Sec. 32-223. Application for financial assistance.
Sec. 32-223. Application for financial assistance. (a) An eligible applicant shall
submit an application for financial assistance to the commissioner on forms provided
by the commissioner and with such information the commissioner deems necessary,
including, but not limited to: (1) A description of the proposed project; (2) an explanation
of the expected benefits of the project in relation to the purposes of sections 32-220 to
32-234, inclusive; (3) information concerning the financial and technical capacity of
the eligible applicant to undertake the proposed project; (4) a project budget; and (5)
identification, when appropriate, of business support services that may be of benefit to
the state and the manufacturing and economic base businesses located or locating in the
project area as part of the project. In the case of a municipal development project the
eligible applicant shall, in addition to an application for financial assistance, submit a
development plan prepared pursuant to subsection (b) of section 32-224 and approved
by the commissioner, provided an eligible applicant may, prior to the submission of a
development plan, receive financial assistance for activities related to the planning of
a municipal development project to the extent such assistance is provided for under
subsection (b) of this section.
(b) Applications properly submitted shall be reviewed and may be approved, disapproved or modified by the commissioner. In reviewing an application and determining
the type and amount of financial assistance, if any, to be provided, the commissioner shall
consider the following criteria: (1) The availability of funds; (2) the relative economic
condition of the municipality; (3) the relative need of the eligible applicant or project
for financial assistance; (4) the degree to which financial assistance is necessary as an
inducement to the eligible applicant to undertake the project or to the manufacturing or
economic base business to locate or undertake the project in the state; (5) the relative
economic benefit of the project to the state, including, but not limited to: (A) The extent
to which the project will likely result in the retention and creation of jobs, the retention,
expansion or relocation of manufacturing or economic base businesses in the state or
the diversification of such businesses, or (B) the extent to which the project will increase
competitiveness of such businesses, respond to potential or actual dislocation as a result
of major plant closings or relocations and address the business service needs of such
businesses and the state; and (6) such other criteria as the commissioner may establish
consistent with the purposes of sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive. The commissioner
shall not deny an application for financial assistance for a project solely because the
project site does not have sewer service or access to sewer service.
(c) No financial assistance shall be given to an eligible applicant and no participation
interest in a loan made by the Connecticut Development Authority for the benefit of
an eligible applicant shall be purchased by the department until the commissioner has
approved the application submitted in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in the event that the financial assistance requested is the purchase by the department of a participation interest in a loan
made by the Connecticut Development Authority, such authority may submit such application and other information as is required of eligible applicants under subsection (a)
of this section on behalf of such eligible applicant and no further application shall be
required of such eligible applicant. No financial assistance shall exceed: (1) Except as
otherwise provided in subdivisions (2) to (5), inclusive, of this subsection, fifty per cent
of the total project cost, (2) in the case of financial assistance to any project in a targeted
investment community, ninety per cent of the project cost, (3) when two or more municipalities which are not targeted investment communities jointly initiate a municipal development project in accordance with the provisions of subsection (e) of section 32-224,
seventy-five per cent of the total project cost, (4) in the case of a municipal development
project jointly initiated by two or more municipalities at least one of which is a targeted
investment community, the sum of: (A) Seventy-five per cent of the portion of the total
project cost allocable to the participation of the municipality or municipalities which
are not targeted investment communities, and (B) ninety per cent of the portion of the
total project cost allocable to the participation of any targeted investment community
or communities, and (5) in the case of a defense diversification project, ninety per cent
of the total project cost if the project involves a municipal development project or the
acquisition or development, or both, of real property for an unspecified occupant, and
one hundred per cent in the case of any other defense diversification project. A municipality's share of the total project cost, if any, may, with the approval of the commissioner,
be satisfied entirely or partially from noncash contributions, including contributions of
real property, from private sources, or, to the extent permitted by federal law, from
moneys received by the municipality under any federal grant program.
(d) Financial assistance, whether provided directly to eligible applicants or indirectly in the form of the department's purchase of a participation interest in a loan made
by the Connecticut Development Authority under sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive,
may be used for (1) the planning of a municipal development project or business development project, including, but not limited to, the reasonable cost of feasibility studies,
engineering, appraisals, market studies and related activities; (2) the acquisition of real
property, machinery or equipment, or any combination thereof, provided such financial
assistance shall not exceed fair market value; (3) the construction of site and infrastructure improvements relating to a municipal development or business development project; (4) the construction, renovation and demolition of buildings; (5) relocation expenses
for the purpose of assisting an eligible applicant to locate, construct, renovate or acquire a
facility; or (6) such other reasonable expenses necessary or appropriate for the initiation,
implementation and completion of the project, including, but not limited to: (A) Administrative expenses of the eligible applicant; and (B) business support services in conjunction with another state agency when such agency does not provide adequate funds for
such services or when no other state agency provides such services. The department
may purchase participation interests in loans made by the Connecticut Development
Authority for the foregoing purposes. All relocation assistance provided under sections
32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, to persons residing in the project area shall be in conformance with chapter 135.
(e) The commissioner may establish the terms and conditions of any financial assistance provided under sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, except that the interest rate
on any loans shall be determined by the State Bond Commission in accordance with
subsection (t) of section 3-20. The commissioner may make any stipulation in connection
with an offer of financial assistance he deems necessary to implement the policies and
purposes of sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, including, but not limited to the following: (1) The provision of assurances that the eligible applicant will discharge its obligations in connection with the project, and (2) a requirement that the eligible applicant
provide the department with appropriate security for such financial assistance, including,
but not limited to, a letter of credit, a lien on real property or a security interest in goods,
equipment, inventory or other property of any kind.
(P.A. 90-270, S. 4, 38; P.A. 91-340, S. 4, 8; P.A. 92-236, S. 28, 43, 48; P.A. 93-218, S. 3, 4; P.A. 97-211, S. 6, 7; P.A.
03-278, S. 92; P.A. 08-34, S. 3.)
History: P.A. 91-340 made a technical change to the references to "sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive," in Subsecs.
(a), (b), (d) and (e) (made necessary by the codification of new Sec. 32-222a), but the change necessitated no change to
the wording of this section as codified; P.A. 92-236 amended Subsec. (c) by enumerating provisions setting forth limits
on financial assistance and adding Subdiv. (5) re such limits for defense diversification projects and added Subsec. (f) re
request for proposals for projects described in Sec. 32-222(a)(3); P.A. 93-218 amended Subsec. (b) to prohibit commissioner
from denying application for project solely because site lacks sewer service or access to sewer service, effective June 23,
1993; P.A. 97-211 amended Subsecs. (c) and (d) to add provisions re participation of the department in loans made by the
Connecticut Development Authority, effective June 24, 1997; P.A. 03-278 made technical changes in Subsec. (d), effective
July 9, 2003; P.A. 08-34 made technical changes in Subsecs. (c) and (e), amended Subsec. (d)(5) to replace "manufacturing
or other economic base business" with "eligible applicant" re relocation expenses and deleted former Subsec. (f) re request
for proposals during fiscal year ending June 30, 1993, effective May 7, 2008.