Sec. 8-1. Zoning commissions.
Sec. 8-1. Zoning commissions. (a) Any municipality may, by vote of its legislative
body, adopt the provisions of this chapter and exercise through a zoning commission
the powers granted hereunder. On and after July 1, 1974, in each municipality, except
as otherwise provided by special act or charter provision adopted under chapter 99, the
zoning commission shall consist of not less than five nor more than nine members, with
minority representation as determined under section 9-167a, who shall be electors of
such municipality. The number of such members and the method of selection and removal for cause and terms of office shall be determined by ordinance, provided no such
ordinance shall designate the legislative body of such municipality to act as such zoning
commission, except that (1) in towns having a population of less than five thousand,
the selectmen may be empowered by such ordinance to act as such zoning commission,
(2) a legislative body which is acting as a zoning commission prior to July 1, 1974,
pursuant to an ordinance, may continue to act as such zoning commission if such municipality has initiated a charter revision pursuant to section 7-188, prior to July 1, 1974,
which revision proposes to designate such legislative body as the zoning commission,
and such charter revision is approved as provided in section 7-191, and (3) a legislative
body which is acting as a zoning commission prior to June 17, 1987, pursuant to a special
act may continue to act as such zoning commission. The manner for filling vacancies
arising from any cause shall be provided by vote of the legislative body.
(b) The zoning commission of any town shall have jurisdiction over that part of the
town outside of any city or borough contained therein except that the legislative body
of any city or borough may, by ordinance, designate the zoning commission of the town
in which such city or borough is situated as the zoning commission of such city or
(1949 Rev., S. 836; 1951, S. 156b; 1953, S. 373d; 1957, P.A. 13, S. 41; 1959, P.A. 614, S. 1; P.A. 73-256; P.A. 74-232, S. 1, 2; P.A. 75-629, S. 1; P.A. 87-278, S. 3, 5.)
History: 1959 act authorized ordinances determining method of removal for cause and authorized legislative body to
determine manner of filling vacancies; P.A. 73-256 established membership of zoning commission as "not less than five
nor more than nine members with minority representation as determined under section 9-167a", effective July 1, 1974,
unless otherwise provided and prohibited legislative body from acting as zoning commission reversing previous provision
allowing such double duty; P.A. 74-232 set forth special conditions under which legislative body may act as zoning
commission; P.A. 75-629 divided section into subsections and set forth conditions under which town commission serves
as commission for city or borough within its limits; P.A. 87-278 added Subdiv. (3) of Subsec. (a) concerning legislative
bodies acting as a zoning commission pursuant to a special act.
See Secs. 1-1 and 9-1 for applicable definitions.
See Sec. 9-209 re certification of terms of office and number of members of planning and zoning boards or commissions.
See Sec. 22a-354n re delineation of aquifer protection areas on maps.
Extent of zoning authority of city. 110 C. 101, 102. Establishment of commission is act of town, not legislature; optional
with town to adopt and to terminate zoning system. 118 C. 6. Cited. 131 C. 299. Cited. 132 C. 216. Cited. 133 C. 234.
Reference to special act explained. Id., 251. Town meeting may not amend or repeal regulations duly made by commission.
Id., 596. Cited. 138 C. 500. Cited. 141 C. 349. Cited. 143 C. 448. Once a municipality has established a zoning commission,
it cannot regulate its actions, except as expressly provided in its municipal charter. 148 C. 33. Cited. Id., 299. Cited. 149
C. 411. Municipality's legislative body must pass on act in which the intent to utilize the zoning provisions of the enabling
act is expressed. 152 C. 237. Where legislative body of city of Hartford never took action to adopt chapter, provisions do
not apply to city except where the legislature makes sections applicable to all municipalities. 155 C. 360. Until chapter is
adopted by legislative body of municipality in manner provided, section 8-7 does not apply to hearings before its zoning
board of appeals. Id., 422. Cited. 157 C. 308, 552. The mere fact that one not a member of a zoning commission served
as moderator of a commission meeting does not invalidate the meeting in absence of a showing the meeting was conducted
illegally. 166 C. 207. Cited. 167 C. 579. Cited. 170 C. 61. Cited. 189 C. 261. Cited. 208 C. 267. Cited. 214 C. 400. Cited.
216 C. 112. Cited. 220 C. 584.
Cited. 21 CA 351.
Cited. 5 CS 195. Members of zoning board are not agents or employees of a town. They constitute a legal entity. 12
CS 192. Cited. 13 CS 59; 14 CS 246. Limitation put on town's authority to avoid duplication with political subdivision.
Id., 258. Compared with former statute. 15 CS 413. Cited. 18 CS 45. Cited. 19 CS 446. Municipality must adhere minutely
to enabling act when adopting zoning ordinance. 21 CS 78. Failure of board of burgesses to formally adopt enabling act
held to invalidate subsequent zoning ordinance. Id. Omission of zoning powers from enumeration of specific powers
granted to towns under Home Rule Act compels conclusion that legislature did not intend that any action under said act
should alter the declared law under this statute. 25 CS 378. Zoning regulations adopted prior to new charter which contains
no zoning regulation powers, prevail over charter and zoning commission could appoint its own agent as zoning enforcement
officer of the town. 28 CS 278. Cited. Id., 419.
Subsec. (a):
Once municipality adopts provisions of chapter 124 and establishes a zoning commission which then commences its
functions in accordance with said chapter, commission is not subject to interference by municipality's legislative body.
Municipality's legislative body may not substitute its judgment for that of commission in a matter involving use of municipality's land. 49 CS 183.