Sec. 45a-644. (Formerly Sec. 45-70a). Definitions.
Sec. 45a-644. (Formerly Sec. 45-70a). Definitions. For the purposes of sections
45a-644 to 45a-663, inclusive, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Conservator of the estate" means a person, a municipal or state official, or a
private profit or nonprofit corporation except a hospital or nursing home as defined in
section 19a-521, appointed by the Court of Probate under the provisions of sections
45a-644 to 45a-663, inclusive, to supervise the financial affairs of a person found to be
incapable of managing his or her own affairs or of a person who voluntarily asks the
Court of Probate for the appointment of a conservator of the estate, and includes a
temporary conservator of the estate appointed under the provisions of section 45a-654.
(b) "Conservator of the person" means a person, a municipal or state official, or a
private profit or nonprofit corporation, except a hospital or nursing home as defined in
section 19a-521, appointed by the Court of Probate under the provisions of sections
45a-644 to 45a-663, inclusive, to supervise the personal affairs of a person found to be
incapable of caring for himself or herself or of a person who voluntarily asks the Court
of Probate for the appointment of a conservator of the person, and includes a temporary
conservator of the person appointed under the provisions of section 45a-654.
(c) "Incapable of caring for one's self" or "incapable of caring for himself or herself"
means that a person has a mental, emotional or physical condition that results in such
person being unable to receive and evaluate information or make or communicate decisions to such an extent that the person is unable, even with appropriate assistance, to
meet essential requirements for personal needs.
(d) "Incapable of managing his or her affairs" means that a person has a mental,
emotional or physical condition that results in such person being unable to receive and
evaluate information or make or communicate decisions to such an extent that the person
is unable, even with appropriate assistance, to perform the functions inherent in managing his or her affairs, and the person has property that will be wasted or dissipated unless
adequate property management is provided, or that funds are needed for the support,
care or welfare of the person or those entitled to be supported by the person and that
the person is unable to take the necessary steps to obtain or provide funds needed for
the support, care or welfare of the person or those entitled to be supported by the person.
(e) "Involuntary representation" means the appointment of a conservator of the
person or a conservator of the estate, or both, after a finding by the Court of Probate
that the respondent is incapable of managing his or her affairs or incapable of caring
for himself or herself.
(f) "Respondent" means an adult person for whom an application for involuntary
representation has been filed or an adult person who has requested voluntary representation.
(g) "Voluntary representation" means the appointment of a conservator of the person or a conservator of the estate, or both, upon request of the respondent, without a
finding that the respondent is incapable of managing his or her affairs or incapable of
caring for himself or herself.
(h) "Conserved person" means a person for whom involuntary representation is
granted under sections 45a-644 to 45a-663, inclusive.
(i) "Personal needs" means the needs of a person including, but not limited to, the
need for food, clothing, shelter, health care and safety.
(j) "Property management" means actions to (1) obtain, administer, manage, protect
and dispose of real and personal property, intangible property, business property, benefits and income, and (2) deal with financial affairs.
(k) "Least restrictive means of intervention" means intervention for a conserved
person that is sufficient to provide, within the resources available to the conserved person
either from the conserved person's own estate or from private or public assistance,
for a conserved person's personal needs or property management while affording the
conserved person the greatest amount of independence and self-determination.
(P.A. 77-446, S. 1; P.A. 80-476, S. 123; P.A. 84-271, S. 1; P.A. 93-184; P.A. 05-154, S. 2; P.A. 07-116, S. 10.)
History: P.A. 80-476 reordered Subdivs. to place terms in alphabetical order; P.A. 84-271 amended the definitions of
"conservator of the estate" and "conservator of the person" to include a "municipal" official, deleting the requirement that
a state official be "legally authorized", and to include a temporary conservator appointed under Sec. 45-72; Sec. 45-70a
transferred to Sec. 45a-644 in 1991; P.A. 93-184 amended Subsecs. (c) and (d) by deleting references to "advanced age";
P.A. 05-154 amended Subsec. (c) to define "incapable of caring for himself or herself"; P.A. 07-116 substituted "45a-663"
for "45a-662", redefined "incapable of caring for one's self" and "incapable of managing his or her affairs", substituted
"conserved person" for "ward", defined "personal needs", "property management" and "least restrictive means of intervention", and made technical changes.
Annotation to former section 45-70a:
Subdiv. (a):
Cited. 199 C. 524.