Sec. 7-294d. Powers of council. Certification of police officers, police training schools and law enforcement instructors. Refusal to renew, cancellation or revocation of certification. Automatic cert
Sec. 7-294d. Powers of council. Certification of police officers, police training
schools and law enforcement instructors. Refusal to renew, cancellation or revocation of certification. Automatic certification. Exemptions. (a) The Police Officer
Standards and Training Council shall have the following powers:
(1) To develop and periodically update and revise a comprehensive municipal police training plan;
(2) To approve, or revoke the approval of, any police training school and to issue
certification to such schools and to revoke such certification;
(3) To set the minimum courses of study and attendance required and the equipment
and facilities to be required of approved police training schools;
(4) To set the minimum qualifications for law enforcement instructors and to issue
appropriate certification to such instructors;
(5) To require that all probationary candidates receive the hours of basic training
deemed necessary before being eligible for certification, such basic training to be completed within one year following the appointment as a probationary candidate, unless
the candidate is granted additional time to complete such basic training by the council;
(6) To require the registration of probationary candidates with the academy within
ten days of hiring for the purpose of scheduling training;
(7) To issue appropriate certification to police officers who have satisfactorily completed minimum basic training programs;
(8) To require that each police officer satisfactorily complete at least forty hours of
certified review training every three years in order to maintain certification, unless the
officer is granted additional time not to exceed one year to complete such training by
the council;
(9) To renew the certification of those police officers who have satisfactorily completed review training programs;
(10) To establish uniform minimum educational and training standards for employment as a police officer in full-time positions, temporary or probationary positions and
part-time or voluntary positions;
(11) To visit and inspect police basic training schools and to inspect each school at
least once each year;
(12) To consult with and cooperate with universities, colleges and institutes for the
development of specialized courses of study for police officers in police science and
police administration;
(13) To consult with and cooperate with departments and agencies of this state and
other states and the federal government concerned with police training;
(14) To employ an executive director, an unclassified executive secretary and any
other personnel that may be necessary in the performance of its functions;
(15) To perform any other acts that may be necessary and appropriate to carry out
the functions of the council as set forth in sections 7-294a to 7-294e, inclusive;
(16) To accept contributions, grants, gifts, donations, services or other financial
assistance from any governmental unit, public agency or the private sector;
(17) To conduct any inspection and evaluation that may be necessary to determine
if a law enforcement unit is complying with the provisions of this section;
(18) At the request and expense of any law enforcement unit, to conduct general or
specific management surveys;
(19) To develop objective and uniform criteria for granting any waiver of regulations or procedures established by the council;
(20) To recruit, select and appoint candidates to the position of probationary candidate, as defined in section 7-294a, and provide recruit training for candidates of the
Connecticut Police Corps program in accordance with the Police Corps Act, 42 USC
14091 et seq., as amended from time to time;
(21) To develop, adopt and revise, as necessary, comprehensive accreditation standards for the administration and management of law enforcement units, to grant accreditation to those law enforcement units that demonstrate their compliance with such standards and, at the request and expense of any law enforcement unit, to conduct such
surveys as may be necessary to determine such unit's compliance with such standards;
(22) To appoint any council training instructor, or such other person as determined
by the council, to act as a special police officer throughout the state as such instructor
or other person's official duties may require, provided any such instructor or other person
so appointed shall be a certified police officer. Each such special police officer shall be
sworn and may arrest and present before a competent authority any person for any
offense committed within the officer's precinct.
(b) No person may be employed as a police officer by any law enforcement unit
for a period exceeding one year unless he has been certified under the provisions of
subsection (a) of this section or has been granted an extension by the council. No person
may serve as a police officer during any period when his certification has been cancelled
or revoked pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section. In addition to the
requirements of this subsection, the council may establish other qualifications for the
employment of police officers and require evidence of fulfillment of these qualifications.
The certification of any police officer who is not employed by a law enforcement unit
for a period of time in excess of two years, unless such officer is on leave of absence,
shall be considered lapsed. Upon reemployment as a police officer, such officer shall
apply for recertification in a manner provided by the council. The council shall certify
any applicant who presents evidence of satisfactory completion of a program or course
of instruction in another state equivalent in content and quality to that required in this
state, provided he passes an examination or evaluation as required by the council.
(c) (1) The council may refuse to renew any certificate if the holder fails to meet
the requirements for renewal of his or her certification.
