Sec. 54-56e. (Formerly Sec. 54-76p). Accelerated pretrial rehabilitation.
Sec. 54-56e. (Formerly Sec. 54-76p). Accelerated pretrial rehabilitation. (a)
There shall be a pretrial program for accelerated rehabilitation of persons accused of a
crime or crimes or a motor vehicle violation or violations for which a sentence to a term
of imprisonment may be imposed, which crimes or violations are not of a serious nature.
(b) The court may, in its discretion, invoke such program on motion of the defendant
or on motion of a state's attorney or prosecuting attorney with respect to a defendant
(1) who, the court believes, will probably not offend in the future, (2) who has no previous
record of conviction of a crime or of a violation of section 14-196, subsection (c) of
section 14-215, section 14-222a, subsection (a) of section 14-224 or section 14-227a,
(3) who has not been adjudged a youthful offender within the preceding five years under
the provisions of sections 54-76b to 54-76n, inclusive, and (4) who states under oath, in
open court or before any person designated by the clerk and duly authorized to administer
oaths, under the penalties of perjury that the defendant has never had such program
invoked in the defendant's behalf, provided the defendant shall agree thereto and provided notice has been given by the defendant, on a form approved by rule of court, to
the victim or victims of such crime or motor vehicle violation, if any, by registered or
certified mail and such victim or victims have an opportunity to be heard thereon. In
determining whether to grant an application under this section with respect to a person
who has been adjudged a youthful offender under the provisions of sections 54-76b
to 54-76n, inclusive, more than five years prior to the date of such application, and
notwithstanding the provisions of section 54-76l, the court shall have access to the
youthful offender records of such person and may consider the nature and circumstances
of the crime with which such person was charged as a youth. Any defendant who makes
application for participation in such program shall pay to the court an application fee
of thirty-five dollars.
(c) This section shall not be applicable: (1) To any person charged with a class A
felony, a class B felony, except a violation of section 53a-122 that does not involve the
use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person, or a violation of section 14-227a, subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 53-21, section 53a-56b, 53a-60d, 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-70b, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b, 53a-90a, 53a-196e
or 53a-196f, (2) to any person charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation who, as
a result of the commission of such crime or motor vehicle violation, causes the death
of another person, (3) to any person accused of a family violence crime as defined in
section 46b-38a who (A) is eligible for the pretrial family violence education program
established under section 46b-38c, or (B) has previously had the pretrial family violence
education program invoked in such person's behalf, (4) to any person charged with a
violation of section 21a-267 or 21a-279 who (A) is eligible for the pretrial drug education
program established under section 54-56i, or (B) has previously had the pretrial drug
education program invoked in such person's behalf, (5) unless good cause is shown, to
any person charged with a class C felony, or (6) to any person charged with a violation
of section 9-359 or 9-359a.
(d) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, any defendant who enters
such program shall pay to the court a participation fee of one hundred dollars. Any
defendant who enters such program shall agree to the tolling of any statute of limitations
with respect to such crime and to a waiver of the right to a speedy trial. Any such
defendant shall appear in court and shall, under such conditions as the court shall order,
be released to the custody of the Court Support Services Division, except that, if a
criminal docket for drug-dependent persons has been established pursuant to section
51-181b in the judicial district, such defendant may be transferred, under such conditions
as the court shall order, to the court handling such docket for supervision by such court.
If the defendant refuses to accept, or, having accepted, violates such conditions, the
defendant's case shall be brought to trial. The period of such probation or supervision,
or both, shall not exceed two years. The court may order that as a condition of such
probation the defendant participate in the zero-tolerance drug supervision program established pursuant to section 53a-39d. If the defendant has reached the age of sixteen
years but has not reached the age of eighteen years, the court may order that as a condition
of such probation the defendant be referred for services to a youth service bureau established pursuant to section 10-19m, provided the court finds, through an assessment by
a youth service bureau or its designee, that the defendant is in need of and likely to
benefit from such services. When determining any conditions of probation to order for
a person entering such program who was charged with a misdemeanor that did not
involve the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person
or a motor vehicle violation, the court shall consider ordering the person to perform
community service in the community in which the offense or violation occurred. If the
court determines that community service is appropriate, such community service may
be implemented by a community court established in accordance with section 51-181c
if the offense or violation occurred within the jurisdiction of a community court established by said section. If the defendant is charged with a violation of section 46a-58,
53-37a, 53a-181j, 53a-181k or 53a-181l, the court may order that as a condition of such
probation the defendant participate in a hate crimes diversion program as provided in
subsection (e) of this section. If a defendant is charged with a violation of section 53-247, the court may order that as a condition of such probation the defendant undergo
psychiatric or psychological counseling or participate in an animal cruelty prevention
and education program provided such a program exists and is available to the defendant.
