Sec. 45a-754. (Formerly Sec. 45-68m). Records to be maintained in locked files. Disclosure for health or medical reasons.
Sec. 45a-754. (Formerly Sec. 45-68m). Records to be maintained in locked
files. Disclosure for health or medical reasons. (a) The state shall furnish each court
of probate with an index and a book in which shall be recorded only applications,
agreements, orders, waivers, affidavits and returns of notice of hearing, appointments
of guardians ad litem and decrees in termination of parental rights, removal of parent
as guardian, appointment of statutory parent and adoption matters.
(b) The probate court shall also maintain locked files which shall be used for the
filing of sealed envelopes, each of which shall contain all the papers filed in court regarding the removal of a parent as guardian, petitions for termination of parental rights,
appointment of statutory parent and adoption.
(c) In the case of an application for the removal of a parent as guardian, a petition
for termination of parental rights, an application for a statutory parent or an application
for adoption, the envelopes shall be marked only with the words "Adoption Matter" and
the names of the adopting parents and the name borne by the minor before the adoption.
In the case of a removal of parent as guardian or in the case of a termination of parental
rights matter which does not result in an adoption matter, the envelopes shall be marked
only with the words "Removal Of Parent As Guardian" or "Termination Of Parental
Rights Matter" and the name of the minor.
(d) Access to such records shall be in accordance with sections 45a-743 to 45a-753,
inclusive. The records may also be disclosed upon order of the judge of probate to a
petitioner who requires such information for the health or medical treatment of any
adopted person. If such information is so required and is not within the records, the
biological parent or parents or blood relatives may be contacted in accordance with the
procedures in said section 45a-753.
(e) Any person who discloses any information contained in the indexes, record
books and papers, except as provided in sections 45a-706 to 45a-709, inclusive, 45a-715
to 45a-718, inclusive, 45a-724 to 45a-737, inclusive, and 45a-743 to 45a-757, inclusive,
shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than six months
or both.
(1949 Rev., S. 6870; 1953, S. 2906d; 1972, P.A. 127, S. 67; P.A. 74-164, S. 19, 20; P.A. 75-201; P.A. 77-246, S. 9;
77-604, S. 80, 84; P.A. 80-476, S. 169; P.A. 87-555, S. 12; P.A. 96-130, S. 34.)
History: 1972 act changed age of majority from 21 to 18, amending section accordingly; P.A. 74-164 rephrased provision
re access to envelopes containing adoption material, specifying that parent or child over eighteen "may for cause shown,
either ex parte or with such notice the court deems advisable" have access; P.A. 75-201 specified applicability of provisions
to decrees for termination of parental rights, removal of parent as guardian or appointment of statutory guardian, adding
provisions necessary to reflect broadened applicability; P.A. 77-246 added reference to affidavits, rephrased provision re
parents' or child's access to records, requiring access to information under Sec. 45-68e be granted and authorizing petition
of court for information under Sec. 45-68i, added provisions authorizing disclosure of information necessary for health
care or medical treatment and contact of natural parents or blood relatives to learn medical information if necessary; P.A.
77-604 made technical grammatical correction; Sec. 45-66 transferred to Sec. 45-68m in 1979; P.A. 80-476 divided section
into Subsecs. and rephrased provisions; P.A. 87-555 deleted provisions in Subsec. (d) re access to information under Sec.
45-68e and petition to court and inserted "access to such records shall be in accordance with sections 45-68a to 45-68l,
inclusive", and changed "section" to "chapter" in Subsec. (e); Sec. 45-68m transferred to Sec. 45a-754 in 1991; P.A. 96-130 amended Subsec. (d) by changing "genetic" to "biological".
Annotation to former section 45-68m:
Cited. 138 C. 599.
Annotation to present section:
Cited. 45 CS 33.