Sec. 8-37qq. Uses of funds for bond-financed state housing programs. Housing Assistance Bond Fund. Housing Repayment and Revolving Loan Fund.
Sec. 8-37qq. Uses of funds for bond-financed state housing programs. Housing
Assistance Bond Fund. Housing Repayment and Revolving Loan Fund. (a) For the
purposes of this section and sections 8-44a, 8-70, 8-78, 8-80, 8-114a, 8-117b, 8-119a,
8-119b, 8-119h, 8-119i, 8-119ee, 8-119hh, 8-119ii, 8-119jj, 8-169w, 8-214g, 8-216b,
8-218b, 8-219b, 8-387, 8-405, 8-410, 8-415, 8-420, 16a-40b and 16a-40j, the following
terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Bond-financed state housing program" means any program administered by
the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development which provides financial
assistance for housing acquisition, development, rehabilitation or support services, and
which may be financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of the state's general
obligation bonds, including: Acquisition of surplus land pursuant to section 8-37y, affordable housing projects pursuant to section 8-37pp, housing authority programs for
social and supplementary services, project rehabilitation and improvement and energy
conservation pursuant to section 8-44a, moderate rental housing pursuant to section 8-70, moderate cost housing pursuant to section 8-82, housing for elderly persons pursuant
to section 8-114a, congregate housing for the elderly pursuant to section 8-119h, housing
for low-income persons pursuant to section 8-119dd, financial assistance for redevelopment or urban renewal projects pursuant to section 8-154a, housing and community
development pursuant to sections 8-169l and 8-216b, urban homesteading pursuant to
subsection (a) of section 8-169w, community housing land bank and land trust program
pursuant to section 8-214d, financial assistance for development of limited equity cooperatives and mutual housing pursuant to section 8-214f, community housing development corporations pursuant to sections 8-218 and 8-218a, financial assistance to elderly
homeowners for emergency repairs or rehabilitation pursuant to section 8-219b, financial assistance for removal of lead-based paint and asbestos pursuant to section 8-219e,
home ownership loans pursuant to subsection (a) of section 8-286, housing programs
for homeless persons pursuant to sections 8-356 and 8-357, grants to municipalities for
financing low and moderate income rental housing pursuant to section 8-365, housing
infrastructure grants and loans pursuant to section 8-387, private rental investment mortgage and equity program pursuant to sections 8-401 and 8-403, assistance for housing
predevelopment costs pursuant to sections 8-410 and 8-411, residential subsurface sewage disposal system repair program pursuant to sections 8-415 and 8-420, energy conservation loans pursuant to section 16a-40b, rent receivership pursuant to section 47a-56j,
and any other such program now, heretofore or hereafter existing, and any additions or
amendments to such programs.
(2) "Administrative expense" means any administrative or other cost or expense
incurred by the state in carrying out the provisions of any of the following bond-financed
state housing programs, including the hiring of necessary employees and the entering of
necessary contracts: Housing authority programs for social and supplementary services,
project rehabilitation and improvement, and energy conservation pursuant to section 8-44a, moderate rental housing pursuant to section 8-70, moderate cost housing pursuant
to section 8-82, housing for elderly persons pursuant to section 8-114a, congregate
housing for the elderly pursuant to section 8-119h, housing for low-income persons
pursuant to section 8-119dd, urban homesteading pursuant to subsection (a) of section
8-169w, financial assistance for development of limited equity cooperatives and mutual
housing pursuant to section 8-214f, financial assistance to elderly homeowners for emergency repairs or rehabilitation pursuant to section 8-219b, home ownership loans pursuant to subsection (a) of section 8-286, housing programs for homeless persons pursuant
to sections 8-356 and 8-357, private rental investment mortgage and equity program
pursuant to sections 8-401 and 8-403, assistance for housing predevelopment costs pursuant to sections 8-410 and 8-411, residential subsurface sewage disposal system repair
pursuant to section 8-415 and section 8-420, and energy conservation loans pursuant to
section 16a-40b.
