Sec. 52-308. Form of attachment bond. The bond shall be taken to the plaintiff
and be substantially in the following form:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That .... of .... as principal, and .... of ....
as surety, are holden and firmly bound jointly and severally unto .... of .... in the penal
sum of .... dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves,
our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION
of this obligation is such that, whereas the said .... has brought an action against the
said ...., said action being returnable to the .... court for .... judicial district on the first
Tuesday of ...., 20.., demanding .... dollars damages, the writ being dated at ...., on the ....
day of ...., A.D. 20.., and signed by .... as ...., and by direction of said writ an attachment
has been placed upon property of the said .... as follows: .... Now, Therefore, if the
said .... shall pay any judgment that may be recovered against him in such action not
exceeding the amount of .... dollars (the amount of damages demanded by said writ),
or in default of such payment, shall pay to the officer having the execution issued on
such judgment, on demand, the actual value of the interest, not exempt from attachment
and execution, of the said .... in said attached property at the time of said attachment,
not exceeding said amount of .... dollars, then his bond shall be void, but otherwise in
full force and effect.
Dated at .... this .... day of ...., 20...
.... L.S.
.... L.S.
(1949 Rev., S. 8047; P.A. 78-280, S. 2, 127.)
History: P.A. 78-280 substituted "judicial district" for "county" where appearing; (Revisor's note: In 2001 the references
in this section to the date "19.." were changed editorially by the Revisors to "20.." to reflect the new millennium).
In suit on bond, the value of the property at the time the bond was given is controlling; 45 C. 356; the obligors are
estopped from denying the attachable interest of the original defendant; 58 C. 429; but may prove the want of any interest
or ownership in mitigation of damages. 74 C. 174; 86 C. 615. Cited. 72 C. 159. Error in noting recognizance may be
overlooked. 74 C. 171. Necessity of attempt to levy and of demand before suit on. 86 C. 615; 104 C. 281. Nature and effect
of bond in general. 84 C. 334. Though in statutory form, not under statute if not ordered by court. 86 C. 621; 90 C. 507;
91 C. 132; 94 C. 91. Limit of liability under; joint bond of two defendants. 85 C. 83. Effect of bankruptcy of debtor on
liability of surety. 84 C. 331. Nature of bond and effect of bankruptcy; that it was voluntarily given, nil. sig. 95 C. 551;
101 C. 543. Extent of surety's liability. 95 C. 713. Effect of bond; surety entitled to benefit of payments made to plaintiff
by company insuring defendant's liability. 97 C. 20. Whatever destroys attachment destroys bond; necessity for demand
on garnishee within sixty days where bond given to release foreign attachment. 104 C. 281. Common law bond is a new
security entirely disconnected with attachment lien. 127 C. 354. A bond in statutory form, given to release an attachment,
is a substitute for the property and not a substitute for the lien of the attachment. Defendant is not estopped to prove that
defendant in original action had no interest in car. 136 C. 66. Surety is liable only to extent of actual value of interest of
principal in property released. 138 C. 428. Cited. 141 C. 675. See notes to sections 52-177, 52-304. Sec. 52-304 et seq.
cited. 209 C. 15.