Sec. 54-254. Registration of person who has committed a felony for a sexual purpose.
Sec. 54-254. Registration of person who has committed a felony for a sexual
purpose. (a) Any person who has been convicted or found not guilty by reason of mental
disease or defect in this state on or after October 1, 1998, of any felony that the court
finds was committed for a sexual purpose, may be required by the court upon release into
the community or, if such person is in the custody of the Commissioner of Correction, at
such time prior to release as the commissioner shall direct to register such person's
name, identifying factors, criminal history record, residence address and electronic mail
address, instant message address or other similar Internet communication identifier, if
any, with the Commissioner of Public Safety, on such forms and in such locations as
the commissioner shall direct, and to maintain such registration for ten years. If the court
finds that a person has committed a felony for a sexual purpose and intends to require
such person to register under this section, prior to accepting a plea of guilty or nolo
contendere from such person with respect to such felony, the court shall (1) inform the
person that the entry of a finding of guilty after acceptance of the plea will subject the
person to the registration requirements of this section, and (2) determine that the person
fully understands the consequences of the plea. If any person who is subject to registration under this section changes such person's name, such person shall, without undue
delay, notify the Commissioner of Public Safety in writing of the new name. If any
person who is subject to registration under this section changes such person's address,
such person shall, without undue delay, notify the Commissioner of Public Safety in
writing of the new address and, if the new address is in another state, such person shall
also register with an appropriate agency in that state, provided that state has a registration
requirement for such offenders. If any person who is subject to registration under this
section establishes or changes an electronic mail address, instant message address or
other similar Internet communication identifier, such person shall, without undue delay,
notify the Commissioner of Public Safety in writing of such identifier. If any person
who is subject to registration under this section is employed at, carries on a vocation at
or is a student at a trade or professional institution or institution of higher learning in
this state, such person shall, without undue delay, notify the Commissioner of Public
Safety of such status and of any change in such status. If any person who is subject to
registration under this section is employed in another state, carries on a vocation in
another state or is a student in another state, such person shall, without undue delay,
notify the Commissioner of Public Safety and shall also register with an appropriate
agency in that state, provided that state has a registration requirement for such offenders.
During such period of registration, each registrant shall complete and return forms
mailed to such registrant to verify such registrant's residence address and shall submit
to the retaking of a photographic image upon request of the Commissioner of Public
(b) Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a class
D felony, except that, if such person violates the provisions of this section by failing to
notify the Commissioner of Public Safety without undue delay of a change of name,
address or status or another reportable event, such person shall be subject to such penalty
if such failure continues for five business days.
(P.A. 98-111, S. 5; P.A. 99-183, S. 5, 13; May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-7, S. 82; P.A. 06-187, S. 39; 06-196, S. 292; June
Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4, S. 94.)
History: P.A. 99-183 amended Subsec. (a) to replace "sexual purposes" with "a sexual purpose" where appearing,
revise provision re changing address to and registering in another state, add provision requiring a person who regularly
travels into or within another state or temporarily resides in another state to notify the Commissioner of Public Safety and
register with an appropriate agency in that state if that state has a registration requirement, add provision requiring registrants
to submit to the retaking of a photographic image upon request and make technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality,
effective July 1, 1999; May 9 Sp. Sess. P.A. 02-07 amended Subsec. (a) to add provision requiring any person subject to
registration under this section who is employed at, carries on a vocation at or is a student at a trade or professional institution
or institution of higher learning in this state to notify the commissioner of such status and any change in such status and
to make requirement that a person subject to registration under this section notify the commissioner and register with an
appropriate agency in another state applicable if such person "is employed in another state, carries on a vocation in another
state or is a student in another state" rather than if such person "regularly travels into or within another state or temporarily
resides in another state for purposes including, but not limited to employment or schooling", effective August 15, 2002;
P.A. 06-187 amended Subsec. (a) to require person in custody of Commissioner of Correction to register at such time prior
to release as commissioner directs, require person who changes such person's name to notify commissioner in writing of
new name without undue delay, replace requirement that person who changes address register new address in writing with
commissioner within five days with requirement that such person notify commissioner in writing of new address without
undue delay and require that notification person must give re employment, vocational or student status at trade or professional institution or institution of higher learning in this state and any change in such status and re employment, vocational
or student status in another state be given "without undue delay" and amended Subsec. (b) to add exception that person
who fails to notify commissioner without undue delay of change of name, address or status or another reportable event is
subject to penalty if such failure continues for five business days, effective July 1, 2006; P.A. 06-196 changed effective
date of P.A. 06-187, S. 39 from July 1, 2006, to October 1, 2006, effective June 7, 2006; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4 amended
Subsec. (a) to require registration of person's "electronic mail address, instant message address or other similar Internet
communication identifier, if any," and require registrant who establishes or changes such an identifier to notify Commissioner of Public Safety in writing of such identifier without undue delay.
Court concluded that section is not a sentence enhancement statute. 69 CA 516. Court found that evidentiary hearing
is required on issue of whether the crime was committed for a sexual purpose and stated that the fact is to be found by a
fair preponderance of the evidence. Id.
Subsec. (a):
Order to register as sex offender not required to be based on finding that defendant posed risk of reoffense or danger
to public safety but can be based on finding that crime was committed for sexual purpose. 288 C. 582.