1. Each of the signatory states pledges each to the other faithful cooperation in the control of future pollution and agrees to provide for the abatement of existing pollution in the tidal and coastal waters in the adjacent portions of the signatory states defined herein as coming within the district, and consistent with such object, to enact adequate legislation which will enable each of the signatory states to put and maintain the waters thereof in a satisfactory sanitary condition and particularly to protect public health; to render safe such waters as are now used or may later become available for bathing and recreational purposes; to abate and eliminate such pollution as becomes obnoxious or causes a nuisance; to permit the maintenance of major fish life, shellfish and marine life in waters now available or that may, by practicable means, be made available for the development of such fish, shellfish or marine life; to prevent oil, grease or solids from being carried on the surface of the water; to prevent the formation of sludge deposits along the shores or in the waterways; and, with the fulfillment of these objectives, to abate and avoid incurring unnecessary economic loss by safeguarding the rights of the public in its varied legitimate uses of the waters of the district.ARTICLE II
1. To that end they do agree that there shall be created and they do hereby create a district to be known as the Interstate Environmental District (hereinafter referred to as the district) which shall embrace the territory described as follows:ARTICLE III
1. There is hereby created the Interstate Environmental Commission (hereinafter referred to as the commission) which shall be a body corporate and politic, having the powers, duties and jurisdiction herein enumerated and such other and additional powers as shall be conferred upon it by the act or acts of a signatory state concurred in by the others and by the Act or Acts of Congress when necessary.ARTICLE IV
1. The commission shall consist of five commissioners from each state, each of whom shall be a resident voter of the state from which he is appointed. The commissioners shall be chosen in the manner and for the terms provided by law of the state from which they shall be appointed, and each commissioner may be removed or suspended from office as provided by the law of the state from which he shall be appointed. The commissioners shall serve without compensation, but shall be paid their actual expenses incurred and incident to the performance of their duties.ARTICLE V
1. The commission shall elect from its number a chairman and vice-chairman and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge such officers and legal, clerical, expert and other assistants as may be required to carry the provisions of this compact into effect, and shall fix and determine their duties, qualifications and compensations. It shall adopt a seal and suitable bylaws and shall promulgate rules and regulations for its management and control. It may maintain one or more offices for the transaction of its business and may meet at any time or place within the signatory states. A majority of the members from each state shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, the exercise of any powers, or the performance of any duties, but no action of the commission shall be binding unless at least three of the members from each state shall vote in favor thereof. The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall make an annual report to the governor and the legislature of each state setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it pursuant to this compact, and shall make recommendations for any legislative action deemed by it advisable, including amendments to the statutes of the signatory states which may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this compact, and changes in the district which concentration of population or other cause may require. The commission shall not incur any obligations for salaries, office or other administrative expenses prior to the making of appropriations adequate to meet the same; nor shall the commission pledge the credit of any of the signatory states except by and with the authority of the legislatures thereof. Each state reserves the right to provide hereafter by law for the examination and audit of the accounts of the commission by its comptroller or other official. The commissioners shall meet and organize within ten days after the effective date of this compact.ARTICLE VI
1. It is recognized by the signatory states that, where tidal waters are used for such varied purposes as bathing, navigation, shellfish culture, the development of fish life and the disposal of wastes, no single standard of purity is practicable in all parts of the district. In order to attain the objects of this compact, the commission, after proper study and after conducting public hearings upon due notice, shall group the designated waters of the district into classes. Where local conditions shall have changed in the future to such an extent that changes in classification become necessary, the commission may, after conducting public hearings upon due notice, adopt such changes.ARTICLE VII
1. It is agreed between the signatory states that no sewage or other polluting matters shall be discharged or permitted to flow into, or be placed in, or permitted to fall or move into the tidal waters of the district, except under the following conditions and restrictions:ARTICLE VIII
1. Each of the signatory states agrees that, in so far as waters within its jurisdiction may flow into any portion of the district, all sewage discharged or permitted to flow into any stream tributary to the tidal waters of the district shall be treated to that extent, if any, which may be necessary to maintain such tributary immediately above its confluence with the tidal waters of the district in a sanitary condition at least equal to the classification requirements determined by the commission for the tidal waters of the district into which it discharges. The waters of the Hudson River, immediately above the mouth of the Sparkhill Creek on the westerly side and the New York-New Jersey boundary extended on the easterly side of the river, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at ebb tide at least equal to the sanitary condition prevailing in the waters of the river immediately below said boundary at flood tide.ARTICLE IX
1. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to repeal or prevent the enactment of any legislation or the enforcement of any requirement by any signatory state imposing any additional conditions and restrictions to further lessen or prevent the pollution of waters within its jurisdiction.ARTICLE X
1. Subject to the provisions of this compact the commission, as soon as may be after its organization, after an investigation and after conducting public hearings upon due notice, shall, by order, prescribe the reasonable date on or before which each municipality or other entity discharging sewage into the designated waters within the district shall be treating such sewage in accordance with the standards specified in this compact. Such order may prescribe that certain specific progress shall be made at certain definite time prior to the final date fixed in such order. It is the desire of all parties to accomplish the objects herein set forth with the least possible injury to investments which have already been made in the construction of sewage treatment plants within the district, and where changes or additions to such plants would be necessary to conform to the standards herein adopted, a reasonable time to effect such changes or additions may, in the discretion of the commission, be granted.ARTICLE XI
1. Each of the signatory states agrees that it will prohibit the pollution of this compact, and that it will enact suitable and adequate legislation which will accomplish effectively the objects of this compact and which will enable its officers, departments, boards and agents to accomplish satisfactorily the obligations and duties assumed by the state under the terms of this compact, and it is further agreed that the courts of the several states shall have jurisdiction to enforce as against any person, corporation, municipality or other entity or any employee, department or subdivision of the respective signatory states any and all provisions of this compact. The commission shall have authority to investigate and determine if the requirements of the compact and/or the orders of the commission pursuant thereto are complied with and if satisfactory progress has not been made, to bring action in its own name in the proper court or courts to compel the enforcement of any and all the provisions of this compact, and/or the orders of the commission pursuant thereto.ARTICLE XII
1. In order that future pollution be controlled and existing pollution be abated with the greatest possible economy and efficiency, the commission shall cooperate and advise with the respective state and district authorities having jurisdiction over stream pollution, with a view to coordinating their activities and securing the most satisfactory results at lower cost. For such purpose the commission may prepare a general plan of the most practicable and economical method of securing conformity with the standards herein set forth, having in view the future growth and development of the district. Such plan when completed shall be submitted to the governor and the legislature of each state and to the state agency or agencies or district agencies in charge of sewage problems. The provisions of this compact shall not affect the discharge from the outfall pipes of the Passaic Valley sewerage system into the waters of New York Harbor; provided, however, that said discharge shall be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the stipulation entered into on April fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred ten, between the United States of America and Passaic Valley sewerage commissioners.ARTICLE XIII
1. Terms used in this compact are defined as follows:ARTICLE XIV
1. The signatory states agree to appropriate annually for the salaries, office and other administrative expenses such sum or sums as shall be recommended by the commission and approved by the governors of the signatory states, the state of New York and the state of New Jersey agreeing each to appropriate forty-five per centum (45%) thereof, and the state of Connecticut agreeing to appropriate ten per centum (10%) thereof. The state of New York and the state of New Jersey obligate themselves hereunder, however, only to the extent of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) each in any one year, and the state of Connecticut obligates itself hereunder only to the extent of three thousand, three hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-four cents ($3,333.34) in any one year.ARTICLE XV
1. Should any part of this compact be held to be contrary to the constitution of any signatory state or of the United States, all other severable objects of this compact shall continue to be in full force and effect.ARTICLE XVI
1. This compact shall become effective as to the state of New Jersey and the state of New York immediately upon the signing thereof by the representatives of such states, and thereafter it shall also become effective as to the state of Connecticut immediately upon the signing thereof by the representatives of such state; provided, however, that prior to the signing of this compact by the representatives of the state of Connecticut the district as set forth in Article II shall not embrace any territory within the jurisdiction of the state of Connecticut, nor shall the commission exercise any jurisdiction or perform any duties or acts affecting such territory; and the appropriations for salaries, office and other administrative expenses shall be borne equally by the state of New York and the state of New Jersey.