Sec. 5-196. Definitions.
Sec. 5-196. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Agency" means a department, board, institution or commission established by
statute, not a part of any other department, board, institution or commission.
(2) "Allocation" means the official assignment of a position in the classified service
to the appropriate standard class of the classification plan.
(3) "Appointing authority" means a board, commission, officer, commissioner, person or group of persons having the power to make appointments by virtue of a statute
or by lawfully delegated authority.
(4) "Candidate list" means a list of the names of persons based on merit as determined under the provisions of this chapter, which persons have been found qualified
through suitable examinations for employment in positions allocated to a specified class,
occupational group or career progression level.
(5) "Class", "class of positions" or "position classification" means a position or
group of positions in the state classified service established under this chapter that share
general characteristics and are categorized under a single title for administrative purposes.
(6) "Classified service" means every office or position in the state service, whether
full-time or part-time, for which compensation is paid, except those offices and positions
specified in section 5-198 or otherwise expressly provided by statute.
(7) "Compensation" means the salary, wages, benefits and other forms of valuable
consideration earned by and provided to an employee in remuneration for services rendered.
(8) "Compensation schedule" or "compensation plan" means a list or lists specifying a series of compensation steps and ranges.
(9) "Eligible" or "eligible person" means a person whose name is on a candidate list.
(10) "Employee" or "state employee" means any person holding a position in state
service subject to appointment by an appointing authority.
(11) "Examination" means an assessment device or technique yielding scores or
ratings designed to determine the fitness of candidates for positions allocated to a specified class, occupational group or career progression level.
(12) "Full-time employee" means an employee holding a position normally requiring thirty-five hours or more of service in each week.
(13) "Generic job class" means a job classification comprised of positions covering
a diversity of assignments which are either occupationally or functionally related.
(14) "Good standing" means the status of an employee whose employment in the
state service has been terminated other than as a result of disciplinary action or during
a period when disciplinary action was pending.
(15) "Grade" or "pay grade" means a relative level, numerically expressed, to which
one or more classes may be assigned according to the degree of their complexity, importance and value, and which refers to a single pay range in the compensation schedule.
(16) "Minimum earned rating" means the lowest score or rating that entitles a candidate to pass the examination.
(17) "Officer" or "state officer" means any person appointed to a state office established by statute, including appointing authorities.
(18) "Part-time employee" means an employee holding a position normally requiring less than thirty-five hours of service in each week.
(19) "Permanent appointment" means appointment to a position in the classified
service following successful completion of the required working test.
(20) "Permanent employee" means an employee holding a position in the classified
service under a permanent appointment or an employee holding a position in unclassified
service who has served in such a position for a period of more than six months, except
employees in positions funded in whole or in part by the federal government as part of any
public service employment program, on-the-job training program or work experience
(21) "Permanent position" means any position in the classified service which requires or which is expected to require the services of an incumbent without interruption
for a period of more than six months, except positions funded in whole or in part by
the federal government as part of any public service employment program, on-the-job
training program or work experience program.
(22) "Position" means a group of duties and responsibilities currently assigned or
designated by competent authority to require the services of one employee.
(23) "Public member" means a member of a board or commission who does not
hold any office or position in the state service.
(24) "Reemployment list" means a list of names of persons arranged in the order
prescribed by the provisions of this chapter and by regulations issued in accordance
with this chapter, which persons have occupied positions allocated to any class in the
classified service, and are no longer in such class and are entitled to have their names
certified to appointing authorities when vacancies in such class are to be filled, in preference to those whose names are on the candidate list for such class.
(25) "State service" means occupancy of any office or position or employment in
the service of the state, but not of local governmental subdivisions thereof, for which
compensation is paid.
(26) "Temporary position" means a position in the state service which is expected
to require the services of an incumbent for a period not in excess of six months.
(27) "Unclassified service" means any office or position in the state service which
is not in the classified service.
(28) "Working test" means a trial working period made a part of the selective process
under the provisions of this chapter and by regulations issued in accordance with this
chapter, during which the work and conduct of the employee shall be noted by the
appointing authority or his authorized agent and reported upon to determine whether
such employee merits permanent appointment.
