Sec. 36a-582. (Formerly Sec. 36-566). License and location fees. Automatic suspension of license or renewal license. Notice. Opportunity for hearing. Expenses of examination.
Sec. 36a-582. (Formerly Sec. 36-566). License and location fees. Automatic
suspension of license or renewal license. Notice. Opportunity for hearing. Expenses
of examination. (a) Each applicant for a check cashing license shall pay to the commissioner a nonrefundable initial license fee of two thousand dollars and a nonrefundable
location fee of two hundred dollars for each location, except that if such application is
filed not earlier than one year before the date such license will expire, the applicant shall
pay to the commissioner a nonrefundable initial license fee of one thousand dollars and
a nonrefundable location fee of one hundred dollars for each location. Each licensee
shall pay to the commissioner a nonrefundable (1) name change fee of one hundred
dollars for each application to change a name, and (2) location transfer fee of one hundred
dollars for each application to transfer a location. Each license issued pursuant to section
36a-581 shall expire at the close of business on September thirtieth of the odd-numbered
year following its issuance unless such license is renewed, provided any license that is
renewed effective July 1, 2007, shall expire on September 30, 2009, unless renewed.
Each licensee shall, on or before September first of the year in which the license expires,
pay to the commissioner a renewal license fee of one thousand five hundred dollars and
a renewal location fee for each location of one hundred dollars for the succeeding two
years, commencing October first. In the case of a license that expires on June 30, 2007,
each licensee shall, on or before June 1, 2007, pay to the commissioner a renewal license
fee of one thousand six hundred eighty-eight dollars and a renewal location fee of one
hundred thirteen dollars. Any renewal application filed with the commissioner after
September first, or in the case of a license that expires on June 30, 2007, after June 1,
2007, shall be accompanied by a one-hundred-dollar late fee and any such filing shall
be deemed to be timely and sufficient for purposes of subsection (b) of section 4-182.
Each licensee shall file with the commissioner, not later than September first of each
even-numbered year, the information required by subdivision (7) of subsection (c) of
section 36a-581.
(b) If the commissioner determines that a check filed with the commissioner to pay
a license or location fee has been dishonored, the commissioner shall automatically
suspend the license or approval or a renewal license that has been issued but is not yet
effective. The commissioner shall give the licensee notice of the automatic suspension
pending proceedings for revocation or refusal to renew such license and an opportunity
for a hearing on such actions in accordance with section 36a-51.
(c) Each applicant or licensee shall pay the expenses of any examination or other
investigation under sections 36a-580 to 36a-589, inclusive.
(d) No abatement of the license or location fee shall be made if the license is surrendered, cancelled, revoked or suspended prior to the expiration of the period for which it
was issued.
(P.A. 88-200, S. 3; P.A. 89-178, S. 3, 8; P.A. 92-89, S. 16, 20; P.A. 94-122, S. 271, 340; P.A. 95-253, S. 14, 19; P.A.
04-14, S. 2; 04-257, S. 106; P.A. 05-46, S. 9; P.A. 06-35, S. 5.)
History: P.A. 89-178 substituted the commissioner of banking for the commissioner of consumer protection in Subsec.
(a); Sec. 21-113 transferred to Sec. 36-566 in 1991; P.A. 92-89 increased the license fees in Subsec. (a) from $250 to
$1,000; P.A. 94-122 made technical changes, effective January 1, 1995; Sec. 36-566 transferred to Sec. 36a-582 in 1995;
P.A. 95-253 amended Subsec. (a) to change the license fee and renewal license fee and to add application and location
transfer fees, and made technical changes to Subsecs. (b) and (c), effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 04-14 inserted new Subsec.
(b), requiring commissioner to automatically suspend license or approval or renewal license if commissioner determines
that a check filed to pay an application or license fee has been dishonored and requiring commissioner to give notice of
the automatic suspension pending proceedings for revocation or refusal to renew and an opportunity for a hearing in
accordance with Sec. 36a-51, and providing that if commissioner determines a check filed to pay a location transfer fee
has been dishonored, commissioner shall automatically suspend the location transfer approval pending revocation of such
approval by commissioner and an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with Sec. 36a-51, and redesignated existing
Subsecs. (b) and (c) as Subsecs. (c) and (d), respectively; P.A. 04-257 made a technical change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 05-46
amended Subsec. (a) to add Subdiv. (1) re nonrefundable name change fee of $100 for each application to change a name
and to designate provision re location transfer fee as Subdiv. (2), amended Subsec. (b) to delete requirement for automatic
suspension of location transfer approval if commissioner determines that check filed with commissioner to pay location
transfer fee has been dishonored, and amended Subsec. (d) to delete provision re no abatement of location transfer fee;
P.A. 06-35 amended Subsec. (a) to revise procedures and fees for application, renewal and expiration of licenses, changing
period of validity of licenses from one to two years, deleting reference to application fee and inserting references to license
and location fees, and imposing a $100 late fee for late filings of renewal applications, and amended Subsecs. (b) and (d)
to delete reference to application fee and insert reference to location fee.