Sec. 7-413. Examination of applicants. Certification.
Sec. 7-413. Examination of applicants. Certification. Each applicant for an office or employment in such classified service, except those exempted by or as provided
by this part, shall be subjected to a test, which shall be public and competitive, subject
to limitations specified in the rules of the board as to residence, age, health, habits and
moral character. Such tests shall be practical in their character and shall relate to those
matters which will fairly disclose the relative capacity of the persons tested to discharge
the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed, and may include tests
of mental qualification, of physical qualification and health and, when appropriate, of
manual or technical skill. No questions in any test shall relate to political or religious
opinions or affiliations. When a training school has been established in any institution,
the pupils thereof may be classified, under the rules of the commission, as apprentices,
subject to promotion to higher grades in the service as provided in this part. The rating
of apprentices, unskilled laborers and domestic servants need not relate to more than
capacity and fitness for labor, habits of industry and sobriety and honesty. The board
shall control all tests and may, whenever a test is to be made, designate a suitable number
of persons to be examiners or the commissioners may, at any time, act as such examiners
without appointing other examiners. Notice of the time, place and general scope of each
test shall be given by the board, by ample publication for three weeks preceding such
test, and such notice shall also be posted by such board in a conspicuous place in its
office for three weeks before such test. Such further written or printed notice of tests
may be given as the board prescribes. Application for tests shall be made in writing, to
the board, on a form prescribed by the board, not less than forty-eight hours before the
test is to take place. The board may refuse to certify an applicant who is found to lack
any preliminary requirement, established by its rules, for the test or position for which
he applies, or who is found physically unfit to perform the duties attaching to such
position, or who is addicted to the use of intoxicating beverages to excess, or who has
been guilty of a crime or of infamous or notoriously disgraceful conduct, or who has,
within two years, been dismissed from the public service for delinquency or misconduct,
or who has intentionally made a false statement of any material fact or practiced or
attempted to practice any deception or fraud in his application or in his test or in securing
his eligibility to appointment.
(1949 Rev., S. 875.)
Cited. 147 C. 290.
It is the function of the civil service agency to determine fitness for position and its judgment will not be interfered
with by courts in absence of proof of its bad faith or arbitrary, capricious or illegal action. 27 CS 1.