Sec. 49-32a. Federal liens.
Sec. 49-32a. Federal liens. (a)(1) Notices of liens upon real property for taxes
payable to the United States and notices of liens upon real property for costs and damages
payable to the United States, and certificates and notices affecting such liens shall be
filed in the office of the clerk of the town in which the real property subject to a federal
tax lien or other federal lien is situated. (2) Notices of liens upon personal property,
whether tangible or intangible, for taxes payable to the United States and for costs and
damages payable to the United States and certificates and notices affecting such liens
shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the State in accordance with subsection
(a) of section 42a-9-516.
(b) Certification by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States or said secretary's delegate of notices of liens, certificates or other notices affecting tax liens or
other federal liens entitles them to be filed and no other attestation, certification or
acknowledgment is necessary.
(c) (1) If a notice of federal tax lien or other federal lien, a refiling of a notice of
tax lien or other federal lien or a notice of revocation of any certificate described in
subdivision (2) of this subsection is presented to the filing officer and (A) the filing
officer is the Secretary of the State, said secretary shall cause the notice to be marked,
held and indexed in accordance with the provisions of section 42a-9-519 as if the notice
were a financing statement within the meaning of that section; or (B) the filing officer
is a town clerk, such town clerk shall endorse thereon such town clerk's identification
and the date and time of receipt and forthwith record it in accordance with section 42a-9-519. (2) If a certificate of release, nonattachment, discharge or subordination of any
tax lien or other federal lien is presented to the Secretary of the State for filing, said
secretary shall (A) cause a certificate of release or nonattachment to be marked, held
and indexed as if the certificate were a termination statement within the meaning of the
Uniform Commercial Code, and (B) cause a certificate of discharge or subordination
to be held, marked and indexed as if the certificate were a release of collateral within
the meaning of the Uniform Commercial Code. (3) If a refiled notice of federal tax
lien or other federal lien referred to in subdivision (1) of this subsection or any of the
certificates or notices referred to in subsection (b) of this section is presented for filing
with any other filing officer specified in subsection (a) of this section, such filing officer
shall record it in accordance with section 42a-9-519 if the original was recorded or, if
the original was filed, permanently attach the refiled notice or the certificate to the
original notice of lien and enter the refiled notice or the certificate with the date of filing
in any alphabetical federal tax lien index or other federal lien index on the line where
the original notice of lien is entered. (4) Upon request of any person, the filing officer
shall issue a certificate showing whether there is on file, on the date and hour stated
therein, any notice of federal tax lien or other federal lien or certificate or notice affecting
the lien, filed on or after July 1, 1967, naming a particular person, and if a notice or
certificate is on file, giving the date and hour of filing of each notice or certificate. The
fee for such a certificate and for a copy of any notice of federal tax lien or other federal
lien or notice or certificate affecting a federal tax lien or other federal lien shall be
computed in accordance with section 42a-9-525.
(d) Except as provided by subsection (a) of section 42a-9-525, the fee for filing and
indexing each notice of lien or certificate or notice affecting the tax lien or other federal
lien is: (1) For a tax lien or other federal lien on real estate, as provided in section 7-34a; (2) for a tax lien on tangible and intangible personal property, three dollars; (3) for
all other notices, including a certificate of release, discharge, subordination or nonattachment, one dollar.
(1967, P.A. 456, S. 1-6; P.A. 87-589, S. 59, 87; P.A. 88-159, S. 1, 11; P.A. 90-117, S. 3; P.A. 01-132, S. 173; P.A. 05-288, S. 169.)
History: P.A. 87-589 made provisions applicable to all federal liens and deleted Subsecs. (e) and (f) concerning references to uniform law; P.A. 88-159 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to Sec. 42a-9-403(1) and amended Subsec.
(d) by adding reference to Sec. 42a-9-403(5); P.A. 90-117 amended Subsec. (c)(2) to delete provision prohibiting secretary
of the state from removing from the files the notice of lien to which a certificate of release or nonattachment relates; P.A.
01-132 amended Subsec. (a) to replace reference to Sec. 42a-9-403(1) with Sec. 42a-9-516(a), amended Subsec. (c) to
replace references to Sec. 42a-9-403(4), Sec. 42a-9-409 and Sec. 42a-9-409(2) with Sec. 42a-9-519 and replace reference
to Sec. 42a-9-407(2) with Sec. 42a-9-525, amended Subsec. (d) to replace reference to Sec. 42a-9-403(5) with Sec. 42a-9-525(a) and made technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality in Subsecs. (b) and (c); P.A. 05-288 made technical
changes in Subsec. (c)(1) and (3), effective July 13, 2005.
Former section cited. 23 CS 380.