Sec. 54-63d. Release by bail commissioner. Information, files and reports held by Court Support Services Division.
Sec. 54-63d. Release by bail commissioner. Information, files and reports held
by Court Support Services Division. (a) Upon notification by a police officer pursuant
to section 54-63c that an arrested person has not posted bail, a bail commissioner shall
promptly conduct an interview and investigation as specified in subdivisions (1) and
(2) of subsection (a) of section 54-63b and, based upon the criteria established pursuant
to subsection (b) of section 54-63b and except as provided in subsection (b) of this
section, the bail commissioner shall promptly order release of such person on the first
of the following conditions of release found sufficient to provide reasonable assurance
of the person's appearance in court: (1) Upon the execution of a written promise to
appear without special conditions; (2) upon the execution of a written promise to appear
with any of the nonfinancial conditions as specified in subsection (c) of this section; (3)
upon the execution of a bond without surety in no greater amount than necessary; or (4)
upon the execution of a bond with surety in no greater amount than necessary. If the
person is unable to meet the conditions of release ordered by the bail commissioner, the
bail commissioner shall so inform the court in a report prepared pursuant to subdivision
(4) of subsection (a) of section 54-63b.
(b) No person shall be released upon the execution of a written promise to appear
or the execution of a bond without surety if the person is charged with the commission
of a family violence crime, as defined in section 46b-38a, and in the commission of
such crime the person used or threatened the use of a firearm.
(c) In addition to or in conjunction with any of the conditions enumerated in subdivisions (1) to (4), inclusive, of subsection (a) of this section, the bail commissioner may
impose nonfinancial conditions of release, which may require that the arrested person
do any of the following: (1) Remain under the supervision of a designated person or
organization; (2) comply with specified restrictions on the person's travel, association
or place of abode; (3) not engage in specified activities, including the use or possession
of a dangerous weapon, an intoxicant or controlled substance; (4) participate in the zero-tolerance drug supervision program established under section 53a-39d; (5) avoid all
contact with an alleged victim of the crime and with a potential witness who may testify
concerning the offense; or (6) satisfy any other condition that is reasonably necessary
to assure the appearance of the person in court. Any of the conditions imposed under
subsection (a) of this section and this subsection by the bail commissioner shall be
effective until the appearance of such person in court.
(d) The police department shall promptly comply with the order of release of the
bail commissioner, except that if the department objects to the order or any of its conditions, the department shall promptly so advise a state's attorney or assistant state's
attorney, the bail commissioner and the arrested person. The state's attorney or assistant
state's attorney may authorize the police department to delay release, until a hearing
can be had before the court then sitting for the geographical area which includes the
municipality in which the arrested person is being detained or, if the court is not then
sitting, until the next sitting of said court. When cash bail in excess of ten thousand
dollars is received for a detained person accused of a felony, where the underlying facts
and circumstances of the felony involve the use, attempted use or threatened use of
physical force against another person, the police department shall prepare a report that
contains (1) the name, address and taxpayer identification number of the accused person,
(2) the name, address and taxpayer identification number of each person offering the
cash bail, other than a person licensed as a professional bondsman under chapter 533
or a surety bail bond agent under chapter 700f, (3) the amount of cash received, and (4)
the date the cash was received. Not later than fifteen days after receipt of such cash bail,
the police department shall file the report with the Department of Revenue Services and
mail a copy of the report to the state's attorney for the judicial district in which the
alleged offense was committed and to each person offering the cash bail.
(e) Except as provided in subsections (f) and (g) of this section, all information
provided to the Court Support Services Division shall be for the sole purpose of determining and recommending the conditions of release, and shall otherwise be confidential and retained in the files of the Court Support Services Division, and not be subject
to subpoena or other court process for use in any other proceeding or for any other
(f) The Court Support Services Division shall establish written procedures for the
release of information contained in reports and files of the Court Support Services Division, such procedures to be approved by the executive committee of the judges of the
Superior Court. Such procedures shall allow access to (1) nonidentifying information
by qualified persons for purposes of research related to the administration of criminal
justice; (2) all information provided to the Court Support Services Division by probation
officers for the purposes of compiling presentence reports; and (3) all information provided to the Court Support Services Division concerning any person convicted of a
crime and held in custody by the Department of Correction.
