Sec. 32-224. Designation of implementing agency. Development plan. Public service facilities. Acquisition of real property for project. Limitations.
Sec. 32-224. Designation of implementing agency. Development plan. Public
service facilities. Acquisition of real property for project. Limitations. (a) Any municipality which has a planning commission may, by vote of its legislative body, designate an implementing agency to exercise the powers granted under sections 32-220
to 32-234, inclusive. Any municipality may, with the approval of the commissioner,
designate a separate implementing agency for each municipal development project undertaken by such municipality pursuant to said sections.
(b) The implementing agency may initiate a municipal development project by preparing and submitting a development plan to the commissioner. Such plan shall meet
an identified public need and include: (1) A legal description of the real property within
the boundaries of the project area; (2) a description of the present condition and uses
of such real property; (3) a description of the process utilized by the agency to prepare
the plan and a description of alternative approaches considered to achieve project objectives; (4) a description of the types and locations of land uses or building uses proposed
for the project area; (5) a description of the types and locations of present and proposed
streets, sidewalks and sanitary, utility and other facilities and the types and locations of
other proposed project improvements; (6) statements of the present and proposed zoning
classification and subdivision status of the project area and the areas adjacent to the
project area; (7) a plan for relocating project area occupants; (8) a financing plan; (9)
an administrative plan; (10) an environmental analysis, marketability and proposed land
use study, or building use study if required by the commissioner; (11) appraisal reports
and title searches if required by the commissioner; (12) a description of the public benefit
of the project, including, but not limited to, (A) the number of jobs which the implementing agency anticipates would be created or retained by the project, (B) the estimated
property tax benefits, (C) the number and types of existing housing units in the municipality in which the project would be located, and in contiguous municipalities, which
would be available to employees filling such jobs, (D) a general description of infrastructure improvements, including public access, facilities or use, that the implementing
agency anticipates may be needed to implement the development plan, (E) a general
description of the implementing agency's goals for blight remediation or, if known,
environmental remediation, (F) a general description of any aesthetic improvements
that the implementing agency anticipates may be generated by the project, (G) a general
description of the project's intended role in increasing or sustaining market value of
land in the municipality, (H) a general description of the project's intended role in
assisting residents of the municipality to improve their standard of living, and (I) a
general statement of the project's role in maintaining or enhancing the competitiveness
of the municipality; (13) a finding that (A) the land and buildings within the boundaries
of the project area will be used principally for manufacturing or other economic base
business purposes or business support services; (B) the plan is in accordance with the
plan of conservation and development for the municipality, if any, adopted by its planning commission under section 8-23, and the plan of development of the regional planning agency adopted under section 8-35a, if any, for the region within which the municipality is located; (C) the plan was prepared giving due consideration to the state plan of
conservation and development adopted under chapter 297 and other state-wide planning
program objectives of the state or state agencies as coordinated by the Secretary of the
Office of Policy and Management; and (D) the project will contribute to the economic
welfare of the municipality and the state and that to carry out and administer the project,
public action under sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, is required; and (14) a preliminary statement describing the proposed process for acquiring each parcel of real property, including findings that (A) public benefits resulting from the plan will outweigh
any private benefits; (B) existing use of the real property cannot be feasibly integrated
into the overall plan for the project; (C) acquisition by eminent domain is reasonably
necessary to successfully achieve the objectives of such plan; and (D) the plan is not
for the primary purpose of increasing local tax revenues. The provisions of this subsection with respect to submission of a development plan to and approval by the commissioner and with respect to a finding that the plan was prepared giving due consideration
to the state plan of conservation and development and state-wide planning program
objectives of the state or its agencies shall not apply to a project for which no financial
assistance has been given and no application for financial assistance is to be made under
section 32-223. Any plan that has been prepared under chapters 130, 132 or 588a may
be submitted by the implementing agency to the legislative body of the municipality
and to the commissioner in lieu of a plan initiated and prepared in accordance with this
section, provided all other requirements of sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, for
obtaining the approval of the commissioner of the development plan are satisfied. Any
action taken in connection with the preparation and adoption of such plan shall be
deemed effective to the extent such action satisfies the requirements of said sections.
