Sec. 22a-324. (Formerly Sec. 25-109b). Conveyance and transfer of real property for watershed program purposes.
Sec. 22a-324. (Formerly Sec. 25-109b). Conveyance and transfer of real property for watershed program purposes. (a) The Commissioner of Environmental Protection, with the advice and consent of the Commissioner of Public Works and the
Properties Review Board and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management,
may sell, lease and convey in the name of the state, or otherwise dispose of, or enter
into agreements concerning, any land, buildings and real property owned by the state
and obtained for or in connection with works of improvement under sections 22a-318
to 22a-322, inclusive, which land, buildings or real property are not necessary for such
purposes, reserving for the state the rights and privileges necessary for constructing,
operating and maintaining the works of improvement, except those relating to recreational or fish and wildlife developments, provided for under said sections.
(b) When the Commissioner of Environmental Protection finds it necessary that
land, the title of which is in the state of Connecticut and which is under the custody and
control of any state agency or institution, be taken for the purposes of constructing,
operating and maintaining works of improvement provided for in sections 22a-318 to
22a-322, inclusive, he shall petition the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management that custody of such land be transferred to him as Commissioner of Environmental
Protection. Such petition shall set forth the necessity for such transfer and control. The
Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall present such petition to the
agency or institution having custody and control of such land, and upon the recommendation of, and subject to such consideration as may be required by, such agency or institution and with the approval of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management
and with notice to the Commissioner of Public Works, such agency or institution shall
transfer the custody and control of such land to the Commissioner of Environmental
Protection, for the purposes required.
(1959, P.A. 39, S. 1, 2; 637, S. 2; 1961, P.A. 67; 1963, P.A. 535, S. 2; 1971, P.A. 872, S. 129; P.A. 75-425, S. 53, 57;
P.A. 77-614, S. 19, 73, 610; P.A. 87-496, S. 92, 110.)
History: Later 1959 act replaced commissioner of agriculture with commissioner of agriculture, conservation and natural
resources; 1961 act deleted "conservation" from commissioner's title; 1963 act excepted land and structures etc. relating
to recreational or fish and wildlife developments from provisions of section; 1971 act replaced commissioner of agriculture
and natural resources with commissioner of environmental protection; P.A. 75-425 added public works commissioner and
properties review board as advisors in Subsec. (a) and required that public works commissioner be notified of land transfers
in Subsec. (b); P.A. 77-614 replaced public works commissioner with commissioner of administrative services and commissioner of finance and control with secretary of the office of policy and management; Sec. 25-109b transferred to Sec. 22a-324 in 1983; P.A. 87-496 substituted "public works" for "administrative services" commissioner.