Sec. 22a-266. (Formerly Sec. 19-524y). Particular powers; contract authorizations.
Sec. 22a-266. (Formerly Sec. 19-524y). Particular powers; contract authorizations. (a) To accomplish the purposes of this chapter, the authority shall have power to:
(1) Own, manage and use real property or any interest therein;
(2) Determine the location and character of any project to be developed under the
provisions of this chapter, subject to applicable statutes and regulations and the requirements of the state-wide solid waste management plan;
(3) Purchase, receive by gift or otherwise, lease, exchange, or otherwise acquire and
construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain, equip and furnish such waste management
projects as are called for by the state solid waste management plan;
(4) Sell or lease to any person, all or any portion of a waste management project, for
such consideration and upon such terms as the authority may determine to be reasonable;
(5) Mortgage or otherwise encumber all or any portion of a project whenever, in
the opinion of the authority, such action is deemed to be in furtherance of the purposes
of this chapter;
(6) Grant options to purchase, or to renew a lease for, any authority waste management project on such terms as the authority may determine to be reasonable;
(7) Acquire, by purchase, gift, transfer, or by condemnation for public purposes,
and manage and operate, hold and dispose of real property and, subject to agreements
with lessors or lessees, develop or alter such property by making improvements and
betterments with the purpose of enhancing the value and usefulness of such property;
(8) Make plans, surveys, studies and investigations necessary or desirable, in conformity with the state plan and with due consideration for local or regional plans, to
carry out authority functions with respect to the acquisition, use and development of
real property and the design and construction of systems and facilities;
(9) Make short and long range plans, consistent with the provisions of the state
solid waste management plan, for the processing and transportation of solid wastes and
recovered resources by authority-owned facilities;
(10) Design or provide for the design of solid waste management facilities including
design for the alteration, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement or extension of existing facilities;
(11) Construct, erect, build, acquire, alter, reconstruct, improve, enlarge or extend
waste management projects including provision for the inspection and supervision
thereof and the engineering, architectural, legal, fiscal and economic investigations and
studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, procedures and any
other actions incidental thereto;
(12) Own, operate and maintain waste management projects and make provision for
their management and for the manufacturing, processing and transportation operations
necessary to derive recovered resources from solid waste, and contracting for the sale
of such;
(13) Enter upon lands and waters, as may be necessary, to make surveys, soundings,
borings and examinations in order to accomplish the purposes of this chapter;
(14) Contract with municipal and regional authorities and state agencies to provide
waste management services in accordance with the provisions of section 22a-275 and
to plan, design, construct, manage, operate and maintain solid waste disposal and processing facilities on their behalf;
(15) Design and construct improvements or alterations on properties which it owns
or which it operates by contract on behalf of municipal or regional authorities, including
the restoration of terminated dumps and landfills to beneficial public or private use;
(16) Contract for services in the performance of architectural and engineering design, the supervision of design and construction, system management and facility management; for such professional or technical services as are specified in subdivision (3)
of section 22a-265; and for such other professional or technical services as may require
either prequalification of a contractor or the submission by any individual, firm or consortium or association of individuals or firms of a proposal in response to an official
request for proposal or similar written communication of the authority that is issued or
made pursuant to the contracting procedures adopted under section 22a-268a, whenever
such services are, in the discretion of the authority, deemed necessary, desirable or
convenient in carrying out the purposes of the authority;
(17) Contract for the construction of solid waste facilities with private persons or
firms, or consortia of such persons or firms, pursuant to applicable provisions of this
chapter, the requirements of applicable regulations, the contracting procedures adopted
under section 22a-268a and the state plan and in accordance with such specifications,
terms and conditions as the authority may deem necessary or advisable;
(18) Assist in the development of industries and commercial enterprises and the
planning, design, construction, financing, management, ownership, operation and maintenance of systems, facilities and technology within the state based upon or related to
resources recovery, recycling, reuse, treatment, processing or disposal of solid waste
provided any net revenue to the authority from activities, contracts, products or processes
undertaken pursuant to this subdivision shall be distributed so as to reduce the costs of
other authority services to the users thereof on a pro rata basis proportionate to costs
paid by such users;
(19) Act as an electric supplier or an electric aggregator pursuant to public act 98-28* provided any net revenue to the authority from activities, contracts, products or
processes undertaken pursuant to this subdivision, after payment of principal and interest
on bonds and repayment of any loans or notes of the authority, shall be distributed so
as to reduce the costs of other authority services to the users thereof on a pro rata basis
proportionate to costs paid by such users. In acting as an electric supplier or an electric
aggregator pursuant to any license granted by the Department of Public Utility Control,
the authority may enter into contracts for the purchase and sale of electricity and electric
generation services, provided such contracts are solely for the purposes of ensuring the
provision of safe and reliable electric service and protecting the position of the authority
with respect to capacity and price.