(2) The council may cancel or revoke any certificate if: (A) The certificate was
issued by administrative error, (B) the certificate was obtained through misrepresentation or fraud, (C) the holder falsified any document in order to obtain or renew any
certificate, (D) the holder has been convicted of a felony, (E) the holder has been found
not guilty of a felony by reason of mental disease or defect pursuant to section 53a-13,
(F) the holder has been convicted of a violation of subsection (c) of section 21a-279
or section 29-9, (G) the holder has been refused issuance of a certificate or similar
authorization or has had his or her certificate or other authorization cancelled or revoked
by another jurisdiction on grounds which would authorize cancellation or revocation
under the provisions of this subdivision, (H) the holder has been found by a law enforcement unit, pursuant to procedures established by such unit, to have used a firearm in an
improper manner which resulted in the death or serious physical injury of another person,
or (I) the holder has been found by a law enforcement unit, pursuant to procedures
established by such unit, to have committed any act that would constitute tampering
with or fabricating physical evidence in violation of section 53a-155, perjury in violation
of section 53a-156 or false statement in the second degree in violation of section 53a-157b. Whenever the council believes there is a reasonable basis for cancellation or
revocation of the certification of a police officer, police training school or law enforcement instructor, it shall give notice and an adequate opportunity for a hearing prior to
such cancellation or revocation. The council may cancel or revoke any certificate if,
after a de novo review, it finds by clear and convincing evidence (i) a basis set forth in
subparagraphs (A) to (G), inclusive, of this subdivision, or (ii) that the holder of the
certificate committed an act set forth in subparagraph (H) or (I) of this subdivision. Any
police officer or law enforcement instructor whose certification is cancelled or revoked
pursuant to this section may reapply for certification no sooner than two years after the
date on which the cancellation or revocation order becomes final. Any police training
school whose certification is cancelled or revoked pursuant to this section may reapply
for certification at any time after the date on which such order becomes final.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, any police officer, except a probationary candidate, who is serving under full-time appointment on
July 1, 1982, shall be deemed to have met all certification requirements and shall be
automatically certified by the council in accordance with the provisions of subsection
(a) of section 7-294e.
(e) The provisions of this section shall apply to any person who performs police
functions. As used in this subsection, "performs police functions" for a person who is
not a police officer, as defined in section 7-294a, means that in the course of his official
duties, such person carries a firearm and exercises arrest powers pursuant to section 54-1f or engages in the prevention, detection or investigation of crime, as defined in section
53a-24. The council shall establish criteria by which the certification process required
by this section shall apply to police officers.
(f) The provisions of this section shall not apply to (1) any state police training
school or program, (2) any sworn member of the Division of State Police within the
Department of Public Safety, (3) Connecticut National Guard security personnel, when
acting within the scope of their National Guard duties, who have satisfactorily completed
a program of police training conducted by the United States Army or Air Force, (4)
employees of the Judicial Department, (5) municipal animal control officers appointed
pursuant to section 22-331, or (6) fire police appointed pursuant to section 7-313a.
The provisions of this section with respect to renewal of certification upon satisfactory
completion of review training programs shall not apply to any chief inspector or inspector in the Division of Criminal Justice who has satisfactorily completed a program of
police training conducted by the division.
(February, 1965, P.A. 575, S. 5; 1967, P.A. 669; P.A. 77-289; P.A. 81-426, S. 3; P.A. 82-357, S. 3, 8; P.A. 87-99; 87-560, S. 2; P.A. 91-186; P.A. 92-128, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-271, S. 1, 3; 93-435, S. 1, 95; P.A. 94-44, S. 1, 2; May Sp. Sess. P.A.
94-6, S. 10, 28; P.A. 95-108, S. 4; P.A. 00-51, S. 1, 2; P.A. 01-195, S. 13, 181; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 169; P.A.
05-200, S. 1; P.A. 07-151, S. 2; 07-217, S. 22.)
History: 1967 act inserted new Subdiv. (k) re personnel and relettered former Subdiv. (k) as Subdiv. (l); P.A. 77-289
added Subdiv. (m) re acceptance of contributions etc.; P.A. 81-426 expanded the authority of the council to all police
training programs, except the state police, and enlarged the scope of its powers to include requiring a minimum of 480
hours of basic training for all probationary candidates and setting requirements of in-service training programs and certification; P.A. 82-357 broadened the powers of the council and added provisions dealing with certification of police officers,
cancellation or revocation of certificates, automatic certification and part-time police officers; P.A. 87-99 amended Subsec.
