Sec. 32-80a. Energy improvement districts. Definitions. Board.
Sec. 32-80a. Energy improvement districts. Definitions. Board. (a) As used in
this section and sections 32-80b and 32-80c:
(1) "Energy improvement district distributed resources" means one or more of the
following owned, leased, or financed by an Energy Improvement District Board: (A)
Customer-side distributed resources, as defined in section 16-1; (B) grid-side distributed
resources, as defined in said section 16-1; (C) combined heat and power systems, as
defined in said section 16-1; and (D) Class III sources, as defined in said section 16-1; and
(2) "Project" means the acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of one or more energy improvement district distributed resources.
(b) (1) Any municipality may, by vote of its legislative body, establish an energy
improvement district within such municipality. The affairs of any such district shall be
administered by an energy improvement district board. The chief elected official of the
municipality shall appoint the members of any such board, who shall serve for such
term as the legislative body may prescribe and until their successors are appointed and
have qualified. The chief elected official shall fill any vacancy for the unexpired portion
of the term. The members of each such board shall serve without compensation, except
for necessary expenses.
(2) After a vote by a municipality to establish an energy improvement district, the
chief elected official of the municipality shall notify by mail each property owner of
record within said district of said action. An owner may record on the land records in
the municipality its decision to participate in the energy improvement district pursuant
to this section and sections 32-80b and 32-80c. Any owner of record, including any new
owner of record, may rescind said decision at any time.
(c) An energy improvement district board shall fund energy improvement district
distributed resources in its district consistent with a comprehensive plan prepared for
the district by said board for the development and financing of such resources, except
on state or federally owned properties, with a view to increasing efficiency and reliability
and the furtherance of commerce and industry in the energy improvement district, provided such district's plan shall be consistent with the state-wide procurement and deployment plan prepared and approved pursuant to section 16a-7c and the siting determinations of the Connecticut Siting Council. The board may lease or acquire office space
and equip the same with suitable furniture and supplies for the performance of work of
the board and may employ such personnel as may be necessary for such performance.
The board also shall have power to:
(1) Sue and be sued;
(2) Have a seal and alter the same;
(3) Confer with any body or official having to do with electric power distribution
facilities within and without the district and hold public hearings as to such facilities;
(4) Confer with electric distribution companies with reference to the development
of electric distribution facilities in such district and the coordination of the same;
(5) Determine the location, type, size and construction of energy improvement district distributed resources, subject to the approval of any department, commission or
official of the United States, the state or the municipality where federal, state or municipal statute or regulation requires it;
(6) Make surveys, maps and plans for, and estimates of the cost of, the development
and operation of requisite energy improvement district distributed resources and for the
coordination of such facilities with existing agencies, both public and private, with the
view of increasing the efficiency of the electric distribution system in the district and
in the furtherance of commerce and industry in the district;
(7) Enter into contracts and leases, make loans and execute all instruments necessary
to carry out their duties pursuant to this subsection and subsection (d) of this section,
including the lending of proceeds of bonds to owners, lessees or occupants of facilities
in the energy improvement district;
(8) Fix fees, rates, rentals or other charges for the purpose of all energy improvement
district distributed resources owned by the energy improvement district board and collect such fees, rates, rentals and other charges for such facilities owned by the board,
which fees, rates, rentals or other charges shall be sufficient to comply with all covenants
and agreements with the holders of any bonds issued pursuant to subsection (b) of this
(9) Operate and maintain all energy improvement district distributed resources
owned or leased by the board and use the revenues from such resources for the corporate
purposes of the board in accordance with any covenants or agreements contained in the
proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds pursuant to subsection (b) of this section;
(10) Accept gifts, grants, loans or contributions from the United States, the state or
any agency or instrumentality of either, or a person or corporation, by conveyance,
bequest or otherwise, and expend the proceeds for any purpose of the board and, as
necessary, contract with the United States, the state or any agency or instrumentality of
either to accept gifts, grants, loans or contributions on such terms and conditions as may
be provided by the law authorizing the same;
(11) Maintain staff to promote and develop the movement of commerce through
the energy improvement district; and
(12) Use the officers, employees, facilities and equipment of the municipality, with
the consent of the municipality, and pay a proper portion of the compensation or cost.
(d) Nothing in this section or sections 32-80b and 32-80c shall be construed to
authorize an energy improvement district to:
(1) Be an electric distribution company, as defined in section 16-1, or provide electric distribution or electric transmission services, as defined in said section 16-1, or own
or operate assets to provide such services;
(2) Be a municipal electric utility, as defined in section 7-233, or provide the services
of a municipal electric utility;
(3) Sell electricity to persons or entities in its municipality outside of the energy
improvement district;
(4) Undertake any authority or jurisdiction granted by the general statutes to the
Connecticut Siting Council, the Department of Public Utility Control, or any other state
agency, or to undertake any actions under the jurisdiction of any federal agency; or
(5) Acquire property by eminent domain.
(P.A. 07-242, S. 21-23.)
History: P.A. 07-242 effective June 4, 2007.