(b) Any contracts authorized by this chapter shall be entered into by the authority
(1) on the same basis and subject to the same limitations and considerations applicable
to municipal and regional resources recovery authorities pursuant to subsection (c) of
section 7-273bb, and (2) pursuant to the contracting procedures adopted under section
22a-268a, except that in entering into a contract for a resources recovery facility, solid
waste facility, volume reduction plant or solid waste management system, the authority
shall consider the best interests of the municipality or region to be served by such facility,
plant or system.
(c) The authority shall have power, in its discretion, either to purchase on a centralized basis, heavy solid waste processing equipment to be installed in waste management
projects, or to require such purchase and installation as part of a construction contract.
The authority shall conduct its contracting and purchasing operations in accordance with
its regularly adopted and promulgated procurement policies, including the contracting
procedures adopted under section 22a-268a and specific rules and procedures on purchasing and contracting approved by a two-thirds vote of its full board of directors.
In procuring services with respect to the establishment, management and operation of
transfer stations, and the transportation of solid wastes therefrom to a solid waste facility,
the authority and its subcontractors shall insofar as is practicable give preference to
firms based in Connecticut. Whenever the authority determines that a contract for facility
management shall be awarded on other than a competitive bidding basis, in accordance
with applicable provisions of subdivision (16) of subsection (a) of this section, subsection (b) of this section, section 22a-268 and the contracting procedures adopted under
section 22a-268a, the directors shall, at least sixty days prior to the award date, pass a
resolution expressing their intent to award and shall within ten days cause a copy of
such resolution to be printed in one daily and one weekly newspaper published within
the state. Thereupon, interested parties who so desire may, within thirty days, petition
the directors with respect to such contract and offer evidence in extenuation before a
referee appointed by the chairperson. Such referee shall not be an employee of the
authority and shall report the referee's findings with respect to such petition and evidence
to the directors at least ten days prior to the projected award date. The directors shall
give due consideration to such findings in determining the final award of the contract.
(P.A. 73-459, S. 10, 26; P.A. 77-193; P.A. 87-451, S. 3, 5; P.A. 98-184, S. 2, 4; P.A. 02-46, S. 5, 10, 11.)
*Public act 98-28 is entitled "An Act Concerning Electric Restructuring". (See Reference Table captioned "Public Acts
of 1998" in Volume 16 which lists the sections amended, created or repealed by the act.)
History: P.A. 77-193 required that subcontractors, as well as the authority, give preference to Connecticut firms in
Subsec. (c); Sec. 19-524y transferred to Sec. 22a-266 in 1983; P.A. 87-451 replaced previously existing provisions of
Subsec. (b) with new provisions making any contract subject to limitations and considerations applicable to municipal and
regional resources recovery authorities; P.A. 98-184 added Subsec. (a)(18) and (19) re power to assist in development of
industries and commercial enterprises and activities based on or related to resources recovery, recycling, reuse, treatment,
processing or disposal of solid waste and re power to act as an electric aggregator, effective June 4, 1998; P.A. 02-46
amended Subsec. (a)(16) and (17) by adding provisions re contracting procedures adopted under Sec. 22a-268a, effective
January 1, 2003, and amended Subsec. (a)(19) by giving the authority power to act as an energy supplier, inserting ", after
payment of principal and interest on bonds and repayment of any loans or notes of the authority," and adding provision
authorizing the authority to enter into contracts for purchase and sale of electricity and electric generation services, effective
April 30, 2002, and amended Subsecs. (b) and (c) by adding provisions re contracting procedures adopted under Sec. 22a-268a and making technical changes, effective January 1, 2003.
Cited. 193 C. 506.
Cited. 19 CA 489.