(f), exempting certain Connecticut national guard security personnel from training requirements; P.A. 87-560 amended
Subsec. (a) to delete requirement in Subdiv. (7) re any police officer hired on a part-time basis, renumbering all remaining
subdivisions, to require issuance of "certification" in lieu of "certificates of approval" or "certificates", to clarify that each
police officer complete 40 hours of review training every three years "in order to maintain his certification", to require the
renewal of certification for those officers who have satisfactorily completed review training and to require the establishment
of "uniform" minimum educational and training standards for all police officers, amended Subsec. (c) to authorize council
to refuse to renew any certificate if holder thereof fails to meet requirements for certification renewal to require council
to give adequate opportunity for a hearing whenever it believes there is reasonable basis for cancellation or revocation of
a police training school or law enforcement instructor certification to permit a law enforcement instructor to reapply for
certification two years after date cancellation or revocation order becomes final and to permit a police training school to
reapply for certification at any time after date on which order becomes final, and amended Subsec. (e) to specifically
provide that section applies to any person who performs police functions, deleting reference to "twenty or more hours per
week"; P.A. 91-186 amended Subsec. (f) to exempt any chief inspector or inspector in division of criminal justice who
has completed division training program from requirements re renewal of certification; P.A. 92-128 amended Subsec. (c)
to authorize council to cancel or revoke any certificate if holder falsified any document in order to obtain or renew any
certificate, has been found not guilty of a felony due to mental disease or defect, has been convicted of a violation of Sec.
21a-279(c) or 29-9, has been refused issuance of a certificate or has had certificate revoked by another jurisdiction or has
been found to have used a firearm in an improper manner which resulted in death or serious physical injury of another
person; P.A. 93-271 amended Subsec. (a)(5) to delete requirement that probationary candidates receive a minimum of 480
hours of basic training and substitute requirement that such candidates receive the hours of basic training deemed necessary
and to eliminate obsolete provision in Subsec. (a)(8) relating to police officers who have completed basic training on or
before July 1, 1982, effective June 29, 1993; P.A. 93-435 made a technical change in Subsec. (c)(2), effective June 28,
1993; P.A. 94-44 amended Subsec. (a)(8) to authorize council to grant additional time not to exceed one year to a police
officer to complete his certified review training, effective May 24, 1994; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 94-6 amended Subsec. (f) to
add the exception for employees of the judicial department, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 95-108 renamed Municipal Police
Training Council as Police Officer Standards and Training Council, amended Subsec. (e) to add definition of "performs
police functions" and amended Subsec. (f) to explicitly exempt from the section's training requirements sworn members
of the state police, trained sheriffs or deputy sheriffs, municipal animal control officers and fire police; P.A. 00-51 amended
Subsec. (a) to add management of Connecticut Police Corps program to powers of council and made technical changes
for the purposes of gender neutrality, effective May 16, 2000; P.A. 01-195 deleted Subsec. (f)(5) re sheriffs or deputy
sheriffs, renumbering existing Subdivs. (6) and (7) as Subdivs. (5) and (6), effective July 11, 2001; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A.
03-6 added Subsec. (a)(21) and (22) re comprehensive accreditation standards for law enforcement units and appointment
of special police officers; P.A. 05-200 amended Subsec. (c)(2) to add Subpara. (I) re commission of acts that would constitute
tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, perjury or false statement as grounds for cancellation or revocation of
a certificate, require the council to give "notice" prior to such cancellation or revocation and add provision authorizing the
council to cancel or revoke a certificate if, after a de novo review, it finds by clear and convincing evidence a basis set
forth in Subparas. (A) to (G), inclusive, or that the holder committed an act set forth in Subpara. (H) or (I), and made
technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality in Subsec. (c); P.A. 07-151 amended Subsec. (a)(14) to specify that
council may employ an unclassified executive secretary, effective June 19, 2007; P.A. 07-217 made a technical change in
Subsec. (d), effective July 12, 2007.
See Sec. 7-294f re requirement that police basic training programs include course on rape crisis intervention.
Cited. 13 CA 124.
Subsec. (a):
Subdiv. (10) does not establish explicit, well-established and dominant public policy that, irrespective of or in limitation
of collective bargaining agreement, a town has control over termination for fitness for duty of a police officer. 255 C. 800.