Sec. 8-154b. Bond issues.
Sec. 8-154b. Bond issues. To provide funds for state grants provided pursuant to
section 8-154a, the Treasurer is directed, subject to the provisions of section 3-20, to
issue bonds of the state in an amount not exceeding eighty-seven million six hundred
ninety-two thousand two hundred eighteen dollars. Such bonds shall be issued at such
times and in such amounts as shall be determined by the State Bond Commission provided that total bond commission allocations of such amounts shall not exceed seventy-seven million nine hundred thousand dollars prior to July 1, 1977, and eighty-six million
two hundred thousand dollars prior to July 1, 1978. All temporary notes and all renewals
thereof issued by the state in anticipation of the issue of such bonds shall mature within
three years from the date of the first of such notes to be issued. The full faith and credit
of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and the interest
on such bonds and notes. Net earnings on investments of proceeds, accrued interest and
premiums on the issuance of such bonds shall be used first by the Treasurer for the
payment of expenses incurred in connection with their issuance.
(1961, P.A. 594, S. 2; 1963, P.A. 646, S. 2; February, 1965, P.A. 541, S. 2; June, 1971, P.A. 4, S. 3; P.A. 73-286, S. 3,
5; P.A. 74-105, S. 3, 4; P.A. 76-289, S. 2, 3; P.A. 77-313, S. 3; P.A. 85-558, S. 7, 17; P.A. 86-396, S. 8, 25; P.A. 87-405,
S. 5, 26; P.A. 88-343, S. 6, 32; P.A. 89-331, S. 8, 30.)
History: 1963 act increased bond issue from $25,000,000 to $37,500,000; 1965 act included grants-in-aid and increased
bond issue to $54,000,000; 1971 act increased bond limit to $59,000,000; P.A. 73-286 increased bond limit to $62,000,000;
P.A. 74-105 increased bond limit to $67,500,000; P.A. 76-289 increased bond limit to $87,900,000, added provisions
limiting authorizations to $87,900,000 prior to July 1, 1977, and to $86,200,000 prior to July 1, 1978, and added provision
re agreements for reimbursement to municipalities; P.A. 77-313 specified issuance of bonds to provide funds for state
grants pursuant to Sec. 8-154a rather than to meet advances and to reimburse municipalities for differences between use
value and sale price, deleted limitation on amount to be made available for grants-in-aid, deleted provision re agreements
for reimbursements enacted by 1976 act and substituted "allocations" for "authorizations"; P.A. 85-558 reduced bond
authorization to $87,695,000; P.A. 86-396 increased bond authorization from to $89,195,000; P.A. 87-405 reduced the bond
authorization to $86,695,000; P.A. 88-343 increased the bond authorization from to $87,695,000; P.A. 89-331 decreased the
bond authorization to $87,692,218.
See Sec. 8-226 re use of bonds issued under authority of this section.