Sec. 5-200a. Job evaluations in classified and unclassified state service. Evaluation committees. Rating of jobs. Advisory committee. Modification of compensation. Reports to General Assembly. Exclusi
Sec. 5-200a. Job evaluations in classified and unclassified state service. Evaluation committees. Rating of jobs. Advisory committee. Modification of compensation. Reports to General Assembly. Exclusion of certain unclassified positions. (a)
The Commissioner of Administrative Services, with the assistance of a consultant and
project coordinator as required, and utilizing such studies as may be available to said
commissioner, shall adopt and implement a system for evaluating classifications in state
service, excluding classes covered by section 5-198. Based on the two-phase recommendation of the pilot study produced pursuant to the mandate of special act 79-72, the
Department of Administrative Services shall, as necessary, review and make appropriate
revisions to the classification system for all jobs within all job families in state employment which are subject to evaluation, and shall evaluate such classifications in state
service on the basis of objective job-related criteria and in conformance with procedures
and techniques recommended by the commissioner. Said objective, job-related criteria
shall include but not be limited to: (1) Knowledge and skill required to carry out the duties
of the position, (2) effort, both mental and physical, and (3) accountability. Evaluation
committees which are representative of management and employees in the occupations
being evaluated shall be formed for the purposes of this section. Utilizing the job evaluation system, the commissioner shall determine ratings for jobs through assignment of
factor values and shall, on January 1, 1982, and each January first thereafter, make a
progress report and report all findings, including comparative job ratings, to the cochairpersons of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to labor and public employees. An advisory committee representing various interested parties shall advise the Department of Administrative Services
in performing this work. No modification of compensation shall be required by such
ratings. Ratings may be a consideration in setting salaries, subject to the provisions of
chapter 68 for classes included under collective bargaining. The job evaluation process
shall include system selection, testing and training of raters. During the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1982, up to seven hundred classes shall be evaluated, including those classes
studied pursuant to special act 79-72 and this section, as in effect prior to July 1, 1981,
and such other classes as may provide a representative sample of the classifications in
state service. The commissioner shall report the preliminary findings with regard to
such a sample by March 1, 1982, to the cochairpersons of the joint standing committee
of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to labor and public
employees. In each succeeding year the commissioner shall, within available appropriations, evaluate up to seven hundred classes a year and report the findings of such evaluation to the cochairpersons of said committee.
(b) The Commissioner of Administrative Services, with the assistance of a consultant and project coordinator as required, and utilizing such studies as may be available
to the commissioner, shall adopt and implement a system for a full classification and
job evaluation study of all unclassified positions in state service, as described in section
5-198, currently held or to be held by employees in collective bargaining units. The
commissioner shall conduct such evaluations in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, (1) studies of
unclassified employees conducted as negotiated under collective bargaining agreements
shall be implemented and funded in conjunction with studies completed under subsection (a) of this section, and (2) on or before August 1, 1987, any exclusive bargaining
representative may notify the commissioner, in writing, of those unclassified positions
in the particular bargaining unit which shall be excluded from the study conducted
pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Any unclassified position may be excluded from the study conducted pursuant
to subsection (b) of this section if (1) the inclusion of such position in the study is not
deemed to be feasible by the feasibility study mandated by special act 86-51 and (2) the
commissioner and the exclusive bargaining representative mutually agree to exclude
such position.
(P.A. 80-357, S. 1, 3; P.A. 81-380, S. 1, 3; P.A. 87-407, S. 2, 5.)
History: P.A. 81-380 restated requirements re objective evaluation of all jobs in state service specifically excluding
positions listed in Sec. 5-198 as exempt from the classified service and requiring that up to 700 job classes be evaluated
each fiscal year and that annual progress reports be given to the cognizant general assembly committee and deleted previous
provisions describing in detail the two-phase recommendations which form basis of evaluation; P.A. 87-407 added Subsecs.
(b), (c) and (d), establishing a study of unclassified positions and allowing for the exclusion of positions from the study.