(e) If the court orders the defendant to participate in a hate crimes diversion program
as a condition of probation, the defendant shall pay to the court a participation fee of
four hundred twenty-five dollars. No person may be excluded from such program for
inability to pay such fee, provided (1) such person files with the court an affidavit of
indigency or inability to pay, (2) such indigency or inability to pay is confirmed by the
Court Support Services Division, and (3) the court enters a finding thereof. The Judicial
Department shall contract with service providers, develop standards and oversee appropriate hate crimes diversion programs to meet the requirements of this section. Any
defendant whose employment or residence makes it unreasonable to attend a hate crimes
diversion program in this state may attend a program in another state which has standards
substantially similar to, or higher than, those of this state, subject to the approval of the
court and payment of the application and program fees as provided in this section. The
hate crimes diversion program shall consist of an educational program and supervised
community service.
(f) If a defendant released to the custody of the Court Support Services Division
satisfactorily completes such defendant's period of probation, such defendant may apply
for dismissal of the charges against such defendant and the court, on finding such satisfactory completion, shall dismiss such charges. If the defendant does not apply for
dismissal of the charges against such defendant after satisfactorily completing such
defendant's period of probation, the court, upon receipt of a report submitted by the Court
Support Services Division that the defendant satisfactorily completed such defendant's
period of probation, may on its own motion make a finding of such satisfactory completion and dismiss such charges. If a defendant transferred to the court handling the criminal docket for drug-dependent persons satisfactorily completes such defendant's period
of supervision, the court shall release the defendant to the custody of the Court Support
Services Division under such conditions as the court shall order or shall dismiss such
charges. Upon dismissal, all records of such charges shall be erased pursuant to section
54-142a. An order of the court denying a motion to dismiss the charges against a defendant who has completed such defendant's period of probation or supervision or terminating the participation of a defendant in such program shall be a final judgment for purposes
of appeal.
(P.A. 73-641, S. 1, 2; P.A. 74-38; P.A. 76-53; 76-179; P.A. 79-581, S. 11; 79-585, S. 10, 15; P.A. 81-446, S. 4; P.A.
82-9; P.A. 83-534, S. 7; P.A. 85-350, S. 2; 85-374; P.A. 87-343, S. 3, 4; P.A. 87-567, S. 5, 7; P.A. 88-145; P.A. 89-219,
S. 7, 10; P.A. 91-24, S. 6; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-6, S. 116, 117; P.A. 93-138; P.A. 95-142, S. 4; 95-154; 95-225, S. 31;
P.A. 97-248, S. 10, 12; P.A. 98-81, S. 16, 20; 98-208, S. 1, 2; P.A. 99-148, S. 3, 4; 99-187, S. 5; P.A. 00-72, S. 4, 12; 00-196, S. 39; 00-209, S. 5; P.A. 01-16; 01-84, S. 19, 26; P.A. 02-132, S. 34; P.A. 03-208, S. 2; P.A. 04-139, S. 9; P.A. 05-235, S. 5; P.A. 07-217, S. 192.)
History: P.A. 74-38 transferred power to invoke accelerated rehabilitation program from state's attorney or prosecuting
attorney to the court and replaced provision which made section inapplicable to persons accused of class A, B or C felony
with provision specifying that section is inapplicable in such cases "unless good cause is shown"; P.A. 76-53 clarified
provision requiring that crime victims be given opportunity to express their views by specifying notice procedure; P.A.
76-179 required that candidate for rehabilitation state under oath that he has not previously had the program invoked on
his behalf; P.A. 79-581 rendered provisions inapplicable to youths previously adjudged youthful offenders; P.A. 79-585
substituted office of adult probation for commission on adult probation; Sec. 54-76p transferred to Sec. 54-56e in 1981;
P.A. 81-446 excluded persons charged with a violation of Sec. 14-227a from the provisions of this section; P.A. 82-9
substituted "in the future" for "again" and added provision re erasure of records pursuant to Sec. 54-142a upon dismissal;
P.A. 83-534 excluded persons charged with a violation of Sec. 53a-56b or 53a-60d from the provisions of this section;
P.A. 85-350 added provision that if the defendant does not apply for dismissal of the charges against him after satisfactory
completion of the program the court may on its own motion make a finding of satisfactory completion and dismiss the
charges; P.A. 85-374 added provision that certain court orders are final judgments for purposes of appeal; P.A. 87-343
made persons accused of a motor vehicle violation for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment may be imposed eligible
for the program; P.A. 87-567 specified that section will not apply to persons accused of a family violence crime who are
eligible for pretrial family education program established under Sec. 46b-38c or who have previously had pretrial family
violence education program invoked in their behalf; P.A. 88-145 precluded from the program an accused who has a previous
record of conviction of "a violation of section 14-196, subsection (c) of section 14-215, section 14-222a, subsection (a)
of section 14-224 or section 14-227a", and made a technical change to conform with the changes made by P.A. 87-343 by
requiring the accused to give notice to the victim or victims of such crime "or motor vehicle violation"; P.A. 89-219
established an application fee of $25 and a participation fee of $100; P.A. 91-24 added provision permitting the defendant
to make a sworn statement "before any person designated by the clerk and duly authorized to administer oaths"; May Sp.
Sess. P.A. 92-6 increased application fee from $25 to $35; P.A. 93-138 made persons accused of more than one crime or
motor vehicle violation eligible for the program; P.A. 95-142 made ineligible for the program any person charged with a
violation of Sec. 53-21(2), 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-70b, 53a-71, 53a-72a or 53a-72b; P.A. 95-154 made ineligible for the
program any person charged with a class A or B felony and any person who has previously been adjudged a youthful
offender for the commission of a class B felony, however provision re youthful offenders failed to take effect because of
irreconcilable conflict with P.A. 95-225, the provisions of that act having taken precedence; P.A. 95-225 made ineligible
for the program any person who has previously been adjudged a youthful offender where formerly a "youth" who has
previously been adjudged a youthful offender was ineligible unless good cause was shown, and added provision authorizing
the court to order certain defendants be referred for services to a youth service bureau as a condition of probation if the
court finds that they are in need of and likely to benefit from such services; P.A. 97-248 authorized the transfer of a
defendant to the court handling the criminal docket for drug-dependent persons if such a docket has been established in
the judicial district, specified that the period of probation or supervision or both not exceed two years and provided that
if a defendant transferred to the court handling the criminal docket for drug-dependent persons satisfactorily completes
his period of supervision the court shall release the defendant to the Office of Adult Probation or dismiss the charges,
effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 98-81 after "who has not been adjudged a youthful offender" added "on or after October 1,
1995", effective May 22, 1998; P.A. 98-208 inserted Subsec., Subdiv. and Subpara. indicators and added Subsec. (c)(2)
making provisions inapplicable to any person charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation who, as a result of the
commission of such crime or motor vehicle violation, causes the death of another person, effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 99-148 added Subsec. (c)(4) making provisions inapplicable to any person charged with a violation of Sec. 21a-267 or 21a-279 who is eligible for the pretrial drug education program under Sec. 54-56i or has previously had such program invoked
in such person's behalf and made provisions of section gender neutral, effective July 1, 1999; P.A. 99-187 amended Subsec.
(d) to add provision authorizing the court to order as a condition of probation that the defendant participate in the zero-tolerance drug supervision program established pursuant to Sec. 53a-39d and to make technical changes for purposes of
gender neutrality; P.A. 00-72 amended Subsec. (d) to add exception re amount of the participation fee and add provision
authorizing the court to order participation in a hate crimes diversion program as a condition of probation for defendants
charged with a violation of Sec. 46a-58, 53-37a, 53a-181j, 53a-181k or 53a-181l, added new Subsec. (e) re hate crimes
diversion program and redesignated former Subsec. (e) as Subsec. (f), effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 00-196 amended Subsec.
