Sec. 3-76h. Additional powers of State Treasurer.
Sec. 3-76h. Additional powers of State Treasurer. In addition to the powers and
authority conferred upon the Treasurer by this part and any other general statutes, public
act or special act of the General Assembly, the Treasurer may:
(a) Employ such officers, agents and employees as may be necessary to carry out
the provisions of this part and retain and employ consultants and assistants on a contract
or other basis for rendering legal, financial, professional, technical or other assistance
and advice;
(b) Make and enter into all contracts or agreements with municipalities concerning
the collection of fees and charges and other provisions necessary or convenient or desirable for the purposes of this part or pertaining to any loan to a municipality or any
purchase or sale of municipal refunding bonds or other investments or to the performance
of his duties and execution or carrying out of any of his powers under this part;
(c) Fix and prescribe any form of application or procedure to be required of a municipality for the purpose of any loan or the purchase of its municipal refunding bonds, and
fix the terms and conditions of any such loan or purchase and enter into agreements
with municipalities with respect to any such loan or purchase;
(d) Except as otherwise permitted or provided by this part, invest any funds or
moneys or funds received by the state pursuant to the provisions of this part in the same
manner as permitted for investments as provided in section 3-31a;
(e) Borrow money and issue the special obligation bonds as provided herein and
provide for and secure the payment thereof and provide for the rights of the holders
thereof, and purchase, hold and dispose of any of such special obligation bonds;
(f) Fix and revise from time to time and charge and collect fees and charges for the
use of the services of the state hereunder, and for the establishment or provision of
reserves to secure the special obligation bonds;
(g) Accept gifts or grants of property, funds, money, materials, labor, supplies or
services from the United States of America or from any governmental unit or any person,
firm or corporation, and carry out the terms or provisions or make agreements with
respect to, any gifts or grants, and do any and all things necessary, useful, desirable or
convenient in connection with procuring, acceptance or disposition of gifts or grants;
(h) Enforce all contracts necessary, convenient or desirable for the purposes of this
part or pertaining to any loan to a municipality or any purchase or sale of municipal
refunding bonds or other investments or to the performance of his duties and execution
or carrying out of any of his powers under this part;
(i) Purchase or hold municipal refunding bonds at such prices and in such manner as
he deems advisable consistent with the purposes of this part and sell municipal refunding
bonds acquired or held in the Municipal Refunding Trust Fund at such prices without
relation to cost and in such manner as he deems advisable or necessary to assure the
payment of the special obligation bonds;
(j) Establish any terms and provisions with respect to any purchase of municipal
refunding bonds, including the date or dates of such bonds, the rate or rates and maturities
of such bonds, provisions as to redemption or payment prior to maturity, and any other
matters which are necessary, desirable or advisable in the judgment of the Treasurer;
(k) To the extent permitted under its contracts with the holders of the special obligation bonds, consent to any modification of the rate of interest, time and payment of
any installment of principal or interest, security or any other term of bond, contract or
agreement of any kind to which the state is a party;
(l) Do all things necessary, convenient or desirable to carry out the powers expressly
granted or necessarily implied in this part.
(P.A. 73-591, S. 8, 21; P.A. 78-236, S. 3, 20; P.A. 81-472, S. 116, 159.)
History: P.A. 78-236 deleted provision regarding investments which require approval of the investment committee;
P.A. 81-472 made technical changes.