(c) (1) No plan shall be adopted unless the planning commission of the municipality
finds that the plan is in accord with the plan of development, if any, for the municipality
and the regional planning agency, if any, organized under chapter 127 for the region
within which such municipality is located finds that such plan is in accord with the plan
of development, if any, for such region. If the regional planning agency fails to make
a finding concerning the plan within thirty-five days of receipt thereof, by such agency,
it shall be presumed that such agency does not disapprove of the plan. The implementing
agency shall hold at least one public hearing on the plan and shall cause notice of the
time, place, and subject of any public hearing to be published at least once in a newspaper
of general circulation in the municipality not less than one week nor more than three
weeks prior to the date of such public hearing. At least thirty-five days prior to the public
hearing, the implementing agency shall post the plan on the Internet web site of the
implementing agency, if any. Upon adoption of the plan the implementing agency shall
submit the plan to the legislative body of the municipality for approval or disapproval.
Any approval by the implementing agency and legislative body of the municipality
made under this section shall specifically provide for approval of any findings contained
therein. After approval of the plan by the legislative body of the municipality, the plan
shall be submitted to the commissioner for his approval. If the commissioner requires
a substantial modification of the plan as a condition of approval, the plan shall be subject
to a public hearing and approval by the implementing agency and the legislative body
of the municipality in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.
(2) The plan shall be effective for a period of ten years after the date of approval
and may be amended in accordance with this section. The legislative body shall review
the plan at least once every ten years after the initial approval, and shall reapprove the
plan or an amended plan at least once every ten years after the initial approval in accordance with this section in order for the plan or amended plan to remain in effect. With
respect to a development plan for a project that is funded in whole or in part by federal
funds, the provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to the extent that such provisions
are prohibited by federal law.
(d) The implementing agency shall cause notice of the initial approval of the plan
to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality.
(e) A development plan may be modified at any time by the implementing agency,
provided, if modified after the lease or sale of real property in the project area, the lessees
or purchasers of such real property or their successor or successors in interest affected
by the proposed modification shall consent to such modification. If the proposed modification will substantially alter the development plan as previously approved, the modification shall be subject to the approval of the local legislative body of the municipality
and the commissioner in the same manner as approval of the development plan. The
municipality may, by vote of its legislative body, abandon the development plan and
convey such real property within the boundaries of the project area free of any restriction,
obligation or procedure imposed by the plan subject to all other local and state laws,
ordinances or regulations, including, but not limited to, any offer of sale required under
subsection (i) of this section, if after three years from the date of approval of the plan
the implementing agency has not transferred by sale or lease all or any part of the real
property acquired in the project area to any person in accordance with the development
plan and no grant of financial assistance under sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive,
has been given for such project other than for activities related to the planning of the
project pursuant to section 32-222.
(f) The implementing agencies of two or more municipalities may, after approval
by each legislative body thereof, jointly initiate a development project if the project area
is to be located in one or more of such municipalities. Such implementing agencies,
after approval by the commissioner of the development plan for the project if any state
aid is to be requested under section 32-223, may enter into and amend subject to the
approval of the commissioner, an agreement to jointly carry out the development plan.
Such agreement may include provisions for furnishing municipal services to the project
and sharing costs of and revenues from the project, including property tax and rental
receipts. The development plan shall include a proposed form of the agreement to be
entered into by the municipalities. Each municipality which is a party to an agreement
may make appropriations and levy taxes in accordance with the provisions of the general
statutes and may issue bonds in accordance with section 32-227 to further its obligations
under the agreement.
