Sec. 52-325a. Application for discharge. Forms. Hearing. (a) Whenever a notice
of lis pendens is recorded against any real property pursuant to subsection (a) of section
52-325, the property owner, if the action has not then been returned to court, may make
application, together with a proposed order and summons, to the superior court for the
judicial district to which the action is made returnable, or to any judge thereof, that a
hearing or hearings be held to determine whether such notice of lis pendens should be
discharged. The court or judge shall thereupon order reasonable notice of such application to be given to the plaintiff and shall set a date or dates for the hearing or hearings
to be held thereon. If such plaintiff is not a resident of this state such notice shall be
given by personal service, registered or certified mail, publication or such other method
as the court or judge shall direct. At least seven days notice shall be given to the plaintiff
prior to the date of such hearing.
(b) The application, order and summons shall be substantially in the following form:
To the .... Court of ....
The undersigned represent(s):
1. That .... is the owner of the real property described in schedule A attached hereto;
2. That on or about .... (date) .... (name of plaintiff) of .... (address of plaintiff)
recorded a notice of lis pendens affecting such real property and gave notice thereof;
3. That there is not probable cause to sustain the validity of the plaintiff's claim or,
in an action that alleges an illegal, invalid or defective transfer of an interest in real
property, that the initial illegal, invalid or defective transfer of an interest in real property
occurred sixty years or more prior to the commencement of the action;
4. That the applicant seeks an order for discharge of such recorded notice of lis
(Name of Applicant)
By: ....
His Attorney
The above application having been presented to the court, it is hereby ordered that a
hearing be held thereon at .... (time) on .... (date) and that the applicant give notice to
the following persons: .... (Names and addresses of persons entitled to notice) of the
pendency of said application and of the time when it will be heard by causing a true and
attested copy of the application and of this order to be served upon such persons by
some proper officer or indifferent person on or before .... and that due return of such
notice be made to this court.
Dated at .... this .... day of ...., 20...
(Clerk of the Court)
To a state marshal of the county of ...., or either constable of the town of ...., in said
By authority of the state of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to serve a true
and attested copy of the above application and order upon ...., of .... by leaving the same
in his hands or at his usual place of abode (or such other notice as ordered by the court)
on or before ....
Hereof fail not but due service and return make.
Dated at .... this .... day of .... 20...
(Commissioner of the Superior Court)
(1) The clerk upon receipt of all such documents in duplicate, if he finds them to
be in proper form, shall fix a date for a hearing on the application and sign the order of
hearing and notice. A copy of the original document shall be placed in the court file.
(2) The clerk shall deliver to the applicant's attorney the original of such documents
for service. Service having been made, such original documents shall be returned to
such court with the endorsement by the officer of his actions.
(c) If the action for which notice of lis pendens was recorded, is pending before any
court, the property owner may at any time, unless the application under subsection (a)
of this section has previously been ruled upon, move that such notice of lis pendens be
discharged of record.
(P.A. 81-8, S. 2, 9; P.A. 82-472, S. 140, 183; P.A. 87-589, S. 15, 33, 87; Oct. Sp. Sess. P.A. 93-4, S. 2, 4; P.A. 00-99,
S. 113, 154.)
History: P.A. 82-472 substituted "actions" for "doings" in Subsec. (b)(2); P.A. 87-589 made technical changes, restoring
text inadvertently omitted through computer error; Oct. Sp. Sess. P.A. 93-4 amended Subsec. (b) to allow the applicant to
represent in the application as a reason for discharge of the notice that, in an action alleging an illegal, invalid or defective
transfer of an interest in real property, the initial illegal, invalid or defective transfer occurred 60 years or more prior to
the commencement of the action, effective November 12, 1993, and applicable to any notice of lis pendens recorded before,
on or after said date; (Revisor's note: In 1995 in the "SUMMONS" the sentence "Hereof fail not but due serve and return
make." was changed editorially by the Revisors to "Hereof fail not but due service and return make."); P.A. 00-99 replaced
reference to sheriff and deputy sheriff with state marshal in Subsec. (b), effective December 1, 2000 (Revisor's note: The
references in Subsec. (b) of this section to the date "19.." were changed editorially by the Revisors to "20.." to reflect the
new millennium).
Cited. 189 C. 471. Sec. 52-304 et seq. cited. 209 C. 15. Cited. 217 C. 24.
Cited. 10 CA 166. Cited. 11 CA 211.
Cited. 39 CS 195. Effect of notice of lis pendens distinguished from effect of prejudgment attachment; constitutionality
discussed. 42 CS 241. Lis pendens statute(s) Sec. 52-325 et seq. cited. Id.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 40 CS 312.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 209 C. 15.
Cited. 36 CA 469. Cited. 45 CA 324.