Sec. 8-37t. Long-range state housing plan. Annual action plan.
Sec. 8-37t. Long-range state housing plan. Annual action plan. (a) Not later
than January 1, 2000, and every five years thereafter, the Commissioner of Economic
and Community Development together with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority, shall prepare a long-range state housing plan, which shall conform and be subject
to the plan of conservation and development for the state adopted by the General Assembly. The plan shall: (1) Contain an assessment of the housing needs of households with
incomes less than one hundred per cent of the average area median income, adjusted
for family size, analyzed separately for households with incomes (A) less than twenty-five per cent of the area median income, (B) more than twenty-five per cent but not
more than fifty per cent of the area median income, (C) more than fifty per cent but not
more than eighty per cent of the area median income, and (D) more than eighty per cent
but not more than one hundred per cent of the area median income; (2) analyze the
households served by the housing construction, substantial rehabilitation, purchase and
rental assistance programs, including the number of households served by each program,
the total amount of financial assistance provided to such households and the race of
households served under such programs; (3) provide information on affirmative fair
housing marketing activities and programs and an analysis of occupancy results of affirmative fair housing marketing plans and shall include data on the racial composition of
the occupants and persons on the waiting list of each housing project which is assisted
under any housing program established by the general statutes or special act or which
is supervised by the commissioner or the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority; (4)
set specific measurable goals for meeting identified housing needs; (5) outline strategies
for meeting those goals; and (6) identify state, federal and private sector resources for
affordable housing programs. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to
require an occupant or applicant to disclose the race of such occupant or applicant on
an application or survey form. The long-range plan shall be updated annually by an
action plan that assesses the state's progress toward meeting housing needs contained
in the long-range plan and recommends revised strategies, if deemed necessary. In preparing the long-range plan and subsequent action plans, the commissioner shall consult
with representatives of those who use or benefit from state housing programs.
(b) The Department of Economic and Community Development shall submit the
long-range housing plan to the General Assembly not later than January 1, 2000, and
each action plan not later than January first of each subsequent year, after receiving
public review and comment on the long-range plan and each action plan through written
remarks and public hearings. The commencement date of each plan shall be the July
first following the submission of the plan.
(P.A. 79-598, S. 7; P.A. 86-129, S. 1, 3; P.A. 90-257, S. 15, 17; P.A. 91-362, S. 4; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S.
1, 5, 6; P.A. 99-94, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 86-129 extended period for advisory plan from three years to five years and changed dates for submission
and commencement of plan; P.A. 90-257 organized the section into subsections and in new Subsec. (a) specified the content
of the plan and in new Subsec. (b) required that the plans be submitted in 1993, deleting obsolete reference to 1987; P.A.
91-362 amended Subsec. (a) by adding new Subdiv. (3) requiring that the report contain information on affirmative fair
marketing activities; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner
and Department of Economic and Community Development; P.A. 99-94 replaced five-year advisory plan with long-range
housing plan, expanded the contents of plan by requiring inclusion of data on households served, information on fair
housing marketing, specific goals and strategies to meet housing needs, and identification of resources for affordable
housing programs, and required submission of an annual action plan.
See chapter 134 (Sec. 8-241 et seq.) re the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority.