Sec. 4-37f. Requirements for foundations established for principal purpose of supporting or improving state agencies.
Sec. 4-37f. Requirements for foundations established for principal purpose of
supporting or improving state agencies. The executive authority of each state agency
for which a foundation is established shall, in accordance with a policy adopted by the
board of trustees of the constituent unit for each state agency which is a constituent unit
or which is a public institution of higher education under the jurisdiction of the constituent unit, ensure that:
(1) The foundation shall have a governing board to oversee its operation;
(2) If the state agency is a constituent unit, the following persons shall serve as
nonvoting members of the governing board of the foundation unless the bylaws of the
foundation provide that they be voting members: The executive authority of the constituent unit, or his designee, a student enrolled at an institution under the jurisdiction of
the constituent unit, who shall be elected by the students enrolled at the institutions
under the jurisdiction of the constituent unit, and a member of the faculty of any such
institution, who shall be elected by the faculty of the institutions under the jurisdiction
of the constituent unit. Elections pursuant to this subdivision shall be conducted in
accordance with procedures for such elections established by the board of trustees of
the constituent unit;
(3) If the constituent unit is the Board of Trustees of the Community-Technical
Colleges or the Board of Trustees of the Connecticut State University System, the purposes of the foundation shall be limited to providing funding for (A) scholarships or
other direct student financial aid and (B) programs, services or activities at one or more
of the institutions within its jurisdiction;
(4) If the state agency is a public institution of higher education, the following
persons shall serve as nonvoting members of the governing board of the foundation
unless the bylaws of the foundation provide that they be voting members: The executive
authority of the institution, or his designee, a student enrolled at the institution, who
shall be elected by the students enrolled in the institution and a member of the faculty
of the institution, who shall be elected by the faculty of the institution. Elections pursuant
to this subdivision shall be conducted in accordance with procedures for such elections
established by the board of trustees of the constituent unit which has jurisdiction over
the institution;
(5) The governing board of the foundation shall annually file with the state agency
an updated list of the members and officers of such board;
(6) The salaries, benefits and expenses of officers and employees of the foundation
shall be paid solely by the foundation;
(7) The foundation shall use generally accepted accounting principles in its financial
record-keeping and reporting;
(8) A foundation which has in any of its fiscal years receipts and earnings from
investments totaling one hundred thousand dollars per year or more shall have completed
on its behalf for such fiscal year a full audit of the books and accounts of the foundation.
A foundation which has receipts and earnings from investments totaling less than one
hundred thousand dollars in each fiscal year during any three of its consecutive fiscal
years beginning October 1, 1986, shall have completed on its behalf for the third fiscal
year in any such three-year period a full audit of the books and accounts of the foundation.
For each fiscal year in which an audit is not required pursuant to this subdivision financial
statements shall be provided by the foundation to the executive authority of the state
agency. Each audit under this subdivision shall be conducted (A) by an independent
certified public accountant or, if requested by the state agency with the consent of the
foundation, the Auditors of Public Accounts, and (B) in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The audit report shall include financial statements, a management letter and an audit opinion which address the conformance of the operating procedures of the foundation with the provisions of sections 4-37e to 4-37i, inclusive, and
recommend any corrective actions needed to ensure such conformance. Each audit report
shall disclose the receipt or use by the foundation of any public funds in violation of
said sections or any other provision of the general statutes. The foundation shall provide
a copy of each audit report completed pursuant to this subdivision to the executive
authority of the state agency. Each financial statement required under this subdivision
shall include, for the fiscal year to which the statement applies, the total receipts and
earnings from investments of the foundation and the amount and purpose of each receipt
of funds by the state agency from the foundation. As used in this subdivision, "fiscal
year" means any twelve-month period adopted by a foundation as its accounting
year; and
(9) There shall be a written agreement between the state agency and the foundation
which (A) addresses any use by the foundation of the agency's facilities and resources
including, but not limited to, office space, storage space, office furniture and equipment,
utilities, photocopying services, computer systems and the maintenance by the state
agency of the books and records of the foundation, provided any such books and records
maintained by the state agency shall not be deemed to be public records and shall not
be subject to disclosure pursuant to the provisions of section 1-210, (B) provides that
the state agency shall have no liability for the obligations, acts or omissions of the
foundation, (C) requires the foundation to reimburse the state agency for expenses the
agency incurs as a result of foundation operations, if the agency would not have otherwise incurred such expenses, (D) in the case of foundations established for a constituent
unit of the state system of higher education or for a public institution of higher education,
requires the foundation to establish and adhere to an investment policy and a spending
policy that are consistent with sections 45a-535 to 45a-535i, inclusive, and (E) provides
that if the foundation ceases to exist or ceases to be a foundation, as defined in section
4-37e, (i) the foundation shall be prohibited from using the name of the state agency,
(ii) the records of the foundation, or copies of such records, shall be made available to
and may be retained by the state agency, provided any such records or copies which are
retained by the state agency shall not be deemed to be public records and shall not be
subject to disclosure pursuant to the provisions of section 1-210, and (iii) there are
procedures for the disposition of the financial and other assets of the foundation. If the
state agency is a constituent unit, the board of trustees of the constituent unit shall
approve such agreement. If the state agency is a public institution of higher education,
the board of trustees of the constituent unit which has jurisdiction over the institution
shall approve such agreement.
(P.A. 89-267, S. 2; P.A. 94-180, S. 13, 17; P.A. 95-259, S. 1, 32; P.A. 96-244, S. 40, 63; P.A. 99-285, S. 9, 12; P.A.
08-6, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 94-180 added Subdiv. (3) limiting the purposes of foundations established by the boards of trustees of
the community-technical colleges and the Connecticut State University system and renumbered the remaining Subdivs.,
effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 95-259 amended Subdivs. (2) and (4) concerning the bylaws and voting members, effective
July 6, 1995; P.A. 96-244 amended Subdiv. (8) to allow the audit to be conducted by the Auditors of Public Accounts, if
requested by the state agency, effective June 6, 1996; P.A. 99-285 amended Subdiv. (9) to designate the existing Subpara.
(D) as Subpara. (E) and to add a new Subpara. (D) re investment and spending policy for foundations established for
constituent units of the state system of higher education or for public institutions of higher education, effective July 1,
1999; P.A. 08-6 amended Subdiv. (9)(D) to replace references to repealed sections with references to Secs. 45a-535 to
45a-535i, effective April 29, 2008.