Sec. 26-142b. Resident and nonresident commercial finfish, fishing and lobster pot licenses. Restrictions on issuance, transfer and renewal.
Sec. 26-142b. Resident and nonresident commercial finfish, fishing and lobster pot licenses. Restrictions on issuance, transfer and renewal. (a) For the purposes
of this section, "active" with regard to a commercial finfish license, commercial fishing
license or commercial lobster pot license means that the license has been renewed in the
current year and "number of lobster pots actively fished" means the maximum calculated
number of pots as established by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection pursuant to regulations adopted in accordance with section 26-157c.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection shall issue resident and nonresident commercial finfish licenses, commercial fishing licenses and commercial lobster pot licenses under section 26-142a only
to persons who held a commercial finfish license, a commercial fishing license, or a
commercial lobster pot license at any time from June 1, 1995, to December 31, 2003,
inclusive, provided, if such license holder is incapacitated or unable to operate a vessel,
the commissioner may reissue a license to a member of such license holder's immediate
family or to a member of such license holder's crew, as designated by such license
holder, on a temporary basis not to exceed the duration of such incapacity or inability.
Such temporary license shall be subject to the provisions of section 26-142a.
(c) The commissioner may authorize the transfer of an active commercial finfish
license, commercial fishing license or commercial lobster pot license, issued pursuant
to subsection (c) of section 26-142a, provided the person transferring the license held
the license and landed finfish, lobsters, sea scallops, crabs or squid in at least five of
the eight calendar years preceding the transfer request and reported such landings to the
commissioner, pursuant to section 26-157b, for at least thirty fishing days in each year.
Such landings shall be verified by seafood dealer reports submitted pursuant to section
26-157b. The recipient of a transferred commercial lobster pot license shall be limited
to the number of lobster pots allocated to such license, except a transferee who currently
holds a commercial lobster pot license, issued pursuant to subsection (c) of section 26-142a, shall be limited to the number of pots allocated to such person's currently held
lobster pot license or to the transferred license, whichever is greater. The length of any
commercial fishing vessel used by the recipient of a transferred license to fish with a
trawl net in the waters of this state shall be not more than ten per cent greater than
the length of the largest vessel used by the person transferring the license during such
qualifying period.
(d) The commissioner may authorize the transfer of an active commercial finfish
license, commercial fishing license or commercial lobster pot license pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, for a period of two years from the date of death of such license
(e) Upon transfer of a license, the original license holder shall become ineligible to
obtain a renewal of that license. Such original license holder may acquire a new license
through a subsequent license transfer.
(f) A transfer of a license under this section shall not be made while a commercial
fishery license, registration or vessel permit held by the transferor or transferee is under
suspension and a transfer shall not be authorized for any transferee who has had a commercial fishery license, registration or vessel permit revoked or suspended within the
preceding twelve months.
(P.A. 95-90, S. 1, 3; P.A. 97-133, S. 1, 5; P.A. 99-266, S. 1; P.A. 00-189, S. 1, 2; 00-196, S. 55; P.A. 01-150, S. 2; P.A.
04-97, S. 4.)
History: P.A. 95-90 effective May 31, 1995; P.A. 97-133 extended the restriction on issuance of new licenses until
December 31, 1999, deleted references to registrations for marine pound nets and charter or party vessels and provided
for issuance of licenses to certain family members upon death of current license holders, effective June 13, 1997; P.A. 99-266 extended until December 31, 2001, the restriction on issuance of new licenses, provided for transfers of licenses to
family members upon relinquishment by current licensee, provided procedures for such transfers and expanded the eligible
family members; P.A. 00-189 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and made technical changes therein for the
purposes of gender neutrality and added Subsec. (b) re transfer of an active commercial fishing license for lobster until
October 1, 2002, effective May 26, 2000; P.A. 00-196 deleted reference to purse seine registrations and made technical
changes; P.A. 01-150 in Subsec. (a) extended restriction on issuance of new licenses until December 31, 2003, in Subsec.
(b) extended authorization to transfer active commercial fishing license for lobster to October 1, 2003, and in new Subsec.
(c) authorized the commissioner to authorize the transfer of an active commercial fishing license for lobster under certain
circumstances; P.A. 04-97 amended Subsec. (a) to define "active" commercial finfish, fishing and lobster pot licenses and
"number of lobster pots fished", to remove December 31, 2003, deadline on issuance of new licenses, to apply issuance
restrictions to commercial lobster pot licenses and to delete transfer upon death or relinquishment provisions, deleted
existing Subsecs. (b) re transfer of active commercial fishing license for lobster and (c) re authorized transfer of active
commercial fishing license for lobster and added new Subsecs. (c) re transfer of active licenses, (d) re transfer of licenses
upon death, (e) re owner ineligibility to obtain renewal of transferred license, and (f) re transfer prohibitions, effective
May 10, 2004.