.... of .... for consideration paid, grant to .... of .... with WARRANTY COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances, if any
and any additional provisions)
(Acknowledgment)QUITCLAIM DEED
.... of .... for consideration paid, grant to .... of .... with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS(Description and any additional provisions)
Signed this .... day of ...., 20.......
(Acknowledgment)MORTGAGE DEED
.... of .... to secure payment of .... dollars with interest payable as provided in a certain promissory note dated .... with final maturity on .... grant to .... of .... with MORTGAGE COVENANTS ....(Description and Encumbrances, if any
and any additional provisions)
.... of .... for consideration paid, assign to .... all interest in a mortgage from .... to .... dated .... and recorded in Volume .... at Page .... of the .... Connecticut Land Records.....
(Acknowledgment)CONSERVATOR'S DEED
.... of .... conservator of the estate of ...., an incapable person, for consideration paid, grant to .... with CONSERVATOR'S COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances, if any
and any additional provisions)
.... of ...., trustee under article .... of the last will and testament ...., late of ...., .... duly qualified as trustee, for consideration paid, grant to .... with TESTAMENTARY TRUSTEE'S COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances if any
and any other provisions)
(Acknowledgment)EXECUTOR'S DEED
.... of .... duly qualified and authorized executor of the last will and testament of .... late of .... for consideration paid, grant to .... with EXECUTOR'S COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances if any
and any additional provisions)
.... of .... duly qualified and authorized administrator of the estate of .... late of .... for consideration paid, grant to .... with ADMINISTRATOR'S COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances if any
and any additional provisions)
(Acknowledgment)TRUSTEE'S DEED
.... of ...., trustee under ...., .... duly qualified as trustee, for consideration paid, grant to .... with TRUSTEE'S COVENANTS(Description and Encumbrances if any
and any additional provisions)