(g) As used in this subsection, "public service facility" includes any sewer, pipe,
main conduit, cable, wire, pole, tower, building or utility appliance owned or operated
by an electric, gas, telephone, telegraph or water company. Whenever an implementing
agency determines that the closing of any street or public right-of-way is provided for
in a development plan adopted and approved in accordance with sections 32-220 to 32-234, inclusive, or where the carrying out of such a development plan, including the
construction of new improvements, requires the temporary or permanent readjustment,
relocation or removal of a public service facility from a street or public right-of-way,
the implementing agency shall issue an appropriate order to the company owning or
operating such facility. Such company shall permanently or temporarily readjust, relocate or remove the public service facility promptly in accordance with such order, provided an equitable share of the cost of such readjustment, relocation or removal, including the cost of installing and constructing a facility of equal capacity in a new location,
shall be borne by the implementing agency. Such equitable share shall be fifty per cent
of such cost after the deduction hereinafter provided. In establishing the equitable share
of the cost to be borne by the implementing agency, there shall be deducted from the
cost of the readjusted, relocated or removed facilities a sum based on a consideration
of the value of materials salvaged from existing installations, the cost of the original
installation, the life expectancy of the original facility and the unexpired term of such
life use. The books and records of the company shall be made available for inspection
by the implementing agency to determine the equitable share of the cost of such readjustment, relocation or removal. When any facility is removed from a street or public right-of-way to a private right-of-way, the implementing agency shall not pay for such private
right-of-way. If the implementing agency and the company owning or operating such
facility cannot agree upon the share of the cost to be borne by the implementing agency,
such agency or the company may apply to the superior court for the judicial district
within which the street or public right-of-way is situated, or, if the court is not in session,
to any judge thereof, for a determination of the cost to be borne by the implementing
agency. The court or the judge, after causing notice of the pendency of such application
to be given to the other party, shall appoint a state referee to make such determination.
The referee, having given at least ten days' notice to the interested parties of the time
and place of the hearing, shall hear both parties, take such testimony as he may deem
material and thereupon determine the amount of the cost to be borne by the implementing
agency. The referee shall immediately report the amount to the court. If the report is
accepted by the court, such determination shall, subject to right of appeal as in civil
actions, be conclusive upon such parties.
(h) After approval of the development plan pursuant to sections 32-220 to 32-234,
inclusive, the implementing agency may by purchase, lease, exchange or gift acquire
or rent real property necessary or appropriate for the project as identified in the development plan and real property and interests therein for rights-of-way and other easements
to and from the project area.
(i) (1) The implementing agency may, with the approval of the legislative body of
the municipality, and in the name of the municipality, condemn in accordance with
section 8-128 to 8-133, inclusive, any real property necessary or appropriate for the
project as identified in the development plan, including real property and interests in
land for rights-of-way and other easements to and from the project area, except that no
real property may be condemned pursuant to this subsection for the primary purpose of
increasing local tax revenue.
(2) The implementing agency shall conduct a public hearing on any proposed acquisition of real property by condemnation pursuant to this subsection. The implementing
agency shall cause notice of the time, place and subject of the hearing to be published
in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the municipality not more than ten
days before the date set for the hearing. Not less than ten days before the date of the
hearing, the implementing agency shall send, by first class mail, notice of the time, place
and subject of the hearing to the owners of record of the real property and to all owners
of real property within one hundred feet of the real property to be acquired by condemnation.
(3) (A) No parcel of real property may be acquired by condemnation under this
section except by approval by vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the legislative
body of the municipality, or, in the case of a municipality for which the legislative
body is a town meeting or a representative town meeting, the board of selectmen. Such
approval shall be by (i) separate vote on each parcel of real property to be acquired, or
(ii) a vote on one or more groups of such parcels, provided each parcel to be acquired
is identified for the purposes of a vote on a group of such parcels under this subparagraph.
The legislative body or the board of selectmen, as the case may be, shall not approve
the use of condemnation by the implementing agency unless the legislative body or
board of selectmen has (I) considered the benefits to the public and any private entity
that will result from the municipal development project and determined that the public
benefits outweigh any private benefits, (II) determined that the current use of the real
property cannot be feasibly integrated into the overall development plan, and (III) determined that the acquisition of the real property by condemnation is reasonably necessary
to successfully achieve the objectives of the development plan.
(B) The municipality shall cause notice of any approved acquisition by condemnation under this subdivision to be published in a newspaper having a substantial circulation in the municipality not more than ten days after such approval.
(C) (i) The implementing agency shall acquire any property identified in the plan
as property to be acquired by condemnation by a date that is five years after the date
the first property is acquired by condemnation under the plan unless the implementing
agency approves an extension of the time for acquisition, except that no property may
be acquired by condemnation under the plan more than ten years after the first property
is acquired by condemnation under the plan.
(ii) With respect to a development plan for a project that is funded in whole or in
part by federal funds, the provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to the extent
that such provisions are prohibited by federal law.
(4) The owner-occupant of property acquired by condemnation under this section
may file an application in the superior court for the judicial district in which the municipality is located to enjoin the acquisition of such property. The court may issue such
injunction if the court finds that the implementing agency or municipality failed to
comply with the requirements of this section. The filing of an application to enjoin the
acquisition of property by condemnation, in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall toll
the five-year period or ten-year period set forth in subparagraph (C) of subdivision (3)
of this subsection with respect to such property until the date a final judgment is entered
in any such action, or any appeal thereof, whichever date is later.
(j) (1) With respect to real property acquired by condemnation pursuant to this
section on or after June 25, 2007, if the municipality does not use the real property for
the purpose for which it was acquired or for some other public use and seeks to sell the
property, the municipality shall first offer the real property for sale pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection to the person from whom the real property was acquired, or
heirs of the person designated pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection, if any, for
a price not to exceed the lesser of (A) the amount paid by the implementing agency to
acquire the property, or (B) the fair market value of the property at the time of any sale
under this subsection. After the municipality provides notice pursuant to subdivision
(2) of this subsection, the municipality may not sell such property to a third party unless
the municipality has permitted the person or named heirs six months during which to
exercise the right to purchase the property, and an additional six months to finalize the
purchase if the person or named heirs provide the municipality with notice of intent to
purchase the property within the initial six-month period.
(2) For the purposes of any offer of sale pursuant to this subsection, the municipality
shall provide a form to any person whose property is acquired by condemnation pursuant
to this section to permit such person to provide an address for notice of sale to be sent,
or to provide the name and address of an agent to receive such notice. Such form shall
be designed to permit the person to designate heirs of the person who shall be eligible
to purchase such property pursuant to this subsection. The person or agent shall update
information in the form in writing. If the person or agent does not provide or update the
information in the form in a manner that permits the municipality to send notice of sale
pursuant to this subsection, no such notice shall be required.
(3) With respect to a development plan for a project that is funded in whole or in
part by federal funds, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the extent that
such provisions are prohibited by federal law.
(P.A. 90-270, S. 5, 38; P.A. 07-141, S. 3.)
History: P.A. 07-141 amended Subsec. (b) to insert "meet an identified public need" re plan, insert new Subdiv. (3) re
process used to prepare plan and redesignate existing Subdivs. (3) to (12) as Subdivs. (4) to (13), amended Subsec. (b)(12)
to substitute "public benefit" for "economic benefit", insert "but not limited to" and insert Subparas. (D) to (I) re required
general descriptions and statements, amended Subsec. (b)(13) to substitute "plan of conservation and development" for
"plan of development", inserted new Subsec. (b)(14) re proposed process of acquisition, substituted "was prepared giving
due consideration" for "is not inimical to" re plan, amended Subsec. (c) to designate existing provisions as Subdiv. (1)
and add therein requirement that plan be posted on Internet web site of implementing agency, if any, at least 35 days prior
to hearing, inserted new Subsecs. (c)(2) and (d) re plans' effective dates and review, and notice of approval, redesignated
existing Subsecs. (d) to (g) as Subsecs. (e) to (h), included in Subsec. (e) "including, but not limited to, any offer of sale
required under subsection (i)", designated existing provisions re condemnation by agency as Subsec. (i)(1) and amended
same to add exception that no property may be condemned for primary purpose of increasing local tax revenue, added new
Subsecs. (i)(2) and (3) re process for condemnation, and added new Subsec. (j) re offer of sale to owner if property not
used for a public purpose, effective June 25, 2007, and applicable to property acquired on or after that date, and applicable
to development plans adopted on or after that date.