receipt of such verification pursuant to this subdivision unless (i) the commissioner has reason to believe that a verification was obtained
through the submittal of materially inaccurate or erroneous information, or otherwise
misleading information material to the verification or that misrepresentations were made
in connection with the submittal of the verification, (ii) a verification is submitted pursuant to an order of the commissioner pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, (iii) any
post-verification monitoring, or operations and maintenance, is required as part of a
verification and which has not been done, (iv) a verification that relies upon an environmental land use restriction was not recorded on the land records of the municipality in
which such land is located in accordance with section 22a-133o and applicable regulations, (v) the commissioner determines that there has been a violation of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, or (vi) the commissioner determines that information exists indicating
that the remediation may have failed to prevent a substantial threat to public health or
the environment.
(h) (1) If the commissioner notifies the certifying party to a Form III or Form IV
that the commissioner's review and written approval of the investigation of the parcel
and remediation of the establishment is required, such certifying party shall, not later
than thirty days after the receipt of such notice or such later date as may be approved
in writing by the commissioner, submit for the commissioner's review and written approval a proposed schedule for: (A) Investigating the parcel and remediating the establishment; (B) submitting to the commissioner scopes of work, technical plans, technical
reports and progress reports related to such investigation and remediation; and (C) providing public notice of the remediation prior to the initiation of such remediation in
accordance with subsection (i) of this section. Upon the commissioner's approval of
such schedule, such certifying party shall, in accordance with the approved schedule,
submit scopes of work, technical plans, technical reports and progress reports to the
commissioner for the commissioner's review and written approval. Such certifying party
shall perform all actions identified in the approved scopes of work, technical plans,
technical reports and progress reports in accordance with the approved schedule. The
commissioner may approve in writing any modification proposed in writing by such
certifying party to such schedule or investigation and remediation. The commissioner
may, at any time, notify such certifying party in writing that the commissioner's review
and written approval is not required and that a licensed environmental professional may
verify that the remediation has been performed in accordance with the remediation
(2) A certifying party may complete the remediation of a portion of an establishment
and request that the commissioner determine that the requirements of this subsection
have been satisfied for any such portion of the establishment. If the commissioner determines that any such remediation is complete, the certifying party shall be deemed to
have satisfied the requirements of this subsection for any such portion of an establishment. Any determination by the commissioner that remediation at the entire establishment has been completed may include and rely upon any determination made pursuant
to this subdivision that remediation is complete at a portion of an establishment. If any
portion of an establishment for which the commissioner determines that remediation is
complete pursuant to this subdivision is transferred or conveyed or undergoes a change
in ownership before remediation of the entire establishment is complete that would not
otherwise be subject to the provisions of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, the
certifying party shall provide notice to the commissioner of such transfer, conveyance
or change in ownership not later than thirty days after any such transfer, conveyance or
change in ownership.
(i) The certifying party to a Form III or Form IV shall (1) publish notice of the
remediation, in accordance with the schedule submitted pursuant to this section, in a
newspaper having a substantial circulation in the area affected by the establishment, (2)
notify the director of health of the municipality where the establishment is located of
the remediation, and (3) either (A) erect and maintain for at least thirty days in a legible
condition a sign not less than six feet by four feet on the establishment, which sign shall
be clearly visible from the public highway, and shall include the words "ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN-UP IN PROGRESS AT THIS SITE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:" and include a telephone number for an office from which any interested person may obtain additional information about the remediation, or (B) mail notice
of the remediation to each owner of record of property which abuts the parcel, at the
address for such property on the last-completed grand list of the municipality where the
establishment is located.
(j) The commissioner may issue an order to any person who fails to comply with
any provision of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, including, but not limited to,
any person who fails to file a form, or files an incomplete or incorrect form or to any
person who fails to carry out any activities to which that person agreed in a Form III or
Form IV. If no form is filed or if an incomplete or incorrect form is filed for a transfer
of an establishment, the commissioner may issue an order to the transferor, the transferee, or both, requiring a filing. The commissioner may also request that the Attorney
General bring an action in the superior court for the judicial district of Hartford to enjoin
any person who fails to comply with any provision of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e,
inclusive, including, but not limited to, any person who fails to file a form, improperly
files a Form I, Form II, Form III or Form IV or the certifying party to a Form III or Form
IV to take any actions necessary to prevent or abate any pollution at, or emanating from,
the subject establishment. Any person to whom such an order is issued may appeal such
order in accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 22a-436 and 22a-437.
(k) Notwithstanding the exemptions provided in section 22a-134a, nothing contained in sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, shall be construed as creating an
innocent landowner defense for purposes of section 22a-452d.