(g) Any files and reports held by the Court Support Services Division may be accessed and disclosed by employees of the division in accordance with policies and
procedures adopted by the Chief Court Administrator.
(1967, P.A. 549, S. 4; P.A. 80-313, S. 15; P.A. 81-437, S. 4, 12; P.A. 82-383, S. 3; P.A. 95-225, S. 32; 95-261, S. 2;
P.A. 97-53; P.A. 98-90, S. 3; P.A. 99-186, S. 9; 99-187, S. 1; 99-240, S. 17; P.A. 00-196, S. 42; P.A. 02-132, S. 40.)
History: P.A. 80-313 designated previous provisions as Subsec. (c), inserting new Subsecs. (a) and (b) containing
provisions formerly found in Subsecs. (a) and (b) of Sec. 54-63b; P.A. 81-437 amended provisions concerning investigation
by bail commissioner and criteria for release and added provisions re financial conditions of release and added new Subsec.
(d) re written procedures for release of information in reports and files of office of the bail commission; P.A. 82-383
amended Subsec. (a) to provide that a term or condition of release recommended by a bail commissioner may include a
term of supervision; P.A. 95-225 and 95-261 both amended Subsec. (c) to add exception for Subsec. (e) and added nearly
identical provisions as new Subsec. (e) authorizing the Office of the Bail Commission to disclose reports and files to the
Office of Adult Probation for the purposes of conducting investigations and supervising persons placed on probation; P.A.
97-53 amended Subsec. (a)(1) by adding "without special conditions" after "appear", added Subsec. (a)(2) re nonfinancial
conditions as specified in Subsec. (b), renumbering existing Subdivs. (2) and (3) as Subdivs. (3) and (4), changing "financial"
conditions of release to "the" conditions of release, and deleting provisions re bail commissioner's recommendation to the
court, added Subsec. (b) re nonfinancial conditions and redesignated existing Subsecs. (b) to (e), inclusive, as Subsecs. (c)
to (f), inclusive; P.A. 98-90 added Subsec. (f)(2) and (3) authorizing the Office of the Bail Commission to disclose files
and reports to the Family Division of the Superior Court for the purpose of preparing written or oral reports and to agencies
and organizations under contract with the Office of Alternative Sanctions for the purpose of monitoring arrested persons,
respectively; P.A. 99-186 amended Subsec. (a) to add provision that the release of a person by the bail commissioner is
subject to the exception in Subsec. (b), added new Subsec. (b) to prohibit the release of a person on the execution of a
written promise to appear or the execution of a bond without surety if such person is charged with the commission of a
family violence crime in which such person used or threatened the use of a firearm, relettering former Subdivs. (b) to (f)
as Subdivs. (c) to (g), respectively, and made technical changes to revise statutory references and make provisions gender
neutral; P.A. 99-187 amended former Subsec. (b) to add new Subdiv. (4) providing that the arrested person may be required
as a condition of release to participate in the zero-tolerance drug supervision program established under Sec. 53a-39d,
renumbering existing Subdivs. (4) and (5) as Subdivs. (5) and (6), respectively, and to make a technical change for purposes
of gender neutrality; P.A. 99-240 amended former Subsec. (c) to add provisions requiring the police department to prepare
a report when cash bail in excess of $10,000 is received for a detained person accused of a felony involving the use,
attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person, specifying the contents of such report and requiring
such police department not later than 15 days after receipt of such cash bail to file such report with the Department of
Revenue Services and mail a copy of such report to the state's attorney and each person offering the cash bail; P.A. 00-196 made technical changes in Subsec. (b); P.A. 02-132 amended Subsec. (a) by making technical and conforming changes,
amended Subsecs. (e) and (f) by replacing "Office of the Bail Commission" and "Chief Bail Commissioner" with "Court
Support Services Division" and deleted former Subsec. (g)(1), (2) and (3) re disclosure of files and reports held by Office
of the Bail Commission, replacing "Office of the Bail Commission" with "Court Support Services Division" and adding
provision re access and disclosure in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Chief Court Administrator.
See Secs. 53a-222, 53a-222a re criminal penalties for violation of certain conditions of release.