Sec. 7-50. Restrictions on content of birth certificates. Exceptions. Filing of acknowledgments or adjudications of paternity. Removal or changing of paternity information. Access to copies restricted
Sec. 7-50. Restrictions on content of birth certificates. Exceptions. Filing of
acknowledgments or adjudications of paternity. Removal or changing of paternity
information. Access to copies restricted. (a) No certificate of birth shall contain any
specific statement that the child was born in or out of wedlock or reference to illegitimacy
of the child or to the marital status of the mother, except that information on whether
the child was born in or out of wedlock and the marital status of the mother shall be
recorded on a confidential portion of the certificate pursuant to section 7-48. Upon
the completion of an acknowledgment of paternity at a hospital, concurrent with the
hospital's electronic transmission of birth data to the department, or at a town in the
case of a home birth, concurrent with the registration of the birth data by the town, the
acknowledgment shall be filed in the paternity registry maintained by the department,
as required by section 19a-42a, and the name of the father of a child born out of wedlock
shall be entered in or upon the birth certificate or birth record of such child. All properly
completed post birth acknowledgments or certified adjudications of paternity received
by the department shall be filed in the paternity registry maintained by the department,
and the name of the father of the child born out of wedlock shall be entered in or upon
the birth record or certificate of such child by the department, if there is no paternity
already recorded on the birth certificate. If another father's information is recorded on
the certificate, the original father's information shall not be removed except upon receipt
by the department of a certified order by a court of competent jurisdiction in which there
is a finding that the individual recorded on the birth certificate, specifically referenced
by name, is not the child's father, or a finding that a different individual than the one
recorded, specifically referenced by name, is the child's father. The name of the father
on a birth certificate or birth record shall otherwise be removed or changed only upon
the filing of a rescission in such registry, as provided in section 19a-42a. The Social
Security number of the father of a child born out of wedlock may be entered in or upon
the birth certificate or birth record of such child if such entry is done in accordance with
5 USC 552a note.
(b) The department shall restrict access to and issuance of certified copies of acknowledgments of paternity as provided in section 19a-42a.
(1949 Rev., S. 571; P.A. 79-434, S. 3; P.A. 80-483, S. 17, 186; P.A. 85-323; P.A. 94-51, S. 2, 3; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A.
94-1, S. 44, 130; P.A. 96-180, S. 3, 166; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S. 4, 38; P.A. 01-163, S. 11; P.A. 04-255, S. 4; P.A.
08-66, S. 3; 08-184, S. 48.)
History: P.A. 79-434 deleted provision concerning filing putative father's name on certificate and added provision
requiring that in cases of court-determined paternity, father's name and child's surname be recorded; P.A. 80-483 made
technical changes; P.A. 85-323 permitted the name of the father of a child born out of wedlock to be entered on the birth
certificate or record of the child with the written consent of the father and mother; P.A. 94-51 added provision to permit
the social security number of the father to be entered on the birth certificate or birth record; May 25 Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-1
made a technical change, effective June 21, 1994; P.A. 96-180 made a technical change, effective June 3, 1996; June 18
Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 provided exception that information on whether child was born in or out of wedlock and marital status
of mother be recorded on confidential portion of certificate, required name of father to be entered on birth certificate
upon filing voluntary acknowledgment or adjudication of paternity in registry of Department of Public Health, eliminated
provision re consent of mother and father and provided that name of father on certificate may be removed or changed only
upon filing of rescission in registry or upon order of court, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 01-163 made technical changes,
revised provisions re filing of acknowledgments or adjudications of paternity, added provisions re removal of original
father's information and deleted provision re order of court of competent jurisdiction for removing or changing father's
name; P.A. 04-255 added Subsec. (b) re restricted access to copies, designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and made
technical changes therein; P.A. 08-66 amended Subsec. (a) by substituting "entry" for "disclosure" and inserting "section
7-48" re state authority for adding Social Security number of father of child born out of wedlock on birth certificate; P.A.
08-184 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting "section 7-48" re authority for adding Social Security number of father of child
born out of wedlock on birth certificate.
Cited. 34 CS 187.