(3) "State service fee" means any fee or charge assessed or collected by the state
for the purpose of paying for any administrative expense, pursuant to subsections (f)
and (g) of section 8-44a with respect to housing authority programs for social and supplementary services, project rehabilitation and improvement, and energy conservation,
subsection (c) of section 8-70 and section 8-72 with respect to moderate rental housing,
subsection (b) of section 8-114a and subsection (a) of section 8-115a with respect to
housing for elderly persons, section 8-119h and subsection (a) of section 8-115a with
respect to congregate housing for the elderly, section 8-119jj and section 8-72 with
respect to housing for low-income persons, subsection (c) of section 8-218b with respect
to community housing development corporations, subsection (b) of section 8-219b with
respect to financial assistance to elderly homeowners for emergency repairs and rehabilitation, and subsection (a) of section 8-405 with respect to the private rental mortgage
and equity program.
(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special
act to the contrary, any administrative expense may be paid from the proceeds from the
sale of the state's general obligation bonds for the bond-financed state housing program
for which the administrative expense is incurred, to the extent approved by the State
Bond Commission and allotted by the Governor for such purpose.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special
act to the contrary, no service fee shall be assessed or collected out of financial assistance
financed with the proceeds of the state's general obligation bonds initially authorized,
allocated or approved by the State Bond Commission on or after July 1, 1990.
(d) (1) There is established a fund to be known as the "Housing Assistance Bond
Fund". The fund shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the fund.
(2) (A) The proceeds from the sale of bonds and any bond anticipation notes issued
for any bond-financed state housing program shall be deposited in the Housing Assistance Bond Fund, except for: (i) The proceeds of bonds and bond anticipation notes
initially authorized, allocated or approved by the State Bond Commission for the purpose
of any bond-financed state housing program prior to July 1, 1990, and any reuse thereof
approved by the commission; and (ii) any refunding bonds and bonds issued to refund
bond anticipation notes.
(B) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special act
to the contrary, on or after July 1, 1990, the State Bond Commission shall not authorize,
allocate or approve the issuance of bonds not previously authorized, allocated or approved by the commission for the purpose of any bond-financed state housing program
pursuant to any general statute or public or special act enacted prior to 1990, except
pursuant to sections 4-66c and 47a-56k or special act 87-77 or 89-52 as either may
be amended from time to time. Nothing in this section shall impair the power of the
commission to authorize the reuse of the proceeds of bonds authorized, allocated or
approved by the commission prior to July 1, 1990.
(C) The proceeds of bonds and bond anticipation notes deposited in the Housing
Assistance Bond Fund shall be applied to pay the costs of financial assistance and administrative expense for bond-financed state housing programs as authorized by the State
Bond Commission in accordance with section 3-20 and the act or acts pursuant to which
such bonds and bond anticipation notes were issued.
(e) (1) There is established a fund to be known as the "Housing Repayment and
Revolving Loan Fund". The fund shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the fund and shall be held separate and apart from all other money, funds and
accounts. Investment earnings credited to the fund shall become part of the assets of
the fund. Any required rebates to the federal government of such investment earnings
shall be paid from the fund. Any balance remaining in said fund at the end of any fiscal
year shall be carried forward in the fund for the next fiscal year.
