Sec. 5-236. Appointments to unclassified service. Return to classified from unclassified service. Senior executive service. Senior Executive Service Board.
Sec. 5-236. Appointments to unclassified service. Return to classified from unclassified service. Senior executive service. Senior Executive Service Board. (a) An
appointing authority, in his discretion, may request from the Commissioner of Administrative Services a list of eligible candidates for a position exempt from the classified
service and may appoint an employee from such a list.
(b) Any employee in the classified service who has taken or takes a position in the
unclassified service and who thereafter is ready to report for duty for a position in the
classified service shall be placed on a reemployment list for the appropriate class in
which he has attained permanent status for future reemployment when vacancies in the
class occur. The order in which names shall be placed on the reemployment list for any
class shall be by seniority in state service.
(c) There shall be a senior executive service to provide an upper level of career
professional management. An appointing authority may request from the Commissioner
of Administrative Services names of candidates eligible for a position within the senior
executive service and may appoint an employee from such a list. Such names shall be
furnished to said commissioner by the Senior Executive Service Board. Any employee
in the classified service who qualifies for and accepts a position in the senior executive
service shall not attain tenure in the position, shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing
authority with the concurrence of the Senior Executive Service Board and shall have
the right to return to a classified position at his former level in any state agency provided
if no such position is available in another agency, the employee shall have the right to
return to such a position in his former agency. No employee holding a position in the
senior executive service shall be removed except upon one hundred twenty days' written
notice to such employee and the Senior Executive Service Board.
(d) There shall be a Senior Executive Service Board consisting of six members
appointed by the Governor. Such members shall serve without compensation, but shall
be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses. The terms of appointment shall
be four years. Three members shall be employed by the state, one of whom may be an
employee in the senior executive service and one of whom shall be a managerial employee; two of whom shall be from management positions in private enterprise, and one
of whom shall be from a major independent Connecticut college or university. The
Commissioner of Administrative Services or his designee shall serve as a nonvoting
member and secretariat. The board shall: (1) Evaluate candidates' managerial qualifications for appointment to senior executive service positions on the basis of management
experience, education and professional training and performance capabilities using appropriate assessment procedures; (2) identify positions at upper management levels that
may be filled with senior executive service candidates by evaluating position requirements and the skills, abilities and experience essential for satisfactory performance.
Departments, as defined in section 4-38c, and the offices of the Treasurer, Secretary of
the State, Comptroller and Attorney General shall be eligible to establish no less than
one senior executive service position. Except as provided in subdivision (5) of this
subsection, any additional positions shall be established based upon the number of their
established full-time positions as follows: Five hundred or more positions but less than
one thousand five hundred, one senior executive service position; one thousand five
hundred or more positions but less than two thousand five hundred, two senior executive
service positions; two thousand five hundred or more positions but less than three thousand five hundred, three senior executive service positions; three thousand five hundred
or more positions but less than four thousand five hundred, four senior executive service
positions; four thousand five hundred or more positions, five senior executive service
positions; (3) approve transfers, promotions and demotions within the service; (4) issue
guidelines for the nomination and selection of candidates, identification and review of
positions, and assignment to grade levels; (5) approve reassignment of unfilled senior
executive service positions from departments, as defined in section 4-38c, which are
entitled to three or more senior executive service positions, to departments demonstrating a need for more positions than authorized pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection; and (6) report biennially in odd-numbered years to the Governor and the legislature
on the status, effectiveness and composition of the senior executive service. The appointment of an employee to the senior executive service shall not increase the total number
of General Fund positions in the appointing agency.
(1967, P.A. 657, S. 45; P.A. 77-614, S. 66, 610; P.A. 79-621, S. 16, 24; P.A. 81-457, S. 3, 4; P.A. 83-195; P.A. 88-9;
P.A. 92-165, S. 26, 32.)
History: P.A. 77-614 replaced personnel commissioner with commissioner of administrative services; P.A. 79-621
added Subsecs. (c) and (d) re senior civil service and senior civil service board; P.A. 81-457 amended Subsec. (d) to change
all references to "senior civil service" to "senior executive service", to provide each state agency with at least one senior
executive service position and to specify that the appointment of an employee to such a position shall not increase the total
number of agency positions, also amended Subsec. (c) to change all references to "senior civil service" to "senior executive
service", also amended Subsec. (b) to require that performance appraisals be used in determining compensation according
to the provisions of Sec. 5-210(d) rather than "within the limits of approved salary schedules" and to delete provision
requiring director of personnel and labor relations to report to various general assembly committees on the administration
of the management incentive program; P.A. 83-195 amended Subsec. (d) to increase from five to six the number of members
on the senior executive service board, requiring that three, instead of two, members shall be appointed by the state and
that one shall be a managerial employee, and to allow the offices of the treasurer, secretary of the state, comptroller and
attorney general to establish senior executive service positions; P.A. 88-9 amended Subsec. (c) to provide that participants
in the senior executive service have the right to return to a classified position at their former level in any state agency and
that if no such position is available, the employee shall return to his former agency and added Subsec. (d)(5) to provide
for reassignment of unfilled positions; P.A. 92-165 made a technical change in Subsec. (b).