Sec. 26-302. Compact for state membership in the Connecticut River Atlantic
Salmon Commission. The state of Connecticut hereby agrees with the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, upon enactment by each of them of legislation
having the same effect as this section and upon consent of the Congress of the United
States, to the following compact:
The party States, for the purpose of promoting the restoration of Anadromous Atlantic
salmon, hereinafter referred to as Atlantic salmon, to the Connecticut River basin by
the development of a regional program for stocking, protection, management, research
and regulation, do hereby establish the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission.
Each state joining herein shall appoint two representatives to said commission. One
shall be the executive officer of the administrative agency of such state charged with
the management of the fisheries resources to which this compact pertains, or his designee. The second shall be a member of the public who shall have a knowledge of and
interest in Atlantic salmon, to be appointed by the governor for a term of three years.
The director of the northeast region of the Fish and Wildlife Service, United States
Department of the Interior or his designee and the director of the northeast region of
the National Marine Fisheries Service, United States Department of Commerce or his
designee shall be members of said commission. The commission shall be a body corporate with the powers and duties set forth herein.
The duty of said commission shall be to make inquiry and ascertain from time to time
such methods, practices, circumstances and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing
about the restoration of Atlantic salmon to the Connecticut River and its tributaries.
To promote the restoration, preservation and protection of Atlantic salmon in the
Connecticut River basin the commission may draft and recommend to the governors of
the various signatory states legislation to accomplish this end. The commission shall,
more than sixty days prior to any regular meeting of the legislature of any signatory
state, present to the governor of the state its recommendations relating to proposed
enactments to be made by the legislature of the state in furthering the intents and purposes
of this compact.
The commission shall have the power to recommend to the states party hereto stocking
programs, management procedures and research projects and when two or more states
party hereto shall jointly stock waters or undertake cooperative management or research,
the commission shall act as the coordinating agency. The commission using all available
means, shall encourage acquisition by the signatory states of river bank, river bed and
access thereto.
The commission shall consult with and advise the pertinent administrative agencies
in the signatory states with regard to other anadromous species and their potential impact
or the potential impact of sport fisheries and commercial fisheries for other anadromous
species on the restoration of Atlantic salmon to the Connecticut River basin.
In the interest of developing a sound program of Atlantic salmon management, the
commission shall promulgate regulations governing Atlantic salmon fishing in the main
stem of the Connecticut River in all four signatory states as hereinafter provided. Such
regulations may: (1) Establish the open and closed seasons for Atlantic salmon which
may vary by river section, (2) establish hours, days of period during the open season
when fishing for Atlantic salmon shall not be permitted in designated areas, (3) prescribe
the legal methods of taking Atlantic salmon including the type of gear such as gaffs,
landing nets or tailers which may be used to assist in landing such fish, (4) establish the
minimum legal length for Atlantic salmon and (5) establish the daily creel limit, the
season creel limit and the possession limit for Atlantic salmon. The commission shall
recommend, review and issue comments on such regulations as may be promulgated
by the signatory states governing Atlantic salmon fishing in tributary streams. The states
of Connecticut and Massachusetts agree to make available for brook stock, from fish
taken in the fish passage facilities at the Rainbow Reservoir Dam and the Holyoke
Power Company Dam, such numbers of adult Atlantic salmon as the commission deems
necessary to carry out the Atlantic salmon restoration program.
The commission shall have the power to issue a Connecticut River Basin Atlantic
Salmon License and the sale of such licenses shall be handled by the individual signatory
states or their authorized agents. The individual signatory states shall be accountable to
the commission for all such licenses and the moneys received therefrom. The initial fee
for such licenses shall be determined by majority vote of the commission but shall not
exceed the maximum resident angling license fee of the signatory states except that the
commission may upon a determination of need and with the unanimous approval of its
membership increase such license and issuing fee. The individual signatory states or
their issuing agents may retain a recording fee of up to fifty cents for each license issued.
Forms for such license shall be provided to the signatory states by the commission.
Such license shall be a legal prerequisite for any person including minors fishing for or
possessing Atlantic salmon in the waters or on the shores of the Connecticut River and
all of its tributaries. In addition to said Connecticut River Basin Atlantic Salmon License,
all persons, except those specifically exempted because of age, disability or other limitation as determined by statute or regulations of the individual signatory states shall be
required to possess a valid resident or nonresident sport fishing license issued by the
state in which such person is fishing. The commission shall recognize that in certain
waters or sections of waters a daily rod permit may also be required, such daily rod
permit to be issued by the state in which such waters or sections of waters are located,
however, the signatory states shall not, by fee, distinguish between residents and nonresidents. The authority to limit the numbers of persons fishing for Atlantic salmon in certain
tributaries or sections of certain tributaries shall remain the prerogative of the individual
signatory states.
The respective police agencies of the signatory states shall have the authority to enforce all of the regulations and license requirements of the commission any place in the
Connecticut River basin.
The commission shall have the authority to accept gifts, state grants and federal funds.
The commission shall have the authority to expend money from fees collected for Connecticut River Basin Atlantic Salmon Licenses or from such other funds available to
the commission to finance the cost of stocking, management or research carried on by
signatory states to further the purposes of this compact. Such funds shall be in the form
of direct grants to the agency of such state charged with the management of the fisheries
resources and may be up to one hundred per cent of the cost of projects approved by a
majority vote of the commission.
The commission shall elect from its number a chairman and a vice chairman and at
its pleasure may remove such officers. Said commission shall adopt rules and regulations
for the conduct of its business. At such time as funds are available to the commission
the commission may establish and maintain an office for the transaction of its business.
The commission may meet at any time or place but must meet at least semiannually.
The commission shall have the authority to expend money from available commission
funds to reimburse its membership for necessary travel expenses.
At such time as funds are available the commission may employ and discharge at its
pleasure such personnel as may be required to carry out the provisions of this compact
and shall fix and determine their duties, qualifications and compensation.
There shall be established a technical committee to consist of one fishery biologist
from each of the signatory states, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the
National Marine Fisheries Service to act in an advisory capacity to the commission. The
technical committee shall have the authority to request employees of the signatory states,
the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service
or others who have special fields of expertise to act as special advisors to the committee.
At such time as funds are available the commission may reimburse technical committee
members and special advisors for necessary travel expenses.
No action shall be taken by the commission in regard to its general affairs except by
affirmative vote of a majority of members present at any meeting, provided there is a
quorum. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of all members of the commission.
No action shall be taken at any meeting of the commission unless each signatory state
is represented at any such meeting. No recommendation or allotment of grant funds
shall be made by the commission except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
Continued absence of representation or of any representative on the commission from
any party hereto shall be brought to the attention of the governor thereof.
The states signatory hereto agree to make an annual appropriation to the initial support
of the commission in the amount of one thousand dollars for each of the first three years
that this compact is in effect.
The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and
shall report to the governor and the legislature of each state party to this compact on or
before the tenth day of January of each year, setting forth in detail the transactions
conducted by it during the twelve months preceding January first of that year. The
Comptroller of the state of Connecticut is hereby authorized and empowered from time
to time to examine the accounts and books of the commission, including its receipts,
disbursements, grants and such other items referring to its financial standing as such
Comptroller may deem proper and to report the results of such examination to the governor of said state.
(P.A. 79-528.)