Sec. 4b-31. (Formerly Sec. 4-27b). Colocation and integration of human services.
Sec. 4b-31. (Formerly Sec. 4-27b). Colocation and integration of human services. For the purposes of this section and subsection (g) of section 3-20 and subsections
(a), (b), (c), (e) and (j) of section 4b-23:
(a) "Human services" means adoption and foster care services; advocacy services;
alcohol and drug abuse services; case management services; school readiness programs;
Head Start programs; family resource centers; child and adult day care; community-based services; community organization services; counseling, guidance and appraisal
services; day treatment services; employment, compensatory education, adult education
and training; energy payment assistance; family planning services; health services; home
care, management and maintenance services; housing services; human resource development services; income assistance; information and referral services; mental health
services; mental retardation services; nutrition services; parole supervision; protective
services; residential treatment services; services to the blind, the deaf, the developmentally disabled, the disabled, the hearing impaired, the visually impaired, the handicapped,
the non-English-speaking and the poor; social development services; social services;
special transportation services; and planning, management and evaluation activities related to the services listed in this section.
(b) "Human services agencies" means any state agency, authority, board, commission, committee, council, department, institution or office providing or having cognizance of any human services.
(c) "Colocation" means that representatives of two or more agencies are located in
the same building to facilitate consumer access.
(d) "Integration of services" means providing multiproblem consumers who are
receiving more than one service with coordinated intake, referral, case management and
other services.
(e) Human services shall be provided, wherever feasible, through colocated sites
that promote accessibility and integration of services. Each human services agency shall
develop a colocation statement indicating the manner in which any planned or requested
capital project or program providing intake, referral and case management services
addresses the following goals: (1) Accessibility to consumers of human services who
rely on public transportation; (2) ability to provide opportunities for colocation of human
services agencies with each other and with federal, municipal and private agencies providing human services; (3) ability to provide opportunities for integration of services
for multiproblem consumers; and (4) ability to provide cost-effective services.
(P.A. 79-239, S. 1, 2; P.A. 97-259, S. 19, 41.)
History: Sec. 4-27b transferred to Sec. 4b-31 in 1989; P.A. 97-259 amended Subsec. (a) to include school readiness
programs, Head Start programs and family resource centers, effective July 1, 1997.