Sec. 26-30. Applications. Issuance of licenses.
Sec. 26-30. Applications. Issuance of licenses. (a) Resident licenses to firearms
hunt, archery hunt, trap or fish, or the combination thereof, shall be issued only to
qualified applicants therefor by the town clerk of any town, an agent of such town clerk
deputized pursuant to subsection (f) of this section or an agent of the Commissioner
of Environmental Protection licensed pursuant to subsection (g) of this section. Such
licenses shall be issued in such form as the commissioner shall prescribe.
(b) Nonresident licenses shall be issued by any town clerk, an agent of such town
clerk or an agent of the commissioner, except that nonresident trapping licenses shall
be issued by the commissioner.
(c) Applications shall be made on forms furnished by the commissioner, containing
such information as the commissioner may require, and any such application forms shall
have printed thereon, "I declare under the penalties of false statement that the statements
herein made by me are true and correct." Any person who makes any material false
statement on such application form shall be guilty of false statement and shall be subject
to the penalties provided for false statement, and said offense shall be deemed to have
been committed in the town in which such application is presented or received for processing.
(d) No application shall contain any material false statement.
(e) The town clerk, an agent of such town clerk or an agent of the commissioner
shall, upon receipt of such application, correctly filled out and accompanied by the
required fee, issue to such applicant the appropriate license. If such application is by
mail, the town clerk shall mail such license to such applicant within five days from the
receipt of the application and proper fee.
(f) The town clerk of any town may deputize agents in such town to issue firearms
hunting, archery hunting, trapping and fishing licenses, or the combination thereof,
provided he shall be solely responsible for compliance with the provisions of the statutes
relating to the duties of the town clerk in connection with such licenses and the moneys
received therefor.
(g) The Commissioner of Environmental Protection may, upon application by persons on forms furnished by the commissioner and containing such information as the
commissioner may require, license such persons as agents for the issuance of firearms
hunting, archery hunting, trapping and fishing licenses, or the combination thereof.
Upon the request of any agent licensed by the commissioner, the town clerk of the town
in which such agent conducts business shall sell license forms to such agent at the regular
license cost minus twenty-five cents for such agent's fee. Not later than the first Monday
of each month, such agent shall remit to the town clerk from whom the license forms
were purchased any license forms voided by such agent and two copies of all licenses
sold by such agent during the preceding month. Upon the request of an agent, the town
clerk shall reimburse such agent for any unused or voided license forms remitted to
such town clerk.
(1949 Rev., S. 4870; 1951, 1953, 1955, S. 2463d; 1957, P.A. 288, S. 1; 1963, P.A. 329, S. 2; 1967, P.A. 244, S. 2;
1971, P.A. 871, S. 103; 872, S. 229; P.A. 80-461; P.A. 81-115, S. 1, 2; P.A. 82-366, S. 3; P.A. 85-613, S. 66, 154; Nov.
Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3, S. 2, 21.)
History: 1963 act deleted Subsecs. (b) and (c) stating that licenses to nonresidents shall be issued by town clerk, his
agent or the board of fisheries and game and prohibiting issuance of trapping license to nonresidents; 1967 act restored
previously deleted Subsecs; 1971 acts replaced references to "perjury" and penalties in Sec. 53-143 with references to
"false statement" and references to board of fisheries and game with references to environmental protection commissioner;
P.A. 80-461 added Subsec. (h) re issuance of licenses by agents; P.A. 81-115 extended licensing power to agents of
environmental protection commissioner, repealed the bond requirement for sales agents, required that they purchase licenses from town clerks, replacing previous provision which had required clerks to furnish forms without charge and
replaced previous provisions requiring agent to remit moneys received to commissioner except for $0.75 recording fee to
be remitted to clerk with provisions requiring agents to return voided forms and copies of licenses sold to town clerk and
requiring clerk to reimburse agent for voided and unused forms if requested to do so; P.A. 82-366 amended Subsec. (a) to
establish separate license categories for firearms hunting and archery hunting, amended Subsec. (b) by authorizing the
commissioner of environmental protection to issue nonresident trapping licenses and deleted former Subsec. (c) which
had prohibited issuance of trapping licenses to nonresidents, relettering accordingly and changing language elsewhere in
section to reflect amendments; P.A. 85-613 made technical change in Subsec. (a); Nov. Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3 amended
Subsec. (e) to delete provision for issuance of license holders.