Sec. 8-34a. Receipt of funds. Dues. Borrowing. Employees and consultants. Contracts. Audits.
Sec. 8-34a. Receipt of funds. Dues. Borrowing. Employees and consultants.
Contracts. Audits. Any regional planning agency established under the provisions of
sections 8-31a to 8-37a, inclusive, is authorized to receive for its own uses and purposes
any funds from any source, including the state and federal governments, and including
bequests, gifts or contributions made by any individual, corporation or association. Any
town, city or borough participating in a regional planning agency shall annually appropriate funds for the expenses of such agency in the performance of its purposes. Such
funds shall be appropriated and paid in accordance with a dues formula established by
the regional agency. Such agency may withhold any services it deems advisable from
any town, city or borough which has failed to pay such dues. Such regional planning
agency may from time to time borrow in anticipation of any funds it is authorized to
receive under this section and may issue temporary notes for such purpose provided
that (1) such agency has received a specific, legally enforceable, written commitment
from the state or federal government, individual, corporation or association as to the
amount and the approximate date of receipt of such funds, (2) such funds shall be used
only to meet current operating expenses, (3) a majority of the representatives of the
participating towns, cities and boroughs approve such borrowing at a meeting of such
agency called pursuant to section 8-33a and (4) a majority of such towns, cities and
boroughs, voting by their representatives at such meeting, also approve such borrowing.
Within the amounts so received an agency may engage employees and contract with
professional consultants, municipalities, the state and the federal governments, other
regional councils of governments, regional councils of elected officials, regional planning and other intertown, regional or metropolitan agencies, or with any one or more
of them and may enter into contracts from time to time to carry out its purpose. The
accounts of any regional planning agency shall be subject to an annual audit under the
provisions of the Municipal Auditing Act.
(1959, P.A. 613, S. 5; P.A. 81-229, S. 1; P.A. 83-256, S. 3; P.A. 91-96, S. 3; 91-401, S. 9, 20.)
History: P.A. 81-229 inserted provisions allowing borrowing in anticipation of funds; P.A. 83-256 provided for the
establishment of a dues formula and the withholding of services for failure to pay; P.A. 91-96 expanded agencies regional
planning agencies can contract with to include municipalities, other regional councils of government, regional councils
of elected officials, regional planning and other intertown, regional or metropolitan agencies and made technical changes;
P.A. 91-401 made a technical change.
See chapter 111 re municipal auditing procedures.