(d) to add provisions requiring the court to consider ordering a person charged with a misdemeanor that did not involve
the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person or a motor vehicle violation to perform
community service as a condition of probation and authorizing such community service to be implemented by a community
court if the offense or violation occurred within the jurisdiction of a community court, which provisions were formerly
incorporated in Sec. 53a-28(e) and were deleted therefrom by same public act; P.A. 00-209 amended Subsec. (b)(3) to
replace condition that defendant "has not previously been adjudged a youthful offender on or after October 1, 1995," with
condition that defendant "has not been adjudged a youthful offender within the preceding five years", and to add provision
that in determining whether to grant an application for a person who has been adjudged a youthful offender more than five
years prior to the date of the application, the court shall have access to the youthful offender records of such person and
may consider the crime such person was charged with as a youth; P.A. 01-16 amended Subsec. (c)(1) to add exception re
eligibility of any person charged with a violation of Sec. 53a-122 that does not involve the use, attempted use or threatened
use of physical force against another person and to make a technical change; P.A. 01-84 amended Subsec. (c)(1) to replace
reference to "subdivision (2) of section 53-21" with "subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 53-21", effective July 1,
2001; P.A. 02-132 replaced "Office of Adult Probation" with "Court Support Services Division" in Subsecs. (d), (e) and
(f) and replaced "Office of Adult Probation" with "Judicial Department" re authority for contracting with service providers
in Subsec. (e); P.A. 03-208 amended Subsec. (d) to add provision authorizing the court to order counseling or participation
in an animal cruelty prevention and education program for a defendant charged with a violation of Sec. 53-247; P.A. 04-139 amended Subsec. (c)(1) to make section inapplicable to a person charged with a violation of Sec. 53a-90a, 53a-196e
or 53a-196f; P.A. 05-235 added Subsec. (c)(6) making section inapplicable to any person charged with a violation of Sec.
9-359 or 9-359a, effective July 1, 2005, and applicable to elections, primaries and referenda held on or after September 1,
2005; P.A. 07-217 made a technical change in Subsec. (d), effective July 12, 2007.
Annotation to former section 54-76p:
Cited. 36 CS 527. Found error in denial of application for accelerated rehabilitation; detailed discussion in dissent. 37
CS 767.
Annotations to present section:
Denial of application for accelerated rehabilitation not a final judgment from which right of appeal lies. 189 C. 92, 95
(Diss. Op.). Claim to a dismissal of charges based on successful completion of conditions imposed under statute is interlocutory and review of claim not deemed proper as an exception to the ground rule requiring final judgment; exceptions
discussed. 194 C. 650. Cited. 206 C. 512. Cited. 219 C. 752. Cited. 222 C. 331.
Denial of application for accelerated rehabilitation is not appealable following plea of nolo contendere. 2 CA 219.
"Crime" means a single criminal act or transaction out of which one or more criminal charges might arise; determinative
criterion governing statute is whether changes arise out of same act or transaction. 6 CA 505. Cited. 8 CA 273. Cited. 9
CA 631; judgment reversed, see 205 C. 352; Id., 686. Cited. 23 CA 559. Defendant charged with more than one single
criminal act or transaction is ineligible for accelerated rehabilitation. 25 CA 235. Cited. 27 CA 635. Section is mandatory
in nature; failure to complete satisfactorily the period of pretrial probation requires that case be returned to docket for trial.
45 CA 722. Court's appraisal of sufficiency of required apology to victim upheld, where defendant initiated other litigation
that may have been impacted by wording of apology. 108 CA 605.
Mere arrest of defendant, without more, is an insufficient ground for revoking his eligibility for dismissal of charges
pursuant to accelerated rehabilitation program. 37 CS 853. Cited. Id., 864. Denial of application for accelerated rehabilitation not a final judgment from which right of appeal lies. 38 CS 552. Cited. Id., 689. Cited. 41 CS 454.
Subsec. (a):
After defendant's completion of program, court must act affirmatively by making a finding of satisfactory completion
in order to dismiss charges against defendant and state's failure to terminate his status in the program during period of
probation does not require court to dismiss the underlying charge. 98 CA 111. The legislature's use of both the singular
"crime" and the plural "crimes" reflects the legislature's intent that the statute may be invoked with respect to a defendant
accused of either one crime or multiple crimes, regardless of whether those crimes are temporally or otherwise related.
110 CA 442.