Sec. 8-127. Preparation and approval of redevelopment plan. Notice of approval. Review.
Sec. 8-127. Preparation and approval of redevelopment plan. Notice of approval. Review. (a) The redevelopment agency may prepare, or cause to be prepared,
a redevelopment plan and any redeveloper may submit a redevelopment plan to the
redevelopment agency, and such redevelopment agency shall immediately transmit such
plan to the planning agency of the municipality for its study. The planning agency may
make a comprehensive or general plan of the entire municipality as a guide in the more
detailed and precise planning of redevelopment areas. Such plan and any modifications
and extensions of the plan shall show the location of proposed redevelopment areas and
the general location and extent of use of land for housing, business, industry, communications and transportation, recreation, public buildings and such other public and private
uses as are deemed by the planning agency essential to the purpose of redevelopment.
Appropriations by the municipality of any amount necessary are authorized to enable
the planning agency to make such comprehensive or general plan. The redevelopment
agency shall request the written opinion of the planning agency on all redevelopment
plans prior to approving such redevelopment plans. Such written opinion shall include
a determination on whether the plan is consistent with the plan of conservation and
development of the municipality adopted under section 8-23.
(b) Before approving any redevelopment plan, the redevelopment agency shall hold
a public hearing on the plan, notice of which shall be published at least twice in a
newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, the first publication of notice to
be not less than two weeks before the date set for the hearing. At least thirty-five days
prior to any public hearing, the redevelopment agency shall post the plan on the Internet
web site of the redevelopment agency, if any. The redevelopment agency may approve
any such redevelopment plan if, following such hearing, it finds that: (1) The area in
which the proposed redevelopment is to be located is a redevelopment area; (2) the
carrying out of the redevelopment plan will result in materially improving conditions
in such area; (3) sufficient living accommodations are available within a reasonable
distance of such area or are provided for in the redevelopment plan for families displaced
by the proposed improvement, at prices or rentals within the financial reach of such
families; (4) the redevelopment plan is satisfactory as to site planning, relation to the
plan of conservation and development of the municipality adopted under section 8-23
and, except when the redevelopment agency has prepared the redevelopment plan, the
construction and financial ability of the redeveloper to carry it out; (5) the planning
agency has issued a written opinion in accordance with subsection (a) of this section
that the redevelopment plan is consistent with the plan of conservation and development
of the municipality adopted under section 8-23; and (6) (A) public benefits resulting
from the redevelopment plan will outweigh any private benefits; (B) existing use of the
real property cannot be feasibly integrated into the overall redevelopment plan for the
project; (C) acquisition by eminent domain is reasonably necessary to successfully
achieve the objectives of such redevelopment plan; and (D) the redevelopment plan is
not for the primary purpose of increasing local tax revenues. No redevelopment plan
for a project that consists predominantly of residential facilities shall be approved by
the redevelopment agency in any municipality having a housing authority organized
under the provisions of chapter 128 except with the approval of such housing authority.
(c) (1) The approval of a redevelopment plan shall be given by the legislative body.
The plan shall be effective for a period of ten years after the date of approval and may
be amended in accordance with this section. The legislative body shall review the plan
at least once every ten years after the initial approval, and shall reapprove such plan or
an amended plan at least once every ten years after the initial approval in accordance
with this section in order for the plan or amended plan to remain in effect. With respect
to a redevelopment plan for a project that is funded in whole or in part by federal funds,
the provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to the extent that such provisions are
prohibited by federal law.
(2) The redevelopment agency shall cause notice of the initial approval of any redevelopment plan to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality.
(1949 Rev., S. 981; 1951, 1953, S. 485d; 1957, P.A. 13, S. 53; P.A. 07-141, S. 6.)
History: P.A. 07-141 divided existing provisions into Subsecs. (a) to (c), inserted in Subsec. (a) requirement that written
opinion include determination whether plan is consistent with plan of conservation and development, inserted in Subsec.
(b) requirement that notice of hearing be posted on Internet web site of agency, if any, at least 35 days prior to hearing,
substituted "plan of conservation and development" for "comprehensive or general plan" in Subsec. (b)(4), inserted new
provisions as Subsecs. (b)(5) re written opinion that plan is consistent with plan of conservation and development and
(b)(6) re public benefits, integration of existing use, reasonable necessity of acquisition by eminent domain, and primary
purpose of plan not being to increase tax revenue, required approval of plan by legislative body and deleted option for
approval by designated agency in Subsec. (c)(1), inserted new provisions in Subsec. (c)(1) re effective period and review
of plan, inserted new provisions as Subsec. (c)(2) re notice of initial approval, and made technical changes, effective
October 1, 2007, and applicable to redevelopment plans adopted on or after that date.
What constitutes fair opportunity to be heard at public hearing. 147 C. 321. Strict compliance with procedure set out
by statute is necessary in order to validly adopt a redevelopment plan. 148 C. 517. Plan not valid since it was not first
submitted to planning commission and no meeting or hearing on it was ever held. Id. General assembly has delegated to
the agency power to prepare a redevelopment plan within prescribed limits. Such authority having been reposed in the
agency, its decision is conclusive unless, on judicial review, it is found to be unreasonable, or the result of bad faith, or an
abuse of power conferred. 150 C. 42. Taking of land by Hartford for redevelopment was for a public purpose, although
individuals might benefit thereby, and was constitutional. 156 C. 521. Due process was satisfied when plaintiff whose
property was taken for redevelopment attended hearing and his questions regarding project were answered. Id. Cited. 158
C. 522. Modification of plan adopted under this section subject only to procedures of section 8-136. 159 C. 116. Cited.
161 C. 234. Cited. 201 C. 305. Agency has no statutory authority to adopt amendments to a redevelopment plan if such
amendments constitute a new redevelopment plan and the notice, hearing and findings required by this section have not
been complied with. 259 C. 563.