Sec. 26-86c. Permits to hunt deer and small game with bow and arrow. Fees. Applications. Education course requirement.
Sec. 26-86c. Permits to hunt deer and small game with bow and arrow. Fees.
Applications. Education course requirement. No person may hunt deer or small game
with a bow and arrow under the provisions of this chapter without a valid permit issued
by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection pursuant to this section or section
26-86a for persons hunting deer with bow and arrow under private land deer permits
issued free to qualifying landowners, or their husbands or wives, parents, grandparents,
lineal descendants or siblings under that section. The fee for such bow and arrow permit
to hunt deer and small game shall be thirty dollars for residents and one hundred dollars
for nonresidents, or thirteen dollars for any person twelve years of age or older but under
sixteen years of age, except that any nonresident who is an active full-time member of
the armed forces, as defined in section 27-103, may purchase a bow and arrow permit
to hunt deer and small game for the same fee as is charged a resident of the state. Permits
to hunt with a bow and arrow under the provisions of this chapter shall be issued only
to qualified applicants therefor by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, in
such form as said commissioner prescribes. Applications shall be made on forms furnished by the commissioner containing such information as he may require and all such
application forms shall have printed thereon: "I declare under the penalties of false
statement that the statements herein made by me are true and correct." Any person who
makes any material false statement on such application form shall be guilty of false
statement and shall be subject to the penalties provided for false statement and said
offense shall be deemed to have been committed in the town in which the applicant
resides. No such application shall contain any material false statement. On and after
January 1, 2002, permits to hunt with a bow and arrow under the provisions of this
chapter shall be issued only to qualified applicants who have successfully completed the
conservation education bow hunting course as specified in section 26-31 or an equivalent
course in another state.
(1959, P.A. 227, S. 4-6; February, 1965, P.A. 602; 1971, P.A. 871, S. 106; 872, S. 278; P.A. 74-151, S. 5, 7; P.A. 75-304, S. 1, 2; P.A. 82-366, S. 7; Nov. Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3, S. 10, 21; P.A. 97-250, S. 6; May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-1, S. 99;
P.A. 03-123, S. 10; 03-276, S. 3.)
History: 1965 act deleted distinctions between issuance of resident and nonresident licenses; 1971 acts substituted
false statement charge and penalty for perjury charge and penalty and replaced state board of fisheries and game with
commissioner of environmental protection; P.A. 74-151 substituted "permit(s)" for "license(s)" and specified applicability
of provisions to bow and arrow hunting; P.A. 75-304 reduced fee from $5.35 to $5 and transferred power to issue licenses
from town clerks to commissioner, deleting all provisions concerning town clerk's duties; P.A. 82-366 amended the section
to revise the requirement that permits for hunting deer with bow and arrow be issued only to persons 16 and older for
consistency with new junior license categories established by Sec. 26-27a; Nov. Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3 amended section to
authorize hunting of small game with bow and arrow, to increase the fee for all bow hunting and to delete a requirement
that moneys received under this section be deposited in the general fund; P.A. 97-250 provided for issuance of permits to
take deer with bow and arrow to persons holding private land deer permits and provided that, on and after January 1, 2002,
permits to hunt deer with bow and arrow under this chapter shall only be issued to persons who have completed an education
course under Sec. 26-31; May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-1 increased permit fee from $22 to $30 for residents and from $44 to
$100 for nonresidents, effective January 1, 2003; P.A. 03-123 made technical changes, effective June 26, 2003; P.A. 03-276 added exception re an active full-time member of the armed forces, effective July 1, 2003.