(l) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, no person shall be required
to comply with the provisions of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, when transferring real property (1) (A) for which a Form I or Form II has been filed for the transfer
of the parcel on or after October 1, 1995, or (B) for which parcel a Form III or Form IV
has been filed and which has been remediated and such remediation has been approved
in writing by the commissioner or has been verified in writing in accordance with this
section by a licensed environmental professional that an investigation has been performed in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and that the remediation
has been performed in accordance with the remediation standards, and (2) at which no
activities described in subdivision (3) of section 22a-134 have been conducted since the
date of such approval or verification or the date on which the Form I or Form II was filed.
(m) Failure of the commissioner to notify any party in accordance with the provisions of this section in no way limits the ability of the commissioner to enforce the
provisions of sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive.
(P.A. 85-568, S. 3; P.A. 87-475, S. 2; 87-589, S. 49, 87; P.A. 88-230, S. 1, 12; P.A. 90-98, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-142, S. 4,
7, 8; P.A. 95-183, S. 2; 95-220, S. 4-6; P.A. 96-113, S. 2, 6, 17; P.A. 99-225, S. 7, 8; P.A. 01-204, S. 16; June Sp. Sess.
P.A. 01-9, S. 73, 131; P.A. 03-19, S. 62; 03-82, S. 1; 03-218, S. 7-9; P.A. 06-76, S. 15; P.A. 07-81, S. 4; 07-233, S. 10;
P.A. 08-124, S. 17.)
History: P.A. 87-475 added Subsec. (d) regarding liens against real estate on which a service station was transferred
and in operation on or after May 1, 1967, and added Subsec. (e) authorizing the commissioner to adopt regulations; P.A.
87-589 made technical changes in Subsec. (d); P.A. 95-183 amended Subsec. (a) to add a reference to Sec. 22a-134e,
deleted former Subsecs. (b) and (c) and relettered the remaining Subsecs. accordingly, amended the relettered Subsec. (b)
to change "cleaned up" to "remediated", added new Subsec. (d) re submittal of Form I or II, new Subsec. (e) re submittal
of Form II or IV, new Subsec. (f) re review of Form III or IV, new Subsec. (g) re verification of forms by environmental
professional, new Subsecs. (h) and (i) re a schedule for remediation, new Subsec. (j) re notice of remediation, new Subsec.
(k) re orders to file or remediate, new Subsec. (l) re construction of the Transfer Act with regard to innocent landowners
and new Subsec. (m) re transfers covered by previous filings (Revisor's note: P.A. 88-230, 90-98, 93-142 and 95-220
authorized substitution of "judicial district of Hartford" for "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain" in public and special
acts of the 1995 session of the General Assembly, effective September 1, 1998); P.A. 96-113 amended Subsec. (d) to
provide that a transferor shall submit a copy of any Form III or IV to the transferee and amended Subsec. (k) to expand
range of orders authorized under that subsection, effective May 24, 1996; P.A. 99-225 amended Subsec. (f) to require
verification of investigations and to require adoption of regulations on or before January 1, 2002, providing standards for
investigation of contaminated parcels and amended Subsec. (m) to provide that eligibility for the exemption under that
subsection on the basis of a filing of a Form I or II is limited to filings of such forms after October 1, 1995, to require
verification of investigations by licensed environmental professionals and to require adoption of regulations before January
1, 2002, providing standards for investigation of contaminated parcels; P.A. 01-204 deleted former Subsec. (b) re liens
pursuant to Sec. 22a-452 and redesignated existing Subsecs. (c) to (m) as Subsecs. (b) to (l), amended Subsec. (c) to clarify
that a Form I or II submission must be complete, require the commissioner to notify the transferor no later than 90 days
after the submission of a Form I or Form II if the commissioner deems the Form I or Form II incomplete, require the
transferor, rather than the certifying party, to submit a complete Form III or Form IV if the transferor is unable to submit
a Form I or Form II, require such Form III or Form IV to be prepared and signed by a party associated with the transfer,
and require the transferor to prepare and sign the proper form if no other party associated with the transfer does so, amended
Subsec. (d) to require the certifying party to a Form I, Form III or Form IV, if requested in writing by the commissioner,
to submit copies of technical plans, reports and other supporting documentation of the investigation of the parcel or
remediation of the establishment and make a technical change for purposes of gender neutrality, amended Subdiv. (e) to
change the commissioner's notification deadline from within 15 days of receipt to no later than 30 days after receipt, make
a technical change for purposes of gender neutrality, eliminate the requirement for adoption of regulations on or before
January 1, 2002, and delete provision re parcels subject to an order, consent order, or stipulated judgment, amended Subsec.
(f) to include a hazardous substance at the establishment in Subdiv. (1) and to substitute "establishment" for "parcel" in
Subdivs. (3) to (5), amended Subsec. (g) to make the subsection applicable to a certifying party to a Form III or Form IV,
require the certifying party to submit a schedule for investigating and remediating the establishment, rather than the parcel,
require the commissioner to notify the certifying party if the commissioner determines that the commissioner's review
and written approval is necessary, delete provisions re submission of copies of technical plans and reports, provide that
the certifying party shall investigate the parcel and remediate the establishment, require the certifying party to submit a
verification that the establishment has been remediated, require that the certifying party submit, as applicable, a Form IV
verification and make technical changes, amended Subsec. (h) to apply to certifying parties to a Form III or Form IV, provide
that commissioner's notification state approval of the investigation of the parcel and remediation of the establishment is
required, provide that schedule is to apply to the investigation of the parcel and remediation of the establishment, provide
that the certifying party is to submit a schedule for the submission for scopes of work and submit the scopes of work, and
make technical changes, amended Subsec. (i) to apply to certifying parties to a Form III or Form IV and, in Subdivs. (2)
and (3), to substitute "establishment" for "parcel", amended Subsec. (j) to allow the commissioner to issue an order to any
person who fails to file a form or files an incomplete or incorrect form, allow the commissioner to issue an order to the
transferor or transferee, or both, requiring a filing, substitute "establishment" for "parcel" and make conforming changes,
amended Subsec. (l) to make technical changes and delete requirement for adoption of regulations on or before January
1, 2002, and added Subsec. (m) re failure of commissioner to comply with notice provisions of section does not limit
commissioner's ability to enforce provisions of the Transfer Act; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9 revised effective date of P.A.
01-204 but without affecting this section; P.A. 03-19 made a technical change in Subsec. (l), effective May 12, 2003; P.A.
03-82 amended Subsec. (a) by adding provision re person appointed by court to sell, convey or partition real property or
as a trustee in bankruptcy shall not be deemed a party associated with the transfer of an establishment and shall not be
required to comply with Secs. 22a-134 to 22a-134e; P.A. 03-218 added "Form II" to the introductory language in Subsec.
(d), amended Subsec. (d)(2) by replacing "Form II" with "Form III", replaced "establishment" with "parcel" in Subsec.
(i)(3)(B), and replaced "22a-134f" with "22a-134e" in Subsec. (m), effective July 1, 2003; P.A. 06-76 amended Subsec.
(g) to designate existing language as Subdiv. (1), make a technical change, add provision re schedule specified by commissioner, replace provision re submission of independent verification with language re submission of a final verification and
reliance on verification for a portion of the establishment and add Subdiv. (2) re remediation of a portion of an establishment,
and amended Subsec. (h) to designate existing language as Subdiv. (1), make technical changes and add Subdiv. (2) re
remediation of a portion of an establishment; P.A. 07-81 amended Subsec. (e) to provide that certifying party shall use a
licensed environmental professional for verification unless notified that commissioner's review is required, to require that
investigation be performed in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and to make technical changes, amended
Subsec. (g)(1) to add reference to Subsec. (h) as an exception, to change deadline for submission of schedule from 30 to
75 days after receipt of the notice, to add provisions re deadlines of 2 years and 3 years, respectively, for notification of
completion of the investigation or initiation of the remediation, to specify that commissioner's review may be required at
any time and to make technical changes, and amended Subsec. (k) to replace reference to Sec. 22a-134(a) with reference
to Sec. 22a-134a; P.A. 07-233 amended Subsec. (e) to require certifying party to use a licensed environmental professional
to verify investigation and remediation, to add exception for review required by the commissioner, to require commissioner
to respond not later than 45 days after receipt of an environmental condition assessment form from anyone who submitted
a Form III before October 1, 1995, re whether a licensed environmental professional can be used, and to add to the licensed
environmental professional's charge in such cases verification that investigation was done according to prevailing standards
and guidelines, amended Subsec. (g) to add exception as provided in Subsec. (h), to give certifying party 75, rather than
30, days to submit investigation and remediation schedule, to provide that the 75 days starts upon notice that form is
complete, to require certifying party to provide commissioner with documentation that investigation and a remedial action
plan are done, and to allow commissioner to prescribe the form for all verifications, and added Subsec. (e)(3) re audits,
effective July 1, 2007; P.A. 08-124 made technical changes in Subsecs. (g) and (h), effective June 2, 2008.
Cited. 223 C. 910. Cited. 226 C. 737.
Cited. 27 CA 353. Cited. 30 CA 204. Cited. 43 CA 113.
Cited. 43 CS 83.