Sec. 22a-315. (Formerly Sec. 25-104a). Soil and water conservation districts and boards; establishment, powers and council.
Sec. 22a-315. (Formerly Sec. 25-104a). Soil and water conservation districts
and boards; establishment, powers and council. (a) In order to assist the Commissioner of Environmental Protection in identifying and remedying the problems of soil
and water erosion, the commissioner shall, by regulation, establish soil and water conservation districts and boards. Such boards shall advise him on matters of soil and water
conservation, erosion and sedimentation control and shall assist him in implementing
programs concerning such matters. Such regulations shall (1) establish geographic
boundaries for each district, (2) establish procedures for the selection, by the residents
in each district, of a board of supervisors for each district and (3) provide operating
procedures for such boards of such districts. Such regulations shall be adopted pursuant
to chapter 54.
(b) The commissioner by regulation pursuant to chapter 54, may authorize such
boards to (1) develop soil and water conservation, erosion and sedimentation control
programs, priorities and workplans; (2) provide, by agreement, for technical assistance
from cooperating state and federal agencies to municipal and regional agencies and to
landowners; (3) receive funds, by transfer, grant or otherwise from the commissioner,
including grants pursuant to section 22a-317, or by donation or subscription from private
sources, and expend such funds without regard to the provisions of chapter 50; (4) use
or provide for the use of state equipment made available pursuant to section 22a-316;
(5) enter into contracts and employ consultants and other assistants on a contract basis
or other basis for rendering legal, financial, technical or other assistance and duties to
carry out the purposes of this chapter; and (6) acquire property by purchase, lease, gift
or otherwise and to hold such property in the name of the district.
(c) The commissioner may, by regulation, adopted pursuant to chapter 54, establish
a council to coordinate the activities of such boards of such districts with the activities
of the Department of Environmental Protection and other state, regional and local agencies and propose regulations to said department in matters of soil and water erosion
conservation and to advise and assist the commissioner in conserving and protecting
the land, water and other natural resources of the state. The council shall be within the
Department of Environmental Protection for administrative purposes only. Such council
shall consist of nine members, five representing the soil and water conservation districts
to be selected by each of the five districts' boards, the Commissioner of Environmental
Protection or a designee, the Commissioner of Agriculture, or a designee, a representative of a nongovernmental organization appointed by the Governor and a representative
of The University of Connecticut's cooperative extension system. In addition, the council shall include, but not be limited to, the following at-large nonvoting members: The
State Conservationist or designee of the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the
director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station or a designee, the director of
the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station or a designee, municipal staff representatives
responsible for erosion and sedimentation control, the State Committee Chairman of
the Farm Services Agency and a council member of a resource conservation and development area. The commissioner shall have the authority to receive funds from any source
on behalf of the council and shall expend such funds with the advice and consent of the
council for equipment, supplies, and such full-time and part-time staff and consultants
as may be necessary to carry out the council's duties and any other at-large, nonvoting
members who have expertise to support the duties of the council.
(d) The council may receive funds from any source and expend such funds for
equipment, supplies, staff and consultants as may be necessary to carry out its duties. The
council shall distribute funds for program activities after a vote in which the members
representing the boards of the soil and water conservation districts shall collectively
have one vote. The council may employ an executive director who shall not be subject
to the provisions of chapter 67. The council may seek funding and provide financial
support to boards of soil and water conservation districts and other organizations for
activities contributing to soil and water conservation. The council may adopt and amend
by a majority vote such bylaws as it deems necessary to conduct its business.
(e) Prior to the promulgation of any regulations by the commissioner pursuant to
subsections (a) and (b) of this section, such proposed regulations shall first be approved
by a majority of said council.
(f) For the purposes of this section, soil and water conservation districts or boards
shall not be considered state agencies or political or administrative subdivisions of
the state.
(P.A. 74-325, S. 1, 5; P.A. 75-428, S. 1, 2; P.A. 77-146, S. 1, 2; P.A. 82-390, S. 1, 2; 82-472, S. 175, 183; June Sp.
Sess. P.A. 91-10, S. 18, 20; P.A. 04-151, S. 9.)
History: P.A. 75-428 added Subdivs (5) and (6), authorizing commissioner to make contracts and acquire property, in
Subsec. (b) and added Subsec. (e); P.A. 77-146 authorized commissioner to receive funds on behalf of council and to
expend such funds for equipment, supplies, staff, etc. in Subsec. (c); P.A. 82-390 amended Subsec. (c) to place the council
within the department of environmental protection for administrative purposes, added membership from the state agricultural stabilization and conservation committee, included as ex-officio members the executive director of the agricultural
stabilization and conservation service, the Director of the Farmers Home Administration, the director of the Connecticut
agricultural experiment station, the director of the Storrs agricultural experiment station and the area director of the United
States Forest Service and inserted new Subsec. (d) authorizing the commissioner to solicit and receive funds from any
source, relettering former Subsecs. (d) and (e) accordingly; P.A. 82-472 made a technical change in Subsec. (d); Sec. 25-104a transferred to Sec. 22a-315 in 1983; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-10 amended Subsec. (c) to make establishment of the
council discretionary on the part of the commissioner; P.A. 04-151 amended Subsec. (c) to revise provisions re powers of
the council to allow it to advise and assist the commissioner in conserving the natural resources of the state, to revise the
membership of the council, and to allow at-large nonvoting members, effective May 21, 2004.
See Sec. 4-38f for definition of "administrative purposes only".