Sec. 38a-334. (Formerly Sec. 38-175a). Minimum provisions in automobile liability policies.
Sec. 38a-334. (Formerly Sec. 38-175a). Minimum provisions in automobile liability policies. (a) The Insurance Commissioner shall adopt regulations with respect to
minimum provisions to be included in automobile liability insurance policies issued after
the effective date of such regulations and covering private passenger motor vehicles, as
defined in subsection (e) of section 38a-363, motor vehicles with a commercial registration, as defined in section 14-1, motorcycles, as defined in section 14-1, motor vehicles
used to transport passengers for hire, motor vehicles in livery service, as defined in
section 13b-101, and vanpool vehicles, as defined in section 14-1, registered or principally garaged in this state. Such regulations shall relate to the insuring agreements,
exclusions, conditions and other terms applicable to the bodily injury liability, property
damage liability, medical payments and uninsured motorists coverages under such policies, shall make mandatory the inclusion of bodily injury liability, property damage
liability and uninsured motorists coverages and shall include a provision that the insurer
shall, upon request of the named insured, issue or arrange for the issuance of a bond
which shall not exceed the aggregate limit of bodily injury coverage for the purpose of
obtaining release of an attachment.
(b) The commissioner, before adopting such regulations or any subsequent modifications or amendments thereof, shall consult with insurers licensed to write automobile
liability insurance in this state and other interested parties. Nothing contained in such
regulations or in sections 38a-334 to 38a-336a, inclusive, 38a-338 and 38a-340 shall
prohibit any insurer from affording broader coverage under a policy of automobile liability insurance than that required by such regulations.
(1967, P.A. 510, S. 1, 2; 1971, P.A. 364; P.A. 73-212; P.A. 77-614, S. 163, 610; P.A. 80-482, S. 298, 348; P.A. 84-429, S. 71; P.A. 85-12; P.A. 90-263, S. 56, 74; P.A. 93-297, S. 9, 29.)
History: 1971 act added reference to regulations covering commercial motor vehicles in Subsec. (a); P.A. 73-212
required that regulations require insurer to issue bond or arrange for issuance of a bond not exceeding aggregate limit of
bodily injury coverage upon insured's request in Subsec. (a) and deleted obsolete date reference re deadline for adoption of
regulations; P.A. 77-614 placed insurance commissioner within the department of business regulation and made insurance
department a division within that department, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 80-482 restored insurance commissioner
and division to prior independent status and abolished the department of business regulation; P.A. 84-429 made technical
change for statutory consistency; P.A. 85-12 amended Subsec. (a) to specify that such regulations concern policies covering
private passenger motor vehicles, motorcycles, public service motor vehicles, livery vehicles and vanpool vehicles; P.A.
90-263 amended Subsec. (a) to substitute phrase motor vehicles with a commercial registration for commercial motor
vehicles and to substitute motor vehicles used to transport passengers for hire for public service motor vehicles; Sec. 38-175a transferred to Sec. 38a-334 in 1991; P.A. 93-297 amended Subsec. (a) to make technical change in section reference
and amended Subsec. (b) to add reference to Sec. 38a-336a, effective January 1, 1994, and applicable to acts or omissions
occurring on or after said date.
Annotations to former section 38-175a:
Cited. 160 C. 280. Regulations under this statute make "other insurance" clauses in conflict with regulations. 161 C.
169. Cited. 165 C. 466, 469. Cited. 169 C. 502, 505; overruled with respect to holding an uninsured motorist coverage,
see 219 C. 371 et seq. Cited. 171 C. 252. Discussion of uninsured motorist coverage required in accordance with regulations
adopted by insurance commissioner as outlined in this section. Id., 443. Cited. Id., 463. Cited. 172 C. 416; overruled with
respect to holding an uninsured motorist coverage, see 219 C. 371. Cited. 197 C. 26. Cited. 201 C. 478. Cited. 203 C. 45;
Id., 258; Id., 305. Cited. 205 C. 178. Cited. 211 C. 640. Cited. 213 C. 532; Id., 625. Cited. 217 C. 631. Cited. 222 C. 631.
Cited. 224 C. 8. Cited. 226 C. 427. Regulations adopted under statute authorize reduction of award from uninsured or
underinsured motorist by amount received from settlement in malpractice claim against attorney. 275 C. 748.
Cited. 22 CA 27; judgment reversed, see 217 C. 631.
Cited. 28 CS 126. Cited. 31 CS 229. Insurance policy provision providing for deductibility of workers' compensation
awards for uninsured motorist coverage is valid; liability of secondary carrier is for excess over coverage of primary insurer,
to the extent of its own coverage. 36 CS 256. Cited. 38 CS 318.
Subsec. (a):
Regulations explained relating to recovery allowed under uninsured motorist provisions of insurance contract. 174 C.
329, 331. Cited. 188 C. 245. Cited. 224 C. 152.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 217 C. 631. Cited. 221 C. 206. Cited. 222 C. 631. Cited. 223 C. 22. Cited. 224 C. 8. Cited. 226 C. 427. Cited.
234 C. 182, 188. Pursuant to regulations adopted under statute, motor vehicle with municipal registration used to transport
medical equipment and firefighters to emergency not considered to be motor vehicle requiring underinsured and uninsured
motorist coverage. 254 C. 404. Regulations adopted under former Sec. 38-175a authorize reduction of award from uninsured
or underinsured motorist by amount received from settlement in malpractice claim against attorney. 275 C. 748.
Cited. 25 CA 492; judgment reversed, see 222 C. 744. Cited. 28 CA 145. Cited. 45 CA 630. Regulations adopted
pursuant to Sec. 38a-334, which shall cover motor vehicles, motorcycles and so forth, shall not cover license plates. 104
CA 345.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 224 C. 152, 161. Commissioner did not act outside scope of his authority in adopting regulations that permit an
insurer to offset available uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage by amount of a potential alternative resource
available to the insured such as Social Security disability benefits paid or payable to the insured. 245 C. 169. In accordance
with regulations adopted under section, insurer may exclude vehicles owned by self-insurers from scope of underinsured
motorist coverage and such reading does not contravene purpose of the underinsured motorist statute. 248 C. 195.
Subsec. (b):
Cited. 41 CA 625.