Sec. 26-107. Hunting and trapping on wildlife refuge or closed area.
Sec. 26-107. Hunting and trapping on wildlife refuge or closed area. No person
shall, at any time, enter upon any state wildlife refuge or closed area to take, hunt, trap,
snare, net, pursue, kill or destroy, or attempt to take, hunt, kill or destroy, any wildlife
or disturb, destroy or remove the nest or egg of any bird or permit his dog to enter such
wildlife refuge or closed area, and no person shall take, hunt, shoot, kill, pursue or trap
any wildlife in any lane, road or highway adjacent to any land owned, leased or controlled
by the state as a wildlife refuge or closed area; provided the commissioner or any person
designated by him may take, hunt, kill or trap any fox, skunk, raccoon, wildcat, muskrat,
mink, weasel, hawk, owl or other predacious bird or animal in any state wildlife refuge
or closed area. The detection of any person with any firearm, bow and arrow, trap, snare,
net or dog upon any state wildlife refuge or closed area shall be prima facie evidence
of a violation of the provisions of this section. Any person who violates any provision
of this section shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars.
(1949 Rev., S. 4924; 1971, P.A. 872, S. 293.)
History: 1971 act replaced reference to director of board of fisheries and game with reference to environmental protection