Sec. 42-345. Definitions.
Sec. 42-345. Definitions. As used in sections 42-435 to 42-354, inclusive, unless
the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Current net price" means the price listed in a supplier's price list or catalog in
effect at the time a dealer agreement is terminated, less any applicable discounts allowed.
(2) "Dealer" means a person, firm or corporation primarily engaged in the business
of retail sales of farm and utility tractors, forestry equipment, light industrial or construction equipment, farm implements, farm machinery, yard and garden equipment, or attachments, accessories or repair parts for such items, but does not include a single line
dealer primarily engaged in the retail sale and service of industrial, forestry and construction equipment. For purposes of this subdivision, "single line dealer" means a person,
firm or corporation that: (A) Has purchased seventy-five per cent or more of such person's, firm's or corporation's total new product inventory from a single supplier; and
(B) has a total annual average sales volume for the previous three years in excess of
twenty million dollars for the entire territory for which such person, firm or corporation
is responsible.
(3) "Dealer agreement" means a written or oral contract between a dealer and a
supplier entered into on or after January 1, 1998, by which the dealer is granted the right
to sell or distribute goods or services or to use a trade name, trademark, service mark,
logotype, or other advertising or commercial symbol.
(4) "Inventory" means farm and utility tractors, forestry equipment, light industrial
or construction equipment, farm implements, farm machinery, yard and garden equipment, and attachments, accessories and repair parts for such items.
(5) "Net cost" means the price a dealer paid a supplier for inventory, less any applicable discounts allowed, plus any amount the dealer paid for freight costs from the supplier's location to the dealer's location. In the event of the termination of a dealer agreement
by the supplier, "net cost" includes the reasonable cost of assembly or disassembly, or
both, performed by the dealer.
(6) "Supplier" means a wholesaler, manufacturer or distributor of inventory who
enters into a dealer agreement with a dealer.
(7) "Termination" or "terminate" means the cancellation, nonrenewal or discontinuance of a dealer agreement.
(P.A. 97-179, S. 1.)