(29) "Veteran", when used in this chapter and in section 5-180, means any person
who has been honorably discharged from or released under honorable conditions from
active service in the armed forces of the United States and who has performed such
service in time of war, as such terms are defined in section 27-103, except that the final
date for service in time of war during World War II shall be December 31, 1947.
(30) "Managerial employee" means any person presently covered by the existing
managerial compensation plan pursuant to subsection (g) of section 5-270.
(31) "Senior executive service" means upper level career professional management
positions in the executive branch to which state employees with at least five years of
classified service may be appointed through objective assessment procedures. The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of section 5-236 shall not apply to such employees.
(32) "Career progression level" means the following career levels in which each
class of positions shall be categorized as determined by the Commissioner of Administrative Services based on general job characteristics and minimum requirements for
knowledge, skill and ability, including, but not limited to, education, employment history and special skills: (A) Entry, (B) working, (C) lead, (D) supervisor, and (E) manager.
(33) "Occupational group" means broad occupational areas in which each class of
positions shall be categorized as determined by the Commissioner of Administrative
(1967, P.A. 657, S. 5; P.A. 73-199; P.A. 74-338, S. 3, 94; P.A. 76-254, S. 1, 11; P.A. 78-231, S. 1, 10; 78-277, S. 4, 6;
P.A. 79-621, S. 2, 24; P.A. 81-457, S. 1; P.A. 92-165, S. 3, 32; P.A. 96-168, S. 1, 34.)
History: P.A. 73-199 redefined "permanent employee" re employees in unclassified service; P.A. 74-338 made technical
changes; P.A. 76-254 replaced existing Subsec. (k) with new (k) defining "examination" and relettered former (k) and
subsequent Subsecs accordingly; P.A. 78-231 added Subsec. (cc) defining "managerial employee"; P.A. 78-277 redefined
"permanent employee" and "permanent position" in Subsecs. (s) and (t) to exclude employees and positions funded by
federal government in employment, on-the-job training or work experience programs; P.A. 79-621 added Subsec. (dd)
defining "senior civil service"; P.A. 81-457 amended Subsec. (dd) to define "senior executive service" rather than "senior
civil service" and to require at least five years of classified service experience for such appointees; P.A. 92-165 redefined
"class" in Subsec. (d) to mean a position or group of positions that share general characteristics and are categorized under
a single title for administrative purposes, defined "candidate list" in Subsec. (j), added definitions of "career progression
level" in Subsec. (ee) and "occupational group" in Subsec. (ff), and made technical changes; P.A. 96-168 changed definition
indicators from letters to numbers, placed definition of "candidate list" in alphabetical order, broadened the definition of
"examination", added the definition of "generic job class" and linked the definition of "managerial employee" to Sec. 5-270, effective July 1, 1996.
See Sec. 4-9a for definition of "public member".
Annotations to former statute:
Assistant attorney general held to be in classified service. 133 C. 340. Cited. 143 C. 405.
Cited. 9 CS 123; 12 CS 378; 13 CS 297.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 226 C. 670.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 177 C. 344. Cited. 190 C. 39.
Subsec. (e):
Cited. 188 C. 290. Cited. 192 C. 399.
Subsec. (i):
Cited. 238 C. 146.
Subsec. (l):
Cited. 238 C. 146.
Cited. 28 CA 1.
Subsec. (q):
Cited. 238 C. 146.
Cited. 28 CA 1.
Subsec. (r):
Cited. 176 C. 1.
Subsec. (s):
Notwithstanding designation as unclassified, employee qualified as classified under permanent appointment by virtue
of six years' continuous service holding position in classified service in all but name since position not exempt from
classified service under section 5-198. 176 C. 1.
Subsec. (u):
Cited. 175 C. 586. Cited. 188 C. 290.
Subsec. (v):
Cited. 170 C. 541.
Subsec. (z):
Cited. 170 C. 541. Cited. 188 C. 290.
Subsec. (aa):
Cited. 176 C. 1.