(2) (A) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special act to the contrary, except sections 8-76 and 8-80, the following shall be paid to the
State Treasurer for deposit in the Housing Repayment and Revolving Loan Fund: (i)
All payments to the state of principal or interest on loans that the ultimate recipient is
obligated to repay to the state, with or without interest, made pursuant to section 8-114a
with respect to loans for housing for elderly persons, section 8-119h with respect to
loans for congregate housing for the elderly, subsection (a) of section 8-169w with
respect to urban homesteading loans, sections 8-218 and 8-218a with respect to community housing development corporation loans, section 8-337 with respect to security deposit revolving loans, section 8-410 with respect to housing predevelopment cost loans,
section 8-415 and section 8-420 with respect to subsurface sewage disposal system
repair loans, and section 8-37pp with respect to loans for affordable housing; (ii) all
payments of principal with respect to energy conservation loans pursuant to section 16a-40b; (iii) all payments made to the state constituting the liquidation of an equity interest
pursuant to section 8-404 with respect to the private rental investment mortgage and
equity program; (iv) all payments made to the state constituting the liquidation of any
other security interest or lien taken or granted pursuant to a bond-financed state housing
program or assistance or related agreement, except liquidations constituting principal
or interest on loans not mentioned in subparagraph (A)(i) or (A)(ii) of this subdivision
and the liquidation of security interests or liens with respect to rent receivership pursuant
to subsection (c) of section 47a-56i; (v) all other return or recapture of state financial
assistance made pursuant to the provisions of any bond-financed state housing program
or assistance or related agreement, except principal or interest on loans not mentioned
in subparagraph (A)(i) or (A)(ii) of this subdivision and payments received with respect
to rent receivership pursuant to subsection (c) of section 47a-56i; (vi) all payments of
state service fees and administrative oversight charges rendered in accordance with the
provisions of any bond-financed state housing program other than state service fees
financed from the proceeds of the state's general obligation bonds; and (vii) all other
compensation or reimbursement paid to the Department of Economic and Community
Development with respect to bond-financed state housing programs other than from the
federal government.
(B) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special
act to the contrary, except as provided in this subsection, loans for any bond-financed
state housing program which the ultimate recipient is obligated to repay to the state,
with or without interest, may be paid out of moneys deposited in the Housing Repayment
and Revolving Loan Fund without the prior approval of the State Bond Commission,
subject to the approval of the Governor of an allotment. All payments on energy conservation loans pursuant to said section 16a-40b shall be accounted for separately from
other moneys in the Housing Repayment and Revolving Loan Fund, and shall be used
to make further loans pursuant to said section 16a-40b and to pay any administrative
expense attributable to such loans.
(C) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any public or special
act, payment of any administrative expense may be made out of the Housing Repayment
and Revolving Loan Fund subject to the approval of the Governor of an allotment for
such purpose.
(P.A. 90-238, S. 1, 32; P.A. 91-346, S. 1, 9; P.A. 93-309, S. 10, 11, 29; P.A. 94-95, S. 24; P.A. 95-250, S. 1, 22, 42;
95-309, S. 11, 12; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 02-89, S. 11; P.A. 06-93, S. 2, 3.)
History: P.A. 91-346 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting reference to Sec. 8-338 and adding reference to Secs. 8-415 and
8-420, redefined "bond-financed program" and "administrative expense" to add reference to Sec. 8-420 and to delete
reference to security deposit revolving loans pursuant to Sec. 8-337 and amended Subsec. (e)(2) to add reference to Secs.
8-415 and 8-420; P.A. 93-309 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to Secs. 8-430 to 8-438, inclusive, and specific
reference to construction, acquisition and related rehabilitation pursuant to Sec. 8-433 and amended Subsec. (e) to add
reference to loans for construction, acquisition and related rehabilitation under Sec. 8-433, to participation interests pursuant
to Sec. 8-436 and to administrative oversight charges defined in Sec. 8-430, effective July 1, 1993 (Revisor's note: In
Subsec. (a)(1) the word "pursuant" was inserted editorially by the Revisors in the phrase "pursuant to section 8-433");
P.A. 94-95 amended Subsec. (d) eliminating requirement that the fund be kept separate and apart from all other moneys,
funds and accounts; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner
and Department of Economic and Community Development and amended Subsec. (e)(2)(B) to replace specific list of
eligible loans that may be paid from Housing Repayment and Revolving Loan Fund with reference to any bond-financed
state housing program; P.A. 95-309 changed effective date of P.A. 95-250 but did not affect this section; P.A. 02-89
amended Subsec. (a) by deleting in Subdivs. (1) and (2) references to "flood relief housing pursuant to section 8-97",
reflecting the repeal of Sec. 8-97 by the same public act; P.A. 06-93 amended Subsec. (a) by including affordable housing
projects in Subdiv. (1) and removing references to repealed sections and amended Subsec. (e)(2) by requiring payments
made pursuant to Sec. 8-37pp to be paid into fund, deleting references to repealed sections and making technical changes.