Sec. 31-11aa. Information technology workforce development plan.
Sec. 31-11aa. Information technology workforce development plan. (a) The
Connecticut Employment and Training Commission within the Office of Workforce
Competitiveness shall produce, within available appropriations, a report on information
technology workforce development, including a long-range strategic plan, that addresses Connecticut's workforce and research needs as they relate to information technology and electronic commerce. The commission shall work with the Commissioners
of Economic and Community Development, Education and Higher Education and any
business-related association or organization that the commission deems appropriate in
creating a planning structure, no later than July 5, 2000, to develop the plan. The planning
structure shall include representation from the Connecticut Employment and Training
Commission, the General Assembly, the Departments of Education, Higher Education
and Economic and Community Development, Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated,
information technology and software companies, the Connecticut Business and Industry
Association, the Connecticut Economic Resource Center, the Connecticut Technology
Council, The University of Connecticut, the Connecticut State University System, the
community-technical colleges, Charter Oak State College, the Connecticut Distance
Learning Consortium, the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges and any
other representatives including regional and state-wide business and technology associations the Connecticut Employment and Training Commission and commissioners deem
(b) The report shall specify: (1) The number and job descriptions of workers in
information technology intensive occupations and the associated occupational codes for
those occupations as identified through the Standard Occupational Code classification
system of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, (2)
a forecast assessment of demand by Connecticut employers in those occupations for
two, five and ten years from July 1, 2000, (3) methods to generate a sufficient number
of information technology graduates to fill identified needs, including, but not limited
to, scholarship, school-to-career and internship programs, (4) methods to effectively
link appropriate and trained graduates to information technology jobs in this state, including, but not limited to, loan reimbursement programs, (5) what programmatic and
curricular emphasis should be developed to support the growth of electronic commerce,
software and information technology industries, (6) methods secondary and higher education and private industry can use to continue to address information technology workforce needs as they change and evolve over time, and (7) an assessment of existing state
initiatives directed at improving workforce development in Connecticut's information
technology and software industries and a method for ensuring such industries are informed, on a continual basis, of these and other workforce development options as they
are implemented.
(c) The commission shall report, in accordance with section 11-4a, to the General
Assembly and the Governor by October 16, 2000. The report shall include the specifications of the plan. The commission may, prior to the completion of the report, release
findings, data, conclusions or other content on an ongoing basis.
(P.A. 00-187, S. 28, 75; P.A. 01-173, S. 46, 67.)
History: P.A. 00-187 effective July 1, 2000; P.A. 01-173 made technical changes in Subsecs. (a) and (b), effective July
1, 2001.