Sec. 45a-649. (Formerly Sec. 45-70c). Notice re application for involuntary
representation. Form of notice. Appointment of counsel. (a)(1) Upon an application
for involuntary representation, the court shall issue a citation to the following enumerated parties to appear before it at a time and place named in the citation, which shall be
served on the parties at least ten days before the hearing date, or in the case of an
application made pursuant to section 17a-543 or 17a-543a, at least seven days before
the hearing date, which date in any event shall not be more than thirty days after the
receipt of the application by the Court of Probate unless continued for cause shown.
Notice of the hearing shall be sent within thirty days after receipt of the application.
(2) The court shall direct that personal service of the citation be made, by a state
marshal, constable or an indifferent person, upon the following: The respondent and the
respondent's spouse, if any, if the spouse is not the applicant, except that in cases where
the application is for involuntary representation pursuant to section 17b-456, and there
is no spouse, the court shall order notice by certified mail to the children of the respondent
and if none, the parents of the respondent and if none, the brothers and sisters of the
respondent or their representatives, and if none, the next of kin of such respondent.
(3) The court shall order such notice as it directs to the following: (A) The applicant;
(B) the person in charge of welfare in the town where the respondent is domiciled or
resident and, if there is no such person, the first selectman or chief executive officer of
the town if the respondent is receiving assistance from the town; (C) the Commissioner
of Social Services, if the respondent is in a state-operated institution or receiving aid,
care or assistance from the state; (D) the Commissioner of Veterans' Affairs if the
respondent is receiving veterans' benefits or the Veterans' Home, or both, if the respondent is receiving aid or care from such home, or both; (E) the Commissioner of Administrative Services, if the respondent is receiving aid or care from the state; (F) the children
of the respondent and if none, the parents of the respondent and if none, the brothers
and sisters of the respondent or their representatives; (G) the person in charge of the
hospital, nursing home or some other institution, if the respondent is in a hospital, nursing
home or some other institution.
(4) The court, in its discretion, may order such notice as it directs to other persons
having an interest in the respondent and to such persons the respondent requests be
(5) If personal service of the notice required in subsection (b) of this section is not
made as required in subdivision (2) of this subsection, the court shall be deprived of
jurisdiction over the application.
(b) The notice required by subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of this section shall
specify (A) the nature of involuntary representation sought and the legal consequences
thereof, (B) the facts alleged in the application, (C) the date, time and place of the
hearing, and (D) that the respondent has a right to be present at the hearing and has a
right to be represented by an attorney of the respondent's choice at the respondent's
own expense. The notice shall also include a statement in boldface type of a minimum
size of twelve points in substantially the following form:
This court has received an application to appoint a conservator for you. A conservator
is a court-appointed legal guardian who may be assigned important decision-making
authority over your affairs. If the application is granted and a conservator is appointed
for you, you will lose some of your rights.
A permanent conservator may only be appointed for you after a court hearing. You
have the right to attend the hearing on the application for appointment of a permanent
conservator. If you are not able to access the court where the hearing will be held, you
may request that the hearing be moved to a convenient location, even to your place of
You should have an attorney represent you at the hearing on the application. If you
are unable to obtain an attorney to represent you at the hearing, the court will appoint
an attorney for you. If you are unable to pay for representation by an attorney, the court
will pay attorney fees as permitted by the court's rules. Even if you qualify for payment
of an attorney on your behalf, you may choose an attorney if the attorney will accept
the attorney fees permitted by the court's rules.
If, after a hearing on the application, the court decides that you lack the ability to care
for yourself, pay your bills or otherwise manage your affairs, the court may review any
alternative plans you have to get assistance to handle your own affairs that do not require
appointment of a conservator. If the court decides that there are no adequate alternatives
to the appointment of a conservator, the court may appoint a conservator and assign the
conservator responsibility for some or all of the duties listed below. While the purpose
of a conservator is to help you, you should be aware that the appointment of a conservator
limits your rights. Among the areas that may be affected are:
- Accessing and budgeting your money
- Deciding where you live
- Making medical decisions for you
- Paying your bills
- Managing your real and personal property
You may participate in the selection of your conservator. If you have already designated a conservator or if you inform the court of your choice for a conservator, the court
must honor your request unless the court decides that the person designated by you is
not appropriate.
The conservator appointed for you may be a lawyer, a public official or someone
whom you did not know before the appointment. The conservator will be required to
make regular reports to the court about you. The conservator may charge you a fee,
under the supervision of the court, for being your conservator."
(c) Notice to all other persons required by this section shall only be required to state
that involuntary representation is sought, the nature of the involuntary representation
sought, the legal consequences of the involuntary representation and the date, time and
place of the hearing on the application for involuntary representation.
(d) If the respondent is unable to request or obtain an attorney for any reason, the
court shall appoint an attorney to represent the respondent in any proceeding under this
title involving the respondent. If the respondent is unable to pay for the services of such
attorney, the reasonable compensation for such attorney shall be established by, and
paid from funds appropriated to, the Judicial Department, except that if funds have
not been included in the budget of the Judicial Department for such purposes, such
compensation shall be established by the Probate Court Administrator and paid from
the Probate Court Administration Fund.
(e) If the respondent notifies the court in any manner that the respondent wants to
attend the hearing on the application but is unable to do so, the court shall schedule the
hearing on the application at a place that would facilitate attendance by the respondent.
(P.A. 77-446, S. 3; 77-614, S. 521, 587, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85, 136; P.A. 79-358, S. 3; 79-501, S. 1; P.A. 80-476, S.
128; P.A. 81-223; P.A. 83-295, S. 25; P.A. 84-271, S. 4; P.A. 86-195, S. 1; P.A. 89-64; P.A. 90-31, S. 6, 9; P.A. 93-262,
S. 1, 87; P.A. 96-170, S. 17, 23; P.A. 97-90, S. 5, 6; P.A. 00-99, S. 86, 154; P.A. 01-127, S. 2; P.A. 04-169, S. 20; P.A.
07-116, S. 14.)
History: P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 replaced commissioner of social services with commissioner of human resources,
effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-358 required that commissioner of administrative services be issued citation to appear
if respondent is receiving aid or care from the state; P.A. 79-501 authorized court to appoint attorney and to pay for his
services if respondent is unable to do so and added provision re contents of notice to persons other than those listed in
Subsec. (a)(1) in Subsec. (b); P.A. 80-476 reworded provisions; P.A. 81-223 amended Subsec. (a)(1) to add exception re
notice in cases where application for involuntary representation is made pursuant to Sec. 46a-20 and there is no spouse;
P.A. 83-295 amended Subsec. (b) to provide that the "reasonable compensation" for an attorney appointed to represent a
respondent who is unable to pay shall be "established by" the judicial department; P.A. 84-271 amended Subsec. (a) by
providing that the hearing date shall not be more than 30 days after receipt of the application unless continued for cause
shown, by authorizing service upon counsel for the respondent or the appointed attorney if the court finds personal service
upon the respondent would be detrimental to the respondent and by authorizing the court to order notice "to such persons
the respondent requests be notified"; P.A. 86-195 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting requirement of personal service to
person in charge of hospital, nursing home or other institution and substituting such notice as court directs to such person;
P.A. 89-64 amended Subsec. (b) to provide that court-appointed counsel shall represent respondent in any proceeding under
title where previously limited to hearings under the chapter; P.A. 90-31 amended Subsec. (b) by changing compensation of
counsel from funds appropriated to the judicial department to the probate administration fund in an amount established
by the probate court administrator; Sec. 45-70c transferred to Sec. 45a-649 in 1991; P.A. 93-262 authorized substitution
of commissioner and department of social services for commissioner and department of human resources, effective July
1, 1993; P.A. 96-170 amended Subsec. (b) by changing funding of compensation of counsel from Probate Court Administration Fund to funds appropriated to Judicial Department, unless funds not included in budget of Judicial Department for
such purpose, effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 97-90 revised effective date of P.A. 96-170 but without affecting this section;
P.A. 00-99 replaced reference to sheriff and deputy sheriff with state marshal in Subsec. (a), effective December 1, 2000;
P.A. 01-127 amended Subsec. (a)(2)(D) by eliminating requirement that notice to Administrator of Veterans Affairs be
by registered or certified mail; P.A. 04-169 amended Subsec. (a)(2)(D) to substitute Commissioner of Veterans' Affairs
for Administrator of Veterans Affairs, to change the name of the Veterans Home and Hospital to the Veterans' Home and
to make a technical change, effective June 1, 2004; P.A. 07-116 reorganized Subsec. (a) by inserting new Subdiv. designators
(1) to (4), amended Subsec. (a)(1) to substitute "ten days" for "seven days" and add "or in the case of an application made
pursuant to section 17a-543 or 17a-543a, at least seven days before the hearing date", amended Subsec. (a)(2) to delete
exception re service to respondent if detrimental to health or welfare of respondent, added Subsec. (a)(5) re court being
deprived of jurisdiction if required personal service is not made, deleted former Subdiv. designators in Subsec. (b), amended
Subsec. (b) to add "of the respondent's choice" re attorney representation and insert form of notice and statement to be
provided to respondent, inserted new Subsec. (c) re notice to all other persons, designated existing provisions re appointment
of attorney and place of hearing as Subsecs. (d) and